?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 22

?Paris Myers?

“I’ll just drop by your place later in the afternoon”. Sam said getting up. “Just go to sleep and forget about what happened “.

Wait. He’s going to see Xavier?

“Can I come with you to see him?”. I blurted out without knowing.

Sam paused then turned around. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”.

Oh Dmn! Paris! He’s never going to say yes.

“Can I by any chance come with you?”.

“And why I let you tag along with me ?”. He asked hoarsely. “As per what? The two of you aren’t even friends so its best you stay back on your lane”.

“I was just concerned about__”.

“Just because you get a chance to talk to him freely doesn’t mean you can become his friend all of a sudden”. He replied cutting me of off.


“And I’m the last person you should come to asking for information about Xavier ’cause I will never answer that question”.

What the … ?

Why is he rude like this all of a sudden?

And with that, Sam turned around going off in another direction, probably to go meet Xavier.

I sighed and turned the other direction to the main school hallway.

Dmmit! How am I going to know if he’s fine or not now?

I tucked my hands in my hoodie pocket and walk down the school hallway heading to my class for the day.

Luckily, no one was pointing fingers at me or whispering about me and I guess thats all because of Xavier Marion.

They are all focused on getting news from the internet about him.

Maybe if they knew what Sam was to him them they would probably bombard Sam with questions about Xavier’s health.

But no one knows about it.

No one knows that their favorite music star is a gay.

Even thinking about it is making me feel somehow.

I sighed breathing out softly as I cleared the depressing thoughts off my mind fast.

I finally got to my class walking in and then unfortunately for me, most of the students noticed me as they looked up.

I unconsciously pull the hoodie sweater over my head hiding my face partially as I head to my seat.

I really am not up for any taunting this morning.

Just wanna be by myself.

“Whats up with that hoodie ?”. Someone spoke up at the back. “What you hiding all the time?”.

“Probably her ugly face”. Another replied as they bursted into laughter.

I sat on an empty fighting hard to ignore them but somehow, their words got to me.

“Why are you still covering your face with the hoodie? Its your fault that you look like dirt … “.

And then laughter rolled on among all the students continuing as it resounded in my head.

Sometimes, its so hard to accept who you are when you are with classmates like this.

“Haha, very funny!”.

I pause as I hear that familiar voice and I look up to see Jeremy walking towards the front of the class.

“Haha! That was such a funny joke”. He fake-laughed. “You know, y’all need an award for things like this. Like, an award that says ‘most awful people in the world'”.

A smile came on my lips as he said that making me realize that he’s about to stand up for me.

He’s about to defend me.

“Why imprint hurtful words on her? Has she ever done anything to you? And Shannon, you say she’s ugly, but I can bet you all my inheritance that City is more realer than you will ever be”.

And he’s calling me city again.

The ‘Shannon’ girl glanced my way glaring at me as I flinch a little bit at her cold hard stare forcing me to look away from her.

“And this will be the last time anyone will taunt her”. Jeremy continued. “If this goes on, then all of you will have to answer to me”.

There were mumblings and mutters as he said that but he ignored them walking to me.

“Hey”. He slid into the seat next mine. “I’m really sorry about that. There are actually a lot of douchebags in this class”.

“Its okay”. I gave him a sad smile. “I get what they are trying to tell me. I’m ugly, I’ll keep that in mind”.

“No! Don’t keep that in mind”.

“I’m used to it, Jeremy. I’m used to people laughing and staring, people saying dumb things behind my back, I’m used to it all”.

“I’m sorry”.

I smiled sincerely at him. “But thank you for what you did anyways”.

“You welcome. But City … “.

“Its Paris”. I corrected him again.

He chuckled. “City. There’s something you should know when schooling in Berkeley High, this school is just like game of the fittest which you need to survive”.

“With all these reactions from people when they see me, I don’t think I can”.

“Thats just their reaction. And do you want to know my opinion about you?”.

“Okayy. Whats yours?”. I asked afraid to hear the answer.

“I don’t think you are ugly. Those scars that you insist on hiding actually shows that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you and that alone makes you beautiful to be with”.
?Xavier Marion?
“What was all that you displayed back then on Saturday?”. Dad asked rashly.

“Its nothing”.

“Nothing?”. He raised his voice. “Nothing? You made the company lose profits with what you did”.

“I just didn’t feel like completing the concert”.

“I do not care what you feel like doing, Marion but let me remind you that I tell you what to. You don’t do things without my order”.

I looked at him on the screen. “What the heck is that? I shouldn’t do things without your order? Even Diamond does stuffs and you don’t give her orders”.

“Thats because Diamond is sensible, she knows what to do. And she’s a songwriter who doesn’t appear on stage as often as you do, get that in mind”.

“But Dad .. “.

“You caused me 30.1 million dollars by backing out of that concert, Marion because I had to make sure the industry refunds every one who bought tickets to go for that concert”.

“Sorry, Dad”. I replied not feeling sorry about the issue at all.

“And whats this I hear about you crying, I thought you not to show emotions in public , didn’t I? You are a celebrity, remember that everything you do will eventually be a topic for those bloggers”.

Not to show emotions?

In public?

No wonder he’s so heartless.

“I’ve told Alex to help dissolve the issue and Diamond said something about those paparazzi lurking around the gates of the mansion, I’ll handle that too”.

I exhaled not wanting to talk to him.

And I can’t disconnect the video call.

‘Cause if I do that. Then thats death for me.

“You are so lucky that I thought of a brand new super idea of make all this wind away, something that will make you have more fans than before and it involves your world tour coming up in months now”.

Oh Jeez! What did my Dad do?

“Try not to cost me more expenses, son”.

And with that, he clicked off the screen.

I sighed getting up from the bed tiredly as all of his talks already nauseated me all this while that I was pretending to listen to him.

I walked towards the old piano in my room as I sat on the seat in front of it.

It was my Mom’s before she passed away.

Or should I say, before she got murdered by the person I never expected to do that.

It was my Mom who had always wanted me to become a musician.

She always said about me having the best voice and the ability to compose lyrics of a song.

And since then, I fell in love with music. It became my talent, my passion, my dream.

Too bad, my Mom couldn’t live long to see me pursue that dream.

I smiled a little remembering the first time she taught me how to play the piano. I was fifteen then and she was pregnant with Cheyenne.

Since then, singing became my desire and my life as well.

Even whenever I would sing back at the talent show in junior high, I was always applauded and I liked being the center of female’s attention.

Not until someone destroyed all that.

Females like her, let me just describe you with the word, ‘evil’.


I sighed standing up and stepping away from the piano as I heard Diamond’s tiny voice yelling my name.

I went towards the door and opened it then head to the main living room as I took the stairs.

I stopped in my tracks on seeing Violet there as she carried Cheyenne in her arms.

“What are you doing here!”.

“She came here for this!”.

I turn to see Diamond holding a flyer and I grabbed it reading the contents written in it.

“What the fuck?”. I cussed. “Whats this? Who did it?”.

“Dad did it”.


“Yes”. Violet answered. “Your Dad made the industry print out this flyer and now its the talk of the news. Its really trending”.

“A supernova contest ?”. I muttered reading it.

Oh Jeez! I knew Dad did something stupid.

I scoffed. “A supernova singing contest for females around Florida?”.

“Yep”. Diamond said. “And anyone who wins gets signed to the industry and goes on a world tour with you”.

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