THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 11-20


(? What my heart wants)

By: Authoress Naomi

? Episode twenty ?

? Richard ?
Whoa!, Time flies I’ve been in America for the past one month for a retreat, dad was actually the one who’s supposed to go but I went in his place cos he has another conference to attend at home

Today I’ll be back in Singapore, I’m actually on the jet already, approximately thirty minutes left to land back home

I miss her, I missed her a lot while in America, I’m talking about Elle, she keeps appearing in my dreams and I keep seeing her in my imagination

I love her but she won’t just give me a chance to prove that

Well, let’s hope all these goes well

The jet landed and my driver is already waiting to pick me up….

? Helga ?
Steve came over to the shop today again and I’m happy he did but I did my best to hide it, he came in the evening when I’m done for the day

“Hey Helga”

“Doctor Steve Gladstone” I called officially

“Nah, that’s not gonna work here, I’m not the in the hospital you know”

“Oh, ok, Steve” I finally said and saw him smile

“Now that’s a good girl” he said

“Look at who’s giving credit” I said in mockery

“Oh stop Helga, so how’s sales today?”

“Busy, I had a lot of customers” I replied

“Oh great”


“So, can we go for….. dinner?”

“”The last time was lunch, this time it’s dinner” I said sarcastically

“I’m cool to be with” he replied

“As if” I mumbled silently

“I heard that” he said and we both laughed

“So are we going for dinner?” He asked and I nodded

” let’s get going” he said

“No, I can’t possibly go in this trouser and tank top” I said

“Trust me when I say you always look good in everything Helga, you’re good to go” he said

“That was teasing right?”

“Nope, I’m giving you my sincerity, you look too good to go, you’re beautiful” he replied and I blushed

“I saw that” he said and I laughed loud

“This is 5:30, by 6:30, we should be back so I can cook dinner for uncle”

“I understand” he answered and opened the car door for me, I entered and he did too, his driver zoomed off to Fancy dinner Hall

? Hellen ?
Boss is not back from conference, he actually went for a conference with the shareholders of Gold empire and I dunno when he’s gonna be back, since what he did yesterday, he hasn’t talked to me, he just stays in his room, he refused to open the door when I went to give him his coffee in the morning, I dropped it by his doorstep and surprisingly he took it, he returned the tray with the cup to the kitchen by himself and I don’t even know when

When he was going for conference, he only wrote it on a piece of paper and dropped it on the dinning table, that’s where I got it from… Is he scared to face me or what

It’s 7:pm already and the doorbell sounded, I thought it was Elvira but I had a rethink, Elvira will never ring the doorbell cos she knows the password, I checked the door camera, it’s Richard… whoa!, It’s been a while since I saw him, I opened the door and he entered

“Ellen!” He exclaimed and pulled me into a hug but I quickly broke it

He looked at me for a while and smiled

“I missed you” he said, searching through my face but I faced down

“I went for retreat a month ago and I’m just landing right now, I can’t stop thinking about you that’s why I came here straight, I wish I had your number, I would have been contacting you” he said

“Oh” I managed to mumble

“What’s wrong with you Hellen?, Aren’t you Happy to see me?” He asked

“I am, please sit, what would you drink?” I asked as he sat

“Nothing, looking at your face is enough” he replied and the atmosphere because awkward, I can’t even look at him in the face

? Stanley ?
I’m currently at the shareholders meeting but everything said there is not even entering my ear cos only my body is present, my mind is elsewhere, I’m busy thinking about how to confess to Krystal, I’m taking this too long but it’s not my fault, just that I’m scared that she might reject me because I’m her boss, I’ve been avoiding her yesterday since that Happened, I’m scared to look at her face

“Mr Stanley” Mr Dave called and I jumped out of my thoughts

“We just read the contracts conditions, please what’s your final say?” He asked

“About?” I asked, looking lost

“The contract conditions we just read” he answered

That’s when I know I’ve really been thinking, I didn’t even know when they were reading it

“This conference is rescheduled for next week” I said and they all bowed before taking their leave

I stared into space for a while before loosening my tie….I think I need to do this once and for all

I Stood up and got out of the conference room, my phone rang, it’s dad, I know it’s because of the conference I rescheduled so I didn’t even bother picking the call

My guards followed me to my car but I stopped them…..

“I can take care of myself” I said and they backed off

Since dad got the six guards for me, I’ve never used them, I just kept them in the company, I don’t like being followed around

? Hellen ?
“Richard, it’s not what you think, I only like you as a friend” I said

“No Ellen, you can’t say that, I really do love you” he said

“But I’m sorry Richard, you’re a good person and I can’t possibly tell you lies, I don’t love you” I answered as the door pushed open and boss entered, he stood on his tracks immediately he saw us

“I’ll see you some other time Ellen” Richard said and went out

“Welcome boss” I greeted

“What is Richard doing here? He asked, looking intently at my eyeballs

“He’s my friend” I answered

“But he loves you” boss said

“Is that a problem” I asked

“Of course Krystal it’s a problem, it’s indeed a great problem, ……. do you know how much it hurts to see you with another man?” He said seriously

“What are you talking about?” I asked and he faced the ground for a while before facing me again

“Krystal, I……I love you” he said and my eyes widened, my heart started beating fast


“Yes, I do, i have, for a long time” he said seriously and I can’t even believe my ears

“Boss …is this some… kind of joke?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

“But….boss, I’m just your maid, we’re not in the same cliche”

.”do I look like I care?, I don’t care, I’ve suffered enough in my heart” he replied and I smiled

“Boss, would you believe it if I say I’ve also loved you for a long time?” I asked


“Yes, I do, but fear won’t let me spit it out” I confessed and saw him smile

“You also love me?”

I nodded positively, tears of Joy trickling down my face

He came closer and cupped my face

“I promise I won’t break your heart” he said and I nodded

“And please, tell Richard to stay away from my lady” he said and I smiled as he leaned in, I knew he’s about to kiss me

“Hope you won’t leave me and run upstairs like Yesterday” I said and he smiled

“Not even a chance” he said and crashed his lips into mine for a rĀ©mantic kss…



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