?The Billionaire’s


?(She is mine)?

By: Kebby NG

Episode 2

? Charles ?
Master K is mad at me, no not mad but furious. Fk!!

This is the first time his anger is actually directed towards me and I don’t know what to do about it.

Sorry is not enough, I know that and I’m sure he wouldn’t accept it.


He hasn’t say a word to me ever since he we left the restaurant. And I fkin know he’ll ask for me soon.

I’m expecting it.. and I’m anxiously waiting.

I followed him to June’s only to see Kayla sitting on a chair. Our eyes met, I wanted to go plead. I wasn’t thinking right at that time, I was furious.

Sadly, she looked away from me the moment I took a step forward.

Minutes Later, Khalid signaled me to come follow him out. We went to the wine bar,I only watched as he poured himself a drink.

After taking several gulps,his eyes fell on me.. studying me. I was uncomfortable under his gaze but remained still and waited for him to speak up.

Finally he did and the first thing he asked is about Kay.

“What is she doing here?” He asked calmly

Agh jeezz, how do I explain that she wanted to come and I let her? He’ll want to know if something’s going on between us.

“What? You don’t know how to talk anymore? Do you understand what you’ve just done!! Everything that I’ve worked for is now in jeopardy!!

I can’t believe you’ve actually been drilling her, I fkin asked you to do one job and you messed it up!!”

I raised my brows surprised, how did he find out? Sigh. I shouldn’t be surprised, he has a way of finding out things.

“I’m sorry boss”

? Khalid ?
I’m so fre.aking mad! She didn’t even ask for me when she woke up, infact she pretended like I wasn’t there.

I don’t know why but it hurts .. it fkin hurts!!

I wanted her to turn to me at her every problems. How did this happen? I suddenly want her to be mine like forever..

It’s shocking, I’m also stupefied by my feelings. When she collapsed, my heart felt like it has frozen, like it has stopped.

I suddenly imagined what life will be without her and d@mn! I don’t want that.

The strange feelings are confusing but I don’t want to loose her, she is mine!

“I’m sorry boss”

Charles muttered dragging my attention to him. I glared at him and sighed. I can’t put all the blame on him.

I just hope June doesn’t decide to leave, not now. I can’t let her go, never. She is mine!!

I focus my attention back on Charles”I don’t know what is going on between you two but sort it out.

She shouldn’t get any idea of leaving here”

“I understand boss”

With that, I went my room to shower.

“Oh don’t cry June, you’ll get snorts all over your face”

I sniffed/chuckled at that.”I’m not crying Kay” I sat up from bed and hugged her”I really missed you”

“Awwn I know, I’ve always told you, you can’t leave without me”

I laughed”Kayla that’s not a way to comfort a friend!”

She pulled back from the hug and shrugged.”I’m doing a good job at it, you’re laughing no aren’t you? ‘she asked tickling me.

I pushed her hands away”Stop it! Yeah.. ok fine. I’m not crying anymore”

She stopped and we both settled into a comfortable silence.

“Don’t mind that je.rk of an uncle, I should have seen it coming. He always has a suspicious side of him, I just wasn’t able to place my hands on it.”

I sighed”I still feel sad Kay, I wish he told me about it. Finding it this way hurts more”

“I know babe, I know”

I sighed again and faced her. I have so many questions for her right now so I pushed my uncle aside. I’ll think about it later.

“So.. tell me what you’re doing here in Orleans, how did you end up dressed like this”I said pointing at her clothes.

She laughed”Oh it’s a long story.. I actually disguised so I could know who Charles’s boss is. Turns out that it’s Khalid”

I blinked”Charles? You mean that cute guard? Is something going on between you too?”

Her features suddenly changed”June don’t ask to much questions, you still need to get your strength back”

“I’m fine Kay, now tell me what’s wrong”

She was quiet at first then she sighed”I’m actually d..”

She was interrupted by the door, we both faced the direction and saw Khalid standing by the door.

My heart skipped when I saw his drenched hair and the comfortable clothes he’s putting on.

He looks.. eatable.

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