SPEECHLESSNESS : Episode 21 – 30




“There’s no need to panic, she had a light bleeding and this can happen to some women at any point during a pregnancy, after the series of tests conducted on her, we found out she has cervix infection, we have already started treatment of that, all she needs now is rest” The doctor explained to George while in was in his office.

He had returned the next morning to check on Debbie, he left the hospital when the doctor assured them that she was not in danger, he waited till she was placed on drip before he left, but Thelma stayed behind, the doctor had requested to see the father of the baby and George went to see him. He was relieved after hearing what the doctor said.

“Thank you so much doctor, I’ll go and see her, her mother is already on her way to Lagos to take care of her”

“That’s good, she needs all the care and support from her loved ones right now since this is her first pregnancy”the doctor advised

“Thanks so much Doc”

“I’ve prescribed some drugs for her, make sure she takes her medicine, i’ll discharge her in the evening,”

“doctor please I would like to know what caused her fainting?”

“She’s Stressed and have been thinking alot lately, please you need to make her happy, take care of her, to avoid high blood pressure, it’s a danger to pregnant women”

“I’ll do just that, thanks doc” he said

He thanked the doctor and left the office

********** Debbie looked at her phone and handed it to Thelma.

“Why don’t you pick his call and know what he wants to say” Thelma told her

“He sent me a text message asking if I have successfully aborted the baby, I feel like strangling him”

“Noel Is a devil, so he had a fiancee and has been deceiving you, I still can’t believe it, he thinks it’s easy to under go an abortion, he’s a big fool” Thelma cursed him

“I don’t need him in my life any more”

George walked into the room and was relieved to see Debbie chatting, he told her all the doctor said, Thelma dished out her food and they watched her enjoy the food.

Debbie’s mum arrived in the evening and she regretted ever asking her daughter to abort the innocent child, she begged Debbie for forgiveness, and promised to take care of her and her unborn baby, she started making plans for her to move to the States after her final exams and she couldn’t stop thanking George and Elvis.


*********** Uncle Gabriel was showing signs of change, his brother and wife were happy with him, he was already thinking of settling down, his brother promised to help him get a good wife.He had started attending church with the Family, he avoids his old useless friends and keeping late night. He prayed to God for a good wife, he was always tempted to go back to his old lifestyle but with prayers he overcame it, he keeps himself busy with church activities.

*******Gift’s mother has been buried, she returned the night George left for Anambra where he was posted for his NYSC, she was also told that Elvis was posted to Abuja, she was happy her sister would return to lagos and they will both live together once again, she was also happy that she had finally gotten admission to study in Unilag, her sister had already called Mrs Ufomba to inform her of her intended return to Lagos, she said she would be back at the end of the month, Gift couldn’t wait to tell George of her admission and her sister’s return.She was really missing him alot. She would have called him but she had no phone with her at the moment.

Mirabel was also lucky, she finally got admission into Covenant University, she was getting ready for school and preparing for her long awaited birthday party.

********** Debbie’s visa was finally out and she would leave the country in two days time. She had neither seen nor heard from Noel, his father had not stopped calling her mother asking after her well being because her mum finally told him that the baby was aborted. She was able to write her final year exams before rushing off to the States, she was all smiles as she watched her mother and sister pack her belongings.

“”Don’t worry my baby, my friend over there will take care of you, I once helped her when she needed help, she Promised to take good care of you,“ her mother assured her.

“Thank you so much mum”

“I’m doing this for my grand child”

“Mummy, can you tell us why you detest Noel’s dad so much?” Thelma chipped in

“I have promised never to lie to you girls again, so I will tell you about him. He was my first love but he broke my heart and went for another woman ” she told them briefly

“That’s bad, you and Noel’s dad shared a history together, just what happened between his son and I,,” Debbie said

“That is why I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you” her mother cut in

“Thanks mum”

************ George was enjoying his service, he was teaching in a private school there, he had returned from his PPA in Awka, Anambra state exhausted and decided to prepare noodles to eat, he was busy eating when his phone rang, he stared at the strange number calling him and wondered who the caller was. He picked it reluctantly

“Thank God you finally picked!!!!!” The familiar voice screamed on the phone.

“Please who’s this?” he asked calmly

”Whitney, i’m finally back,,!!!!!!” she screamed excitedly

“Oooh my God Whitney, when did you return?”

“Yesterday, and I missed you so much”

“Miss me?” he chuckled

“yeah, I missed you so much, I’m in Abuja right now, but I will be in lagos tomorrow to see you”

“I’m in Anambra right now, and I wont be back till month end, my sister will celebrate her birthday on 2nd August, so I want to throw a surprise party for her before she leaves for school ”

“That would be nice, I will stay with my brother till Month end, I’m yet to find a suitable school here, I will see you when you come to Lagos ”

”Whitney, you still haven’t told me why you abandoned your education in the states, Elvis and your mum are heartbroken, ”

”Yeah I know, he is still not talking to me, but I know he will come around, I will call you later, take care, bye.“she said cutting the phone

George dropped the phone and continued with his food. He remembered his service would soon come to an end, and he was yet to decide on whether to get married to Thelma before leaving the country for his masters or wait till he returns, but his mother prefers he gets married before leaving.

******** Noel was so happy that he was finally getting married to the woman of his dreams who really matched his calss, but his problem now was her brother’s attitude towards him, he has warned him never to step foot into his apartment again. Elvis tried to talk to Whitney about him but she was blinded by his looks, Whitney resulted to seeing him in a hotel, she would have loved it if her mother was in the country so that she could stay with her instead. Noel was on his way to meet her in the hotel and he planned on surprising her by proposing to her. He drove fast in order to meet up with their appointment, he got to the hotel and ran to their room immediately.

She was already waiting for him when he breezed in.

“Oooh baby what kept you?” Whitney asked him kissing him and removing his clothes at the same time,

“Baby wait I need to shower,” he said trying to push her away

Ever since she returned, she has been acting wierd, she can make love all night and still ask for more, she was never tired of lovemaking, he has been trying his best to meet up to her needs

”Baby, do you know how much I’ve missed you?” she asked him seductively

“I dropped you off at home this morning, after five rounds of lovemaking, remember. “he retorted

”Are you now telling me that you can’t take care of your girl?”

”Not like that” he replied kissing her back

He tried to prove to her that he was man enough, he made love to her until he nearly collapsed. He gasping for breath when he climbed her the fourth time but didn’t stop till she finally came. He fell into a deep slump after that.

He woke up late at night hungry, the whole room was filled with smoke, he walked to Whitney angrily and forcefully snatched the cigarette from her and she was furious

“How dare you snatch my cigarette from me?” She threw at him angrily

“Baby you know i’m allergic to smokes,” he said quietly

“You’re very stupid, you think I f—–g care about your life? You f—–g think I give a f–k about your allergies?” she rebuked him

He shut her up with a thunderous slap, she held her cheek in shock, she took the bottle on the table and hit it on his head,

He groaned in pains but she ignored him, wore her clothes and left the
room leaving him behind. He managed to wear his clothes and headed downstairs to get help, but he collapsed on the stairs.


Thelma was happy Debbie had finally travelled to the States, she would live her life just the way she wanted, her phone buzzed and she checked it and smiled after going through the message, she quickly had a bath and dressed up to kill, she made sure her mum was fast asleep before heading Off to the club, her friends were already waiting for her outside, they drove off to the club


Mirabel was still awake chatting on facebook, sleep was a far cry as she was enjoying every bit of the chat, she heard a soft knock on her door, she knew it was her mum and she wasn’t in the mood to tell her about her new relationship, she opened the door and went back to bed pretending to be sleepy.

“Mirabel, I know you‘re not sleeping, you’re only running away from my question, now sit up, we need to talk” her mum told her

“”Mummy, i’m tired, I spent the whole day shopping for my birthday “she lied

”I’ll talk to you in the morning, don’t leave your room till we’re done talking”

”Good night mum, love you ”


The club was filled to the brim, the blasting of the music filled the air, everyone was having fun, Thelma and her friends were at the VIP with their male friends, they were enjoying the music, the three friends went to the dance floor to dance leaving their male friends behind,

They returned minutes later to see three different girls sitting on their men’s laps, Thelma was furious, the sexiest lady among them was busy kissing and caressing her male partner.

She angrily pushed the girl off her man,

“What do you think you’re doing, frolicking with my man?“ Thelma asked her

”you don’t owe any man, prostitute “the girl retorted

“You’re a b—h, ” Thelma screamed at her

The girl slapped her hard on the face, and she retaliated, then a fight broke out, the bouncers walked in and tried to calm the girls.

“Whitney let’s get out here” Thelma heard one of the girls said.

They catwalked out of the club.

The men came to apologize to Thelma and her friends, but they left the club angrily for another one.

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