STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

By Naomi Cindy B


Kimora carried Byeol and she stopped crying instantly

“You really love troubling me right?” Kimora said, feeding her with brea$t milk already, Byeol sucked gently and her throat made cute babyish sounds as she did

“You shouldn’t have started it, now I was left unattended to” Jimin said

” Are you Jealous of your baby?” Kimora teased

“I dunno” he replied like a kid

” You look cute” Kimora giggled and he lay on the bed

“The next time we get the chance to do it, you’ll have to beg me to stop” Jimin said

” No, I’d rather beg you for more” Kimora replied

By now, Byeol is asleep already

Kimora placed her back on the cot and slept beside her

“Goodnight princess” she said, pecking her cheeks.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


Hong’s house**

” Father you need to go to bed, it’s late already” Minho said, trying to persuade Hong who’s still sitting out with him and Suzy

“I just want to stay with you till you’ll sleep too” Hong said and Minho smiled

He hugged him and pecked him like a baby

“I love you father, but you don’t want to get sick just because you slept late so you need to go sleep right now ok?, Please father” he said and Hong smiled

” You gave me a peck, that should be enough to have a good night” he said and Minho giggled as he led him in

Minho came out to Suzy after a while and sat beside her in the pavilion, the stars are shinning so bright in the sky

“You and your father….I can’t help but love the cuteness” Suzy said

” We’re cute I know” he smiled and she chuckled, looking up at the sky

” Are you seeing someone’s face in the stars?” He asked, looking up too

” Yes, I see Royalty smiling at me, I wish she’s still alive, we would have been the best sisters” she said sadly

” I’m sure she’s happy up there, all you need to do is to be happy too” Minho replied

” I guess yes” she smiled, drawing closer to him before placing her head on his shoulder

Minho smiled and held her hands on his laps

“It’s so cold tonight right?” He said, blowing warm air on her hands

” Yes… But with you, the cold is not much” she replied

“You won’t stop admiring me right?” He said

” No way” she replied, taking a break to look at him

” Me too” he smiled and she returned it, placing her head back on his shoulder.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


Next day***

“Morris won’t be able to survive being paralyzed” the physician reported

After he was taken out yesterday, it was detected that his foot was wounded by a long nail which fell mistakenly from the guard who brought in his food yesterday

“He won’t be able to walk again?” Jimin asked

” I think so crown prince” the physician replied

“Crown prince” Janis said from the door

“Janis?” Jimin said and he entered

“Your majesty” he bowed

“What’s with that bag?” Jimin asked

“I’m traveling to Goryeo, I need to change my environment, it’ll really help” he said

” Why?”

” I just want to… please forgive me I won’t be able to attend your enthroning ceremony” he said and Jimin sighed

” Morris…is paralyzed” he said

“I’ve been told, I’ll take him along, though I hate him but what can I do, he’s my father” he smiled sadly

” Will you…be fine?” Jimin asked

” Trust me your highness, I can survive anywhere” he replied.

Jimin walked up to him and held out his hand

Janis held it and he pulled him up then hugged him

“Be well” he said

“And I’m sorry, I almost destroyed your relationship with lady Kimora” he said, crying slowly

” Stop the tears, it’s ok now, just promise me that you’ll be fine in Goryeo” Jimin sniffed, breaking the hug

” I’ll be fine, your majesty” he smiled, bowing to him

” This feels awkward” Jimin said, wiping the tears that is already forming in his eyes

“Long live king Jimin” Janis said, standing up..

“Janis” Kimora said , just coming in with Sera

“Queen Kimora” he smiled and Kimora smiled widely

“We’ve talked a lot yesterday, there’s nothing to talk about anymore” she said

” Thanks for your forgiveness too, I’ll forever be grateful” he bowed

” Safe journey, be fine ok?” Sera said

” Yes king mother” he bowed

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


Morris was transported out of the palace on a bed carriage just when Brayden and Ginelle are just coming

Brayden stopped beside the bed and looked at Morris who’s now looking remorseful, maybe his paralysis humbled him

“I’m sorry” he muttered bitterly

Brayden quickly turned his face away from him so he won’t cry

“Just manage to be ok if you like” he said

” I just thought….a little bit greed won’t hurt, but before I knew it, I got obsessed with greed, I’m so sorry” he said

” Just… live well from now on” Brayden said and rushed to Janis, he hugged him tightly

” Can’t believe I’m missing you already, je.rk” he said

” Punk , just be fine ok?, I’ll still come visiting sometimes” Janis said, patting his back

” Please don’t get sick, watch over yourself ok?” Brayden said

” I will, you should do that too” Janis replied, fighting back his tears as they broke the hug

“Take care of my brother” he said to Ginelle

” I won’t disappoint you, and please take care of yourself too” she smiled, Janis nodded

Morris was carried and placed inside the litter then everyone waved as Janis entered the litter too

The carriers carried it out of the palace and Brayden hugged Ginelle

“I miss him already” he sniffed.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


Seven days later**

Tommorow is Jimin’s enthronement day and the whole town looks new, everywhere has been rebuilt and all what needs to be replaced has been done

The townspeople can’t ask for more, Jimin is like a godsent and apparently, everyone can’t wait to have him on the throne tommorow

The palace was refurnished and redressed, adding to the beauty of it, it looks different

The kitchen is filled with various aroma and different dishes for those who care to eat

Tania was made to replace Kimora as the assistant headmaid already

She’s coming back to the kitchen after serving some ministers when Cory pulled her into the palace library

“Shh, it’s me!” He said

“Weirdo” she smiled, hitting the tray with her on him

” Will you still keep me waiting for days?, How many more days do I have to wait?” He said

” Maybe. ….. hmmn one more month” she said

” What!, Are you planning to have me killed?” He said

She giggled and got serious before quickly pecking him on the lips, taking him by surprise

“Let’s start now, today is our day one!” she said in a rush, bit her lip before rushing out of the library

“Wait!…what did she….” Cory said and thought about her words again..his eyes widened

“Today is our first day in the relationship?, Gosh!, I have a lover now?, I’m the happiest man on Earth” he said, hugging the bookshelf

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

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