THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2!

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 2.

The sounds of strange drums and music woke Jadeshola up. She quickly sat up and peeped from the window of the car and then she saw them. Seven old men dressed in red, seven old women dressed in red and three young girls who shouldn’t be older than Mary dressed in white. The three young girls were crying.

Jadeshola was terrified as she put her head down pressing the mouth of Mary so that she wouldn’t make a sound. She watched as these strange people disappeared into the bush. Then she checked her time again it was some minutes past 5pm.

”Mary get up, get up quick. We can’t stay here, we can’t remain here, stand up let’s get out of this place”. ” But mom where would we go? And how will the driver find us when he gets back?” Mary asked.

”I dont know baby, but we have to leave this place now, as fast as we can. And that driver, I dont think he is coming back today. ” Jadeshola replied.

They both came out of the car and carried their bags. Thank God they didnt carry much when leaving the house. Jadeshola kept her phone and the money she had in her purse and held the purse in her hand.

Mary: Mom why don’t you keep the purse inside the big bag?

Jadeshola: No baby, incase of emergency we can easily drop the big bag and run with the purse. All of our money is here and we can’t afford to lose it now.

Mary understood what her mom was saying and so they made to leave. As they were about leaving a young boy dressed in white came from no where and stopped them. He was holding a very long and sharp cutlass. Jadeshola and Mary became very scared when they saw him.

Boy: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Jadeshola: please am sorry, just let us go. We are travellers and our car broke down here as you can see, please just let us go please.

Boy: And who told you to pass through this village at this time. Don’t you know its our festival time and visitors are not allowed into the village?

Jadeshola: Please sir, I am very sorry sir, like I earlier said we are strangers and I didnt know. The driver who brought us here have abandoned us, please Sir, just let my daughter and I go, please am begging.

The boy turned and looked at Mary they were almost same age, but he knew he would be older than her, he took pity on them and told them to go.

Boy: Listen, it’s our festival period and today most especially is the day we offer girls to our gods. One thing I am sure of right now is that if our people see you, they will sacrifice your girl to our gods. And so you must go now and be careful and avoid been seen.

Jadeshola: Sorry to bother you, but we do not even know what direction to go to. How do we get to a major road, where we can get transport. We are headed for Rumola village. Please dont be offended. If you can just point us on a direction, we will be very grateful.

The boy kept silent for a while and then pointed on a direction to them.

Boy: you must hurry and be fast before it gets dark. Do not stop moving. I repeat do not stop moving. Go now.

Jadeshola held Mary very tight and greeted the boy and then started moving as fast as her legs could carry her dragging her bag and Mary with the other hand.

After walking for about an hour, they finally saw a house. Just one house in the middle of the bush.

Jadeshola: Oh thank God! Finally there is a house, I am so tired and thirsty, let us go inside and knock, maybe the owner would help us.

Mary: No mom, let’s not do that, remember what the boy said. He said we shouldn’t stop until we get to the road. So please let’s just go.

Jadeshola: I know what the boy said, but this is a sign that we are close to the road. All I need is a glass of water. Please let’s just knock and go please.

Mary: Mom please, its getting late. This is 6.30pm, let’s just go please.

Jadeshola: it’s alright but let me just sit and rest even if its for 10minutes, let me just catch my breath dear, am really very tired. Please.

Mary looked at her mom, she knew she was really tired and so she didnt argue with her. They sat silently a little distance from the house. Jadeshola was praying that a food Samaritan comes from the house to help them with a glass of water. But after 10minutes nobody came. She had no choice than to follow Mary who was by now already walking away saying its 10minutes already.

Jadeshola was the mother, but sometimes she likes listening to her daughter. She believes in the saying that not every elder knows it all, sometimes that little child might just be the correct one sent by God to save your life. Silently she walked behind her daughter with her bag still on her shoulder.

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