?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By Authoress Kamara

Episode 30

?Paris Myers?
He turned around and paused realizing I was there, behind him. And for the first time, I noticed the coldness in his eyes.

He seemed startled to see me there at first before moving back a little bit muttering to himself.

G©sh! Paris! What to do?

You are in an elevator with your celebrity crush!

I don’t even know what to do. Or say.

“So you are in partaking in the competition too?”. He finally spoke up. “Right?”.

“Yeah, the same one you called stupid”. I whispered muttering to myself.

“What did you say?”.

“Huh?”. I shook my head. “Um, Nothing. I was just talking to myself”.

“But I heard you say something right now”. He replied looking at me suspiciously.

“It was nothing”.


Paris! You really need to shut your mouth sometimes.

“I didn’t mean to say the competition was stupid”.

Right! So he heard me!

“But you said it anyways”.

“Look, I don’t think this stuff is stupid. I’m just angry at my manager, thats why I said all that to him. You know how managers can be, always acting stupid all the time”.

No! I don’t know how managers can be.

And is he talking to me? Like freely?

“And then again”. He continued. “My Dad was the one who had the idea of having a competition, I was forced into it. So don’t blame me for not having enthusiasm about this”.

“I thought you would like it. I mean, its for people who have a dream for music, who loves singing, for people who want to be like you”. I said lowly. “You know, by not wanting this competition to take place, you are crashing people’s dream, right?”.

“I don’t care as long they are females”. He said within his breath but I heard it.

The elevators door dings as it opened and I quickly step out walking away not looking back.

How can he say that?

And with the way he pronounced the word ‘females’ with hate.

What does he have against females?

I got to where the restroom was and went in heading straight for the sink. I turned on the faucet splashing a little water on my face so as to calm me down.

I turned it off as I exhaled feeling refreshed.

And somehow, I thought of Xavier’s words.

I used to think that he was a celebrity who had all he ever wanted but its clear that he is clearly going through some stuffs.

Some stuffs that are really painful …

Ever since I got admitted at Berkeley High, I’ve noticed that he always have this glint of sadness in his eyes.

And also that time, during music class, I sang one of his songs and he had freaked out emotionally telling me to stop.

Its so obvious that he’s going through some stuff.

But what could have hurt him?

It could be the death of a loved one.

I mean, look what happened when both my parents died. I suffered a lot. Rio and I did suffer a lot.

There was emotional breakdown, physical breakdown. We had no one. We only had ourself.

Not until Aunt Jenny came into the picture and then fixed us.

She showed us that she could still give us the same love that our parents gave us and she did just that.

Maybe thats what Xavier needs.

Maybe he needs love.

But does he want it?
?Xavier Marion?
Dmn it!

I cussed myself mentally as I walk towards the long stairway heading to my private music room which is also actually a former recording studio.

My Mum made my Dad give it to me when I was fourteen after they both persuaded me to choose music as a career.

Hmm. Yeah! Back then, when they were still a happy couple.

Before that wtch decided to appear in our lives.

It was my fault anyways.

I got there and opened the doors sighing trying to forget all what had happened.

I close the doors turning around as I stopped sighting Cheyenne at the panel while Diamond was singing.

I look around the recording studio and saw it was all messed up.

The couches were filled with crumbs and crumbs of coco pops which my baby sister was playing with.

“Woah! Woah! Woah! What the heck!”.

Diamond stopped and smiled stepping out from behind the glass removing the head-phones as she was walking towards me.

“What the heck is this?”. I repeated. “And a more important question, Why is Cheyenne here?”.

“She’s your sister!”.

“I believe I asked why she’s here. Not for her biological information”.

“Well she misses her big brother”. Diamond replied taking Cheyenne up in her arms.

I wanted to respond but then stopped as the restroom door opened as Charlie walk out.

“You brought my dog here too?”.

“Well Cheyenne didn’t want to leave without him”.

I sighed taking a deep breath. “Just one question. Why are you here? And don’t say that Cheyenne missed me because I know she can’t say that”.

“Well Charlie missed you?”.

I frowned at her. “Diamond! You say what you are doing here! So I call Dad and tell him that you brought Cheyenne down here “.

“What the … ?”. She gasped. “You wouldn’t dare?”.

“Try me”.

She sighed. “Okay fine. The truth is that I really don’t know how to take care of my little sister”.

“Diamond … “. I warned her.

“No, I’m actually serious. She was crying so I decided to take her out and look, it worked. She’s happy here. And besides, I haven’t come in here in a while so please can I stay here?”. She asked pouting. “Can I please?”.

“Just don’t mess anything up and do not disturb me”.


I went to the other couch at the other side of the room as I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

I turned it on and clicked on messages. I scrolled towards J.R name and then tap on it.


“Yeah?”. I replied absent-mindedly typing a message to Jayden.

“Where’s your hot boyfriend! I haven’t seen him since I got here! I thought he’s signed to this industry”.

I look at her. “I thought I said not to disturb me?”.

“I’m just asking”. She continued talking as she came to stand in front of me. “Where is he? Or you two broke up?”.


“He was hot”.

“I can give you his number”.

“I would take it but No, thanks. I’ll be a bad sister by doing that”.

I chuckle lightly. “I thought you didn’t like the idea of me dating him?”.

“I don’t. But with him, you were happy. And I also noticed that he came to see you the day you had a break down at that concert”.

“Hmm”. I only hummed in response. “Yeah, I guess I was kind of happy”.

“Were you happy because he helped you or were you happy because he wasn’t a girl ?”.

“I’m not in the mood to answer your dumb questions, Diamond”.

She scoffed. “You are just trying to avoid answering them”.

“Thank you for understanding me”.

“But I really don’t know what went wrong with you. Things changed ever since Dad left, since Mum died, since that girl broke up with you, since__”. She stop muttering to herself. “Woah! Woah! Wait a minute”.

I groan lightly knowing what she wanted to say. “Stop that! Go take care of Cheyenne”.

“All this stuff started when she broke up with you, right?”.

I ignored her question finally sending J.R the message I had typed.
?Paris Myers?
“Number 50”. The young woman said and I exhaled before standing up.

Turns out that the numbers are being called randomly.

Logan smiled at me. “Good luck”.

“Thanks”. I whispered before walking out to the stage where the judges were.

I recognized each and every one of them instantly.

Jayden Roy was the teenage singer there.

The rest were Akira, who was a television personality. Reynolds, a well known retired musician, Scarlett, internet sensation.

The four of them sat there looking serious.

Well except Jayden Roy of course, who was twiddling with his phone playfully.

“So … “. Akira clapped her hands. “Who are you? And what song are you going to perform for us?”.

I cleared my throat. “My name is Paris Myers and I’ll love to perform Pretty’s On The Inside, an original song written by me”.

“We’ll love to hear that but please, honey, take off that hoodie”. Reynolds said. “We need to see your expression while you sing so if you don’t mind. Please take it off or you can simply just pull back the cap”.

I took a deep breath first before removing the hoodie cap away from my head and I moved my hair backwards making it flow down my shoulders.

Relax! Paris! You got this!

At first, I was expecting them to say something harsh due to the expression they had on their face.

“Did you get into an accident or something like that, sweetheart?”. Scarlett asked me in a sweet tone.


“So let me guess, you wore a hoodie to cover your looks?”. Reynolds asked. “Um, Miss Myers, we really don’t care about people’s looks so you need to stop feeling shy about your appearance”.

At that, Jayden Roy looked up from his phone and paused glancing at me. Then he looked back at his phone before staring at me again.

“Girl in the hoodie”. He said smiling. “You must be Paris Myers”.

Akira rolled her eyes. “And you weren’t listening to her speak as usual. I don’t even know why you are here on the judges table with us”.

“You never raised your head at the other contestants”. Scarlett spoke up. “Why are you staring at her now?”.

“Nothing. Just nothing”. Jayden shook his head relaxing on his seat. “Okay, Paris. I need to listen to you sing to see if its as good as what he said”.



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