After getting a take out, they went to the girls room.

A brief knock on the door got Juliet opening it.

“Didn’t you get our message?” Juliet ask, holding a chicken lap, her mouth stain with the sauce.

“We did but we wouldn’t dream of eating without you guys” Graham said, walking past Juliet while Romeo produce a handkerchief and use it to wipe Juliet’s mouth.

“Are they gone yet, Juliet?”

“Gone? We are here to stay” Graham said, startling Judy.

He sat down next to her on the sofa, watching her with a smile.

“Do you two really think you can get rid of us by staying indoor?” Graham ask as he began to unpack the food he brought with him.

“How can we? When you obviously own this place” Judy mutter.

“Judy and I have this soap opera we watch around this time of day. It’s the final episode and since we didn’t want to miss it, we just ordered ourselves chicken and came here to munch on it” Juliet explain..

“Can you guys eat while watching TV?” Romeo suddenly ask.

“Haven’t you tried it before?” Juliet ask.

“Our parents are strict when it comes to that. We are only meant to eat in the dinning room” Graham said mimicking their parents.

“Well then since you boys don’t know how good it is to eat and watch a movie then you are free to join us” Judy said.

“I rather prefer we talk”Graham said.

“And miss watching the last episode, no way” Judy reply turning away from him.

“You know we can just Google the end and…..”

“No spoilers! ” The two sisters said at the same time, startling poor Romeo who made the suggestion.

Graham was the one to laugh first then Romeo follow, along with the two sisters following suit.

“Okay less talking or we are going to miss the end” Judy said and for the next hour, they focus on the soap opera while eating.

When the soap opera ended, they thought of another movie to watch and ended up watching *JUMANJI*

Half way through it, Juliet slept off and Romeo offered to take her to her bed.

Judy was about following him when Graham took hold of her hand.

“Let them be for a while” he said.


“Romeo is more of a gentleman than I am. I can swear he is still a virgin. With that putting your mind at ease, can we do something to buy time, I don’t want to leave yet” Graham said.

In the room, Romeo place Juliet on the bed and Instead of moving away, he lean over her, watching her face.

As if she could sense him there, she open her eyes, watching him like a drunk woman.

“Do you want to know something?” Juliet ask softly.


“You are the most handsome guy in class” she said laughing and that got him laughing too.

“You can like anyone, why me?” She ask, watching him through drowsy eyes.

“Cause you are different and lovely” he said which got her laughing.

“It’s true that am different but it’s in a bad way”

“A bad way?”

“You won’t believe it but am cursed….I have this hideous power…I can listen to people’s thought, funny right?” She ask laughing and that got him laughing too.

“It’s funny. I think it’s time you get some sleep, you are so tired that you are spewing nonsense” He said softly.

“Whatever just listen to me and stay away. Am not the right girl for you, am not” Juliet said giving in to sleep and shutting her eyes.

Romeo gave her a kiss on the forehead and left the bedroom.

He got back to the sitting room to see Graham and Judy playing a game of cards and not wanting to be a bother, he left.

“Yes! Finally you lose. I get to flick your head” Graham said.

“Can’t you have mercy on me?” Judy ask.

“Like you did with me when you won three times. Get over here” he said, urging her with his hand and slowly, she move towards him, shutting her eyes since she couldn’t watch him flicking her head.

Graham stared at her close eyes and instead of flicking her on the head, he lean towards her and gave her a kiss.

A startle Judy stay still at first, letting herself feel his lips on hers but when sanity return, she push him away getting off the floor.

“Why did you do that? Is kissing me the way for you to get back this trip money?” Judy lash out, trying to hide her real feeling.

“I don’t intend to collect any trip money from you. You are my guest, I invited you here so never think that again” Graham said.

“Go away Graham” she said wanting to be alone so she can think.

“Am sorry I kissed you. I just can’t control myself when it comes to you” Graham said.

“But you said you are going to court me again. Shouldn’t you do that before kissing me?” Judy ask and that got him moving towards her.

“Kissing is part of courting too. I know I promise to do it slowly but I can’t, my feelings just seem to do the thinking when am close to you” he said, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her towards him.

“I want to kiss you Judy, I really really want to” he said leaning towards her and Judy couldn’t stop him since she also want him to kiss her.

The ringing of the doorbell ended it all and Darren came in followed by Clarissa.

“We are here! ”



While waiting for their plane, Louis and Amber left to get them something to drink leaving Travis and Natalie alone.

“Is this right? Wouldn’t we be gate crashing by going there?” Travis ask.

“We won’t. Turns out Amber father owns half of the resort” Natalie said.


“Quit being a sissy and think about Judy. You only agreed to go with us because you want to talk to her about the picture thing, right? Then this is your chance and aren’t you jealous that she’s there with Graham?” Natalie ask.

“You know I am”

“Then we are doing the right thing by going” Natalie said just as Amber and Louis showed up, both looking worried.


“Bad news! Our flight has been cancel” Amber inform……


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