By Samuel Favour


I finally took my bath as I put on a long sleeve hoodie with a black jean.

I never had the chance to wear sleeveless clothes because I was too ashamed to let people see my wounds and my scars.

I walked to the kitchen and I was thankful that my parents were still sleeping.

I went to the nearby grocery to get food to eat.

With the last money I had in my pocket I bought spaghetti.

As I returned I started to cook breakfast.

Immediately I was done I ate my own portion before I took a black nose mask and put it on.

This is the only way I could at least hide my purple left eye.

I let my long black wavy hair cover it. I always wanted to cut my hair but I didn’t have the money and it’s also an advantage to cover my bruises.

I was already late for work . I started to wreck a long distance. At first my leg would ache but now I got used to it.

Immediately I arrived I could hear Madam Glory glaring at me angrily.

Madam Glory, the owner of the coffee shop.

“Nyx, why the h’ll are you late?”

“I’m sorry ma, I had something to do”.

“If you come late tomorrow I’ll fire you so you better stop giving excuses and go to the back and change”.

She screamed at me and I could hear some people laughing at me.

Yes, that’s madam Glory, I’m her least favorite in this shop.

She treats me like an outcast, not that I’m not one anyway and always look for ways to disgrace me in front of her customers

After I changed I went to start my job.

One thing I hate about my job is I had to put up with customers behavior mostly the rude ones.

“You’re just useless” I knew who that voice belonged to, it’s none other than Charlotte.

She always made my life a living h’ll ever since I started this job.

I just kept quiet as I continued to serve the customers.

As I turned, Charlotte spilled a cup of hot coffee on my face making it hit my bruised eye.

I almost screamed in pain .

“Ohh my God Nyx , are you okay?”.

“It was a slip of hand I didn’t know”. She said with a mockery tone in her voice.

She tried to remove the nose mask from my mouth and remove my hair but I sI.apped her hand away.

“I’m fine,” I managed to say.

I just took a tissue and went to the back .

I removed my nose mask as I started to clean my face. A tear slipped from my eyes.

It hurts.

It really does.

I had to put up with my parents and I have to do the same thing at my own work place.

As if life wasn’t cruel to me enough

I cover my mouth from making a sound come out.

After I was done I went back inside doing my job.


After 2 hours I was done collecting my paycheck which wasn’t enough.

I had another job to do.

Walking dogs around was one stressful job.

Watching over 5 dogs at the same time .

I had to keep this dogs company, a fking dog.

Why was I even born in the first place?

After another 3 hours of watching and walking with the dogs , the pay wasn’t still enough.

After another 2 more jobs were done. I checked the time and it was 7pm.

I was late.

My last job was as a waiter at a club, not just any job but a billionaire club.

I hated this place the most because it was where my mom is a strpper.

Do you know the pain of seeing your mom in pant and bra dancing on a pole while men lvst for her body?

Yeah, It’s painful and disgusting.

The worst part is I had to pretend as if we don’t know each other.

This is the only job that pays well but the pay was for the house rent.

While other jobs I did were for food and order expenses.

This job was the one I hated the most because some rich guys have so many times lvst for me and I just had to smile because if I’m reported to the manager my bvtt will be kicked out.

There are 3 rules every waiter or waitress must follow.

Rule no 1: dress according to the dress code.

Rule no 2: you aren’t allowed to speak to any of the customers except taking their orders.

Rule no 3: never sleep with the customers, because it’s the strppers jobs.

I have to just smile when ever those rude and arrogant bstards try to touch me.

I sighed as I showed the guard my ID before entering.

I put on my waiter cloth , another disadvantage is that I had to remove my nose mask.

I brushed my hair forward making it cover my eyes.

I sighed, taking a deep breath before breathing out.

“This is going to be a long night,” I whispered to myself.


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