THE CONGRUENCE Episodes 35 – 37

 Whatever broke our father-son relation is on me…he’s always been a good kid and I’m proud to have him as my son. I will make any sacrifice to have him in my life.
He almost lost it after you left…he cried, he prayed. I felt really bad; the fact that I somehow knew what was happening but couldn’t tell them made it even worse. 

I have ruined a lot of things in that family, that God is just helping to restore. I have put this family through a lot; my kids grew up without me…thank God for ‘Sir Ade’ that helped to fill the role.
I am currently doing everything to make up for lost times…if this escalates; there’s no telling what could happen”
 Uncle Ade’s phone rang and it was Folahan, he wanted to know what was taking so long. He reiterated to him that he would tell him when to come inside.
“Trust me Folahan…everything will be alright” as he hung up
Captain continued
 “Lilian…sorry I meant Aramide”
“It’s okay sir” I responded as I didn’t know what to say to that
“I have decided to be calling you whatever my son calls you.
I know exactly how you feel…I have an idea what’s going on in your mind and I get it…I do.
You don’t deserve this, not at all
You are a good girl, with morals
Back then, you couldn’t even call me by name out of respect.
You were straight but I wasn’t straight with you…I didn’t tell you everything you needed to know to make an informed decision; I held back information out of selfishness.
I lied to you when I was talking to my wife…when we started making reconciliation moves.

I wanted to continue the relationship by the side, I offered you money, I even offered you a car but you walked away from everything
I remember you told me to seek God and fix things between me and my wife. 

You have no idea what that last discussion with you did for me…it changed my life and my marriage”
 Captain went on and on but I didn’t seem to know where he was going with it, I had to ask
“What do you want from me sir?”
  That was when Uncle Ade chimed in
I need you to listen to me like you would listen to a father.
What I am about to tell you is what I would tell my biological daughter.


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