



Written by Authoress Angel

Episode 5


“Maybe if you take your eyes off her for a lil’bit, it would not be so bad” Carl spoke up and I chuckled.

“He wouldn’t listen Carl”I said grinning

“Oh! Corriene is here” Carl announced and we looked up to see Corriene and her roomies….. Lesley and Paige.

Ryan who was busy checking out the newbie turned to look at Corriene who sat opposite us at her regular spot.

“Hey Ryan!” Corriene waved sweetly at him as he only nodded smiling out his dimples.

A little intro would do….

I am Nathaniel Cooper; Ryan’s cousin and agemate, son of Mr. Cooper, CEO of Cooper International Group Of Companies and sole heir.
Finally, I have a sweet elder sister.

Carl Peyton, son of the senate advisor and finally, Ryan Kai…..sole heir to the Kai Enterprise whose headquarter is in Korea and has many more branches in many countries.
Our families are collaborators.

“You girls came late” Carl said and ate from his rice.

“Yeah. Had to handle something” Corriene replied opening her canned drink while staring at Ryan who ate his meal.

Note,… Corriene and Ryan are close friends whose families know each other from way back.

“How is the game going to be?” Corriene finally asked averting her gaze to I and that of Carl as we both shrugged.

“It’s not until October so we’ll wait till school begins” I replied.

Corriene is in the cheerleading group, actually the leader.

“I would be needing some agile girls. The girls with me are so slow and dumb these days. Paige and Lesley can’t join all cause of their tennis game” She groaned and I chuckled.

Diana POV

I have to admit, I really enjoyed my meal.

I and the girls had a stroll back to our dorm likewise some students whlle some lazed around.

“So they will be out till when?” I asked.
“Eleven pm” Delia replied and I nodded watching students who appeared to be couples hold hands under the night sky.

Talking about relationships….I have never had a solid one.
My first date in Grade 9 suddenly broke up without a valid reason whatsoever.

As soon as we arrived our room, I changed into my pink nightie.
I felt so exhausted from the day’s event and opted to hit the bed in wait for the next day.

The week went by pretty fast. The girls had shown me alover the premises and it’s so funny and also amazing that it took us the whole day and week to take me on a tour although, the proper tour would be done by the appointed person the school would choose for me.

According to Denise, Mason was her tour guide.

So far, I really haven’t made any other friend aside Denise and Delia, but I have had a little chat with Mason and I find him really cool.

I seriously wish Denise and Mason could be alot more than being besties.
It would be so dope!

I finally got my uniform.
A white long sleeved button up shirt with a high waisted red plaid skirt having a good length at the thigh and finally, a red plaid vest to be worn atop it or a red jacket more like a blazer as desired.

The footwear given was a pair of black flats for the female regular students and court heels for the first class females.
The yoga outfits are a pair of sports bra and loose jogging pants for girls of red, black, or blue colour.
I got the blue pair which had a red stripe at both sides of the legs.
My gyming outfit was also given.
Every wear had a ‘P.H’ beautifully weaven on it.

Picked For You:  CRUSHING ON YOU : Chapter 11 - 20

Anyways, school session would begin in two days. My stationeries are all ready and am totally good to go!

I’d just left Aunt Kyra office after going to see her and got a cup of banana flavoured ice-cream.
I strolled along the tarred path that would lead to the senior dorm area.

So far..I am totally glad Daddy had me changed to this awesome school.

All my anger towards coming here are all dead now..
I chuckled at the memory of how I flared up when Daddy had made that announcement of having me changed.

Graham Prep is nice but I find Poshville High way more interesting already.

I wish I had gotten here much earlier as Delia and Denise both began this school at grade 8.

“Hey.. It’s senior Ryan and Nathaniel!”…

I glanced at the girls giggling at a corner as I walked past them not taking my eyes off them.

They seemed so young and I scoffed innerly.

“If I was in Corriene’s place, I definitely be with senior Ryan all the time” Another girl said.

Who is this Ryan and Nathaniel all the girls around keep talking about??

I shook my head and made to look away when I suddenly bumped into someone and my ice-cream spilled on the person who was so blind to watch his way.

I fumed ready to release my venom when the cologne hit me so hard and I felt dizzy.
I heard slight gasps around as I took a step back and looked up to see and behold one of the most beautiful ash-brown eyes I have ever seen.

My gaze trailed to his amazing well carved and sculptured nose and finally, his shinny pink lips that wasn’t so small nor big… just perfect.

I had just bumped into a handsome beautiful hot cake!
My brain screamed in sheer suprise as I stood transfixed and rooted to the ground and his now stained blue shirt dripping with my wasted ice-cream.

Someone cleared his throat snapping me right out of my improper state of mind.

He had a friend with him who was as pretty as he is.

I tried to speak but all my words flew back and down my throat as I swallowed deeply.
Now I understand what people in stories I have re’d felt when they come across boys like the one before me.

Like.. how on earth would a boy be this beautiful!?

He cocked his head putting on an amused face while arching his right brow and I bit my lower lip intensively.
Snap out of it Diana!!

“I…I am really sorry for bumping into you. Oh gosh!…I ruined your shirt already” I blurted endlessly and he shook his head smiling out dimples!

He fking had dimples!!. Something that is si so rare and unique!.

“Forget about the shirt. Be careful next time” He said to me in the most sweetest and serene voice I prolly have ever heard cause am sure am being controlled by crush at first sight.

Oh Diana… you are so whipped!..

He reached into his pocket and brought out a white face towel.

“Here…clean your left cheek and sht” He offered and I took it dazed before he walked off.

Ok…. what just happened?..
I slowly wiped my cheek and felt the tingles at how soft the towel was.

I pulled on a wide lazy smile and zombied all the way to my dorm


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