STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


By Naomi Cindy B

“Your…your majesty” Rachel stuttered, seeing Jung Mal entering the place

Right now she’s the most fearful person on Earth

“You just committed treason, I’ve been having the hunch which later turned out to be true, and right now you got caught… Rachel” Jung Mal said

” Your majesty it’s not what you….. think” she replied in an irrational effort to defend herself

Cory gave the letter to the king and he opened it

? The Miryang soldiers always settle in the north but they split themselves to South and West already so you must attack from the West or east, and make it fast, I and Morris can’t wait to have the throne for our son ?

Jung Mal almost fell after reading the letter but he held himself

“Your majesty” his guards said behind him, shifting back

“Rachel!” He yelled

“Your majesty…I can explain… I’ll explain everything… please spare me I can…..”

” Cal…. belongs to Morris?” He said

” Your majesty I….. Please spare me” she pleaded, going on her knees

” You cheated the throne!, You committed treason and made a fool out of me!” Mal said, his whole body shaking in anger

Rachel went mute, realizing that there’s nothing she can do

“So you’re planning to take the throne for a ba$tard!, There’s no bigger devl than you…. Take her to the underground stone prison, no one can see her till tomorrow morning when she’ll be exe¢uted” Mal ordered and she was roughly taken

” Jung Mal!, Jung Mal you’ll regret this!, You’ll regret this Mal!, Let me go!, Let go of me!!!, Jung Mal?!!!! ” She screamed as she’s being taken away

” Soldiers! ” Mal said and numerous soldiers rushed in

” Go right now to Morris house, he committed treason with Rachel, arrest him and bring him here…. Now! ” He ordered

” Yes your majesty” they chorused and left immediately

Mal held King Jung Shik’s statue that’s in front of the place and leaned on it

“Aren’t I so clueless?, I got fooled for twenty years…. Twenty years!” He yelled

” Your majesty” Cory said beside him

He looked up at him and walked to him, holding his shoulders

“I gave Cal more attention than Jimin, I gave a ba$tard more attention!” He said

” Your majesty” Cory said again, full of pity for him

” Jimin…. Jimin and Suzy are my only inheritances” he said

” Prince Jimin…. Loves and respects you a lot your highness, that’s why he couldn’t say no to your choice, princess Suzy adores you too and queen Sera, I think she’s the best queen any king could ever get” Cory said

” I don’t even know much about my own son, when he came back from France, I never bothered to ask if his preferences changed or not, all I cared about was his young desires, I still think of him as my young son who left Miryang some years ago, and that made me look dumb…. Right? ” He said.

” No your majesty” Cory replied

” You know his lover right? ” Mal said

” You’re aware… He has a lover? ” Cory said. Shockingly

” I figure things out real fast, that maid… Kimora Chang, the assistant headmaid…. right?” He said

” Your majesty” Cory said,more shocked

“Come with me, tell me all what I need to know about them, tell me everything about my son” he said and led the way back in while Cory followed slowly.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End



Kimora charged towards the guards and started their $laughtering

Sometimes she tears two with her long nails… her eyes are merciless and angry as she did

She tore with her nails which is covered with bIood already and a lot of the guards went down after some minutes

“No…no!!!!” Riya screamed and ran away from the scene

When Cal tried to stand, his stomach hurts greatly so he started dragging himself on the floor

Kimora dropped the guard she just killed and started coming for him slowly

He continued shifting back in fear as she advanced

“Go away!, Don’t come closer!, Don’t!” He said, throwing stones at her but she kept coming

She super sped to him and grabbed his ne¢k tightly, spitting hatred from her eyes to his own as she ¢ho¢ked him

She only needs to shove her nails into his ne¢k to kill him, he’s bIeeding from the mouth already

“After you, your advocate and your mother is going next, I’ve had enough of you guys” she said coldly and made to shove in her nails but Petal appeared immediately

“Mother” she said, facing her

“Flower you can’t” she said

“Why?, I need to end his life right now, his existence is a threat” she replied

” Don’t do it, I told you not to come out but you disobeyed” Petal said

” He needs to die!” Kimora said

“No Flower!, You’re not destined to kill him, the one destined to kill him is not you, you’ll bring a curse on yourself if you do” Petal said

” He hurt my friend!” Kimora snapped, not ready to give up

” And the cur$e will not only be for you, but also for your baby” Petal said and Kimora slowly let go of him

Cal fell but quickly stood with red bruised neck, he held his neck and stomach before running away

“My….baby?” Kimora said

“You have a life inside you, a child for your lover” Petal said

” A child… inside me?, I’m pregnant?” She said shockingly

“Why do you think you’re always getting tired, you have a life in you which you must protect with all you have” Petal said and Kimora held her stomach

“I’m pregnant…. Jimin” she said

“Childbirth takes twenty days in the flower realm, today is the ninth day, you’re left with eleven days” Petal said

” Meaning I’ll put to bed in eleven days to come?” Kimora said


“But why is my stomach not protruding?” Kimora said

” It’ll only protrude on the nineteenth day…..but be prepared, war is coming…., Many will die and many will get hurt” Petal said

” War from where?”

” I dunno, but war is coming, go wake the royal shaman, it’s time for her duty” Petal replied

” I have the powers to wake her?, Thought it’s only Mazu that can do that” she said

” You can do it cos you have his bIood in you, I purposely didn’t tell you cos I was protecting her, if she had been awake, she’d have been killed by the evil ones” Petal said

Kimora looked at Tania and sighed

“Your bIood is poisonous to the people you hate, but it’s helpful to the ones you love…. I’ll always watch over you” Petal said and vanished

Kimora went to Tania and grabbed one of the swords that’s lying on the ground, she cut her palm and dropped her bIood on Tania’s forehead

Tania opened her eyes but when she saw her, she sat up and shifted away from her

“Who are you!” She said hastily, obviously scared at her appearance

” I’m sorry I showed you this side of me late, this is the real me” Kimora said

” Real who?” Tania asked

” Kimora” Kimora said and and Tania’s eyes took over her face

“Kimora?” She said in disbelief

Kimora transformed to her human form right in front of her

“Kimora….. it’s really you” she said, coming closer but slowly

” I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier” Kimora said sadly

” You’re….the de.mon?” Tania said

“No…..the de.mon…. Is my father” she replied

” Your father? Is a de.mon?”

” Yes, the demon who killed the king’s guards” Kimora replied

” So…..the as.sassins …” Tania said

“I was the one who killed the as.sassins” Kimora said

” Kimora” Tania said, slowly touching her

“Don’t be scared, I can never hurt you” Kimora said

“It’s really really you” Tania said, still drawing near

“Tania it’s me” Kimora replied and Tania hugged her

” When I trailed you here and saw the numerous guards surrounding you with swords, I was so scared” she said

” I’m sorry” Kimora replied and Tania broke the hug

” Wait….the guards” she said and looked around, she covered her mouth so she won’t shout when she saw their bIoody bodies lying around

“You…. killed them?” Tania said and Kimora nodded

” And I was supposed to be wounded” Tania said, touching her belly, the wound is gone

” I healed you” Kimora said and Tania hugged her again

” My Kimora” she cried

” Stop crying, we’re fine now”

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

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