Protected: THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

*?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

? Episode 43?

“Sieze him” the Emperor ordered as the firmament master entered the palace.

“Freeze” the master said and all the guards that rushed forward to capture him, all stood transfixed to the ground.

“What are you looking at? Capture him immediately” the emperor yelled at the others but all the guards fell and fainted.

“Azeez, what are you up to? You dare to endanger the crown prince and disobey my orders, even if your generation is beheaded, it won’t be enough to atone for your sins.”

“Your majesty” master said and bowed.

“I admit am wrong, please forgive me for old times sake, l will face the consequences later, the crown prince life is in great danger and the only one who can save him his in your custody.”

“My custody? Azeez, have always looked up to you in everything, you and l know that you are one of the most powerful man in the whole of the five regions, who else could cure my son,If not you? Are you doing this on purpose?”

“I don’t have much time your majesty, please let me meet someone in your underground prison,you are powerful your majesty and l know you sense it, a greater demon is roaming around, and anytime such things happen.

The consequences are disasterous, forgive me this one more time your majesty” master said and disappeared.

He got to the underground prison, everywhere was calm but he could sense that the demon was here.

Greater demons are always in disguise, he had to be careful.

The guards all bowed on seeing him.

“Where is the Lady that was brought in not quite long ago?” He asked.

“The one that murdered the minister of Finances daughter” the guard asked and l glared at him.

“Where is she? I asked as l gave him an angry look.

“Please come with me” he stuttered in fear.

There she was lying in the pool of her blood.

“How did this happen?why is she badly injured? Who did this to her?” I half yelled.

“Master, it’s the minister of Finances daughter, she came to meet her immediately she was brought in and used some sort of spell to hold her down,then beat her mercilessly.”

“Then you watched her comfortably, does the emperor know about this, l don’t have time for all this but have it in mind that you all are going to pay for this.”

“Open up, am taking her away” l said to the guard.

But he paused and glared at me.

“Why?” He asked as his tone hardened.

“Run! I yelled to the other guards,he is the greater demon.

He transformed to his real self and the guard he was imposing fainted.

All the guards scurried away leaving l and the demon.

He grinned widely as he stared at the unconscious Clarissa.

“She is mine, back off” he said.

“I won’t let you take her away” l said and he roared.

“Azeez! Have heard so much about you but is a pity am gonna feed your noble flesh to the birds today” he said and l Chuckled.

“Bring it on” l said and he charged towards me with his claws.

I made to dodged the attack but stopped as he dropped on the floor, as an arrow Pierce through his back.

“Dreyfus!” I called surprise.

I almost forgot they are birds of same feathers, they never Listen.

“I told you to watch over Lonrenzo Dreyfus, why are you here?”l queried.

“Am sorry master, l just wanted to help” he said.

“And where is Lonrenzo?”l asked.

“Finn is with him, let’s hurry master, the demon is waking up but he can’t chase us l made sure l poisoned the arrow” he said.

“Let go” master said and carried Clarissa in bridal style.

“Let me help you” Dreyfus offered but master disappeared with Clarissa already.

“Tsk, so bad tempered, Dreyfus muttered and disappeared.



What’s happening?”

“She isn’t waking up, who did this to her?”

“Aries! That’s what the demon said.”

“The minister of Finances daughter, am going to deal with her” Dreyfus said and got up.

“Sit you fool” master ordered.

“Do you want to go and beat her up? You can’t harsh rashly, Clarissa will take care care of her, though her second seal was broken and she has powers, she doesn’t know how to use it, but now that her third seal will be broken, l pity anyone that bullies her.”

“We have to make her conscious before taking her blood,we still have few days before the full moon, now Clarissa is here with us, we have hope,l pray she wakes up soon.”

“Is there nothing we can do to wake her up?” Dreyfus asked.

“Nothing! She has to wake up herself.

This is called destiny.

If she doesn’t wake up before be the full moon then we will say they were both destined to die together.

Now their lives revolves on each other.





“You did a great job Aries, now there will be no one to stand up to you” mom jubilated.

“Mom, it isn’t over yet, that Skylar is also a torn in the flesh, can you believe she came to challenge me after Clarissa was taken away, I will have to deal with her too and lastly Maya,she dare to concieve Lindon’s child.

“Don’t worry, l will deal with her myself” mom said.

“How do you plan to deal with her?”l asked.

“Kill her” she whispered and l gasped.

“Mom! No l ……….no we can’t go that far.”

“Shut up, you don’t have to be softhearted, if they gave the be opportunity they will do same to you” she said.

“Mom l don’t support this, she is pregnant and will get expelled soon, how about we don’t kill her but…….”

“But what say it.”

“Kill the baby” l whispered.



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