By Chidimma Mirabel

Episode 61

“Fk!! My gvn’s bvllet is finished” Yvonne said. She threw her gvn away and cracked her knuckles.

“Guess I’ll use the old fashion” She said.

She caught one of the men by the collar and kneed him before h!tting him on the neck with the elbow.

Roxanna was hiding behind a table.

“Hazel might need my help. I have to get in the house” She thought.

She ran out of her hiding while shooting at those who shot at her.

She his again behind a pillow before entering the house…


“Angela, where are you?” Hazel called.

She walked slowly while being at alert.

“Hazel, is it you?”

She quickly hurried to where the voice was coming and saw Angela slowly walking to her.

“Thank God you’re safe…You have…

She didn’t finish her statement as a bvllet h!t her chest.

“Hazel!!!” Angela screamed

Hazel fell on the floor.

Angela looked behind and saw William standing behind them with his gvn aimed at them especially Jackson.

With a determine expression, he released Jackson and faced William.

“You know I’m really tired of your obsession for me. I’m really tired, when will you understand that I DON’T LOVE YOU. In fact let me tell you something I’m Kaila Morgan” Angela yelled.

William froze.

“Kaila” William stuttered.

“Yes it’s me but you know what, that doesn’t matter. I never loved you William, never.

In fact I’m so happy that you married Mindy, that gave me the chance to meet Jackson, he’s the live of my life.

Him and only him!!! He helped me out in so much way I couldn’t imagine. Meanwhile you, what were you doing? You were busy enjoy your life…

If you love me like you claim, why didn’t you look for me. Why did you marry Mindy so easily. You don’t love William you’re just obsessed with me.

Now if you want to kill Jackson go on, but if you shoot him, I swear I’ll take away my own life” Angela said ans aimed the gvn on her head.

William stood there confused, he didn’t know what to do again.

“I,,,I’m sorry Kaila” He said.

Angela laughed dryly.

“Sorry, you’re sorry. After all what you did to me and Jackson, you think I’ll forgive you. Well you’re hugely mistaken” Roxanna said.

“Angel, please put that gun down” Jackson said and held the gun she was aiming on her head.

“Don’t touch her” He said and pulled the tr!gger.

“Noo!” Mindy exclaimed.

Jackson quickly covered Angela with his body, it took him by the shoulder.

Out of anger, he took the gun from Angela and swiftly aimed at William. He shot him by the arm.

“Argh!!” William groaned as he released Mindy.

Jackson shot him again, and again, countless times.

William fell on the floor as bI.ood oozed out of his wounds.

Jackson staggered to him and hugged him while crying.

“I’m sorry brother” Jackson said while crying.

“Jack,,,even after all what I’ve done to you. You still love me?” William said.

Jackson nodded.

“True love never dies. You’re like a brother to me” He said in tears.

William smiled weakly.

“I hope you find it in my heart to forgive me. Stupid beans”

Jackson chuckled sadly.

He looked at Angela and stretched his hands to her.

“Forgive me Kaila, I’m sorry” He said and his hands fell on Jackson lap.

Mindy stared at his dead body in tears.

*I married you out of greed but now that I love you, why did you have to leave me* Mindy said inwardly while staring at his dead body.

Jackson hugged him tightly as he cried bitterly.

“I’m sorry” He said.

Angela stared at them with an emotionless look. She looked at Mindy who was crying and then at Hazel.

She quickly rushed to Hazel and checked her vitals.

“Let me help you” Roxanna said.

Roxanna crouched and checked her vitals.

“She’s barely alive”

Roxanna and Angela picked her up. Angela glanced at Jackson and sighed.

*He needs sometime alone* She said inwardly.

They began walking to the exit.

Angela smiled…

*You’re really one of a kind Jackson, even with all this that he did to you, you still consider him as your brother* She thought.

Jackson sniffed in tears as he continued hugging William body. Memories of when they were 10 came in his brain…

How it was Jackson birthday party and William played a prank on him by dressing him as a girl.

Jackson smiled as he remembered them.

“No matter what you did to me, I still love you. I’ll keep the good memories of you alive, till we meet again dear brother” He said and kissed his forehead before letting him go.

He stood up.

By that time the cops have already arrived. They arrested Mindy and carried William body away.

One of the cops helped him him out of the house. He entered the ambulance that drove him to the hospital…


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