By Faith Lucky

Episode 6

I turned my face away and didn’t say anything, and she stood up.

“After all these years of our friendship, you don’t even trust me?

How can you possibly think I would want to harm you in such a way?” she asked, but I still didn’t say a word, probably because I didn’t know what to think.

“Seriously, Zoey, you amaze me,” she scoffed, and with that, she left the room.

As soon as she left, I exhaled deeply and felt frustrated. I didn’t even know what to do or think.

Could it be possible that she really had nothing to do with what happened?

Before I could think of anything else, a strange feeling overwhelmed me.

I suddenly had a strong urge to vomit, and I quickly stood up and ran into the toilet, covering my mouth with my hand. As soon as I reached the sink, I emptied the contents of my stomach.

Huh? What’s wrong with me? Why am I vomiting?

Oh, please! Don’t tell me I’m falling ill.


Zoey’s Perspective:

“Zoey? Zoey?” I heard her voice deep in my slumber and abruptly opened my eyes.

“What’s up?” I groaned, struggling to open my eyes.

“Zoey! Wake up. You’ve been sleeping for hours now. Come on,” she tapped me, and I reluctantly woke up.

I yawned and sat up in bed.

“Oh, mom! I feel so dizzy!” I complained, rubbing my eyes.

“Zoey, are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been sleeping a lot lately, and why is your temperature high?” She asked, concerned, as she looked at me.

“I don’t really know, mom. I’ve… I’ve been feeling sick lately.

But I think it’s because of the weather. Um… are you done cooking? I’m so hungry.”

“Huh? Are you kidding me? You ate over 10 cupcakes before you went to sleep. How can you possibly be hungry?”

“Oh… mother, I’m…”

“Anyway, there’s someone here to see you. He’s waiting outside.”

I furrowed my brows and looked at her.
A “he”?

“Who is he?” I asked curiously, as I wasn’t expecting any visitor.

“I didn’t get his name. Go and see him,” she replied and left the room.

I wondered who the male visitor could be. I don’t have any male friends.

I sighed and got out of bed, leaving the room.

I didn’t find mom in the living room, so I opened the door and went outside to see who the visitor was.


His eyes lit up the moment he saw me.

What the heck?

“You?” I flinched.
“Why are you here?”

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and approached me.

“Hi,” he muttered as he stood in front of me.

“What… are you doing here?” I asked again, wanting him to get straight to the point.

“Look, I don’t want trouble, okay? I just came to talk…”

Before he could finish his statement, I gave him a light sI.ap.

“Are you out of your mind?” I rasped.
“After trying to a$sault me, you had the audacity to come to my house? How did you even know where I live?”

He touched his cheek briefly before letting go.

“Like I said, I just came to talk. I’m sorry, Zoey. Sorry for trying to hurt you. I… I wasn’t thinking clearly that night. I really don’t know why I tried to force myself on you…”

“Are you serious? Tell me, Leo, if I hadn’t hit you below the belt, would you have let me go?”

“Hitting me had nothing to do with me letting you go. I wasn’t really hurt, and if I still wanted to have my way with you, I would have… you know what,” he said, his words trailing off.

I gasped as my eyes widened in shock.

“You shameless person! How dare you come here and say that to me?” I growled.


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