THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2!

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 3.

As they walked along, from no where that boy came again, this time with blood all over his body.

Jadeshola: Blood of Jesus! (She screamed)

Boy: Its you again, you are still here? What did I tell you people, its like you want to die.

”No sir, we are sorry, please sir, dont hurt us. We are very sorry, we only sat to rest because we were very tired. It was just 10minutes, just 10minutes sir, please forgive, we are sorry.

Boy: Its only the stubborn fly that follows the corpse into the grave. I told you not to stop for any reason, I told you to go straight but you didn’t listen. I hope and pray you don’t regret what you have done.

Jadeshola: we are sorry sir, very sorry, we won’t waste any more time. We are on our way now.

Jadeshola held Mary by the hand and increased her pace as they ran straight away from the bush without looking back. Finally they got to the road. A major express road. By now everywhere was dark. But they could sew different cars driving past.

Jadeshola: Oh sweet Jesus, finally! Thank you father.

Mary : Thank God. For a while I thought we were never going to leave that place.

Jadeshola: Me too dear.

Mary: Mom what is the name of that village? And who was that boy?

”I dont know dear”, and I dont want to know, I just thank God that we are finally out of that cursed village. ” Jadeshola replied.

Mary: Mom what next?

Jadeshola: I dont know if we are still going to get a vehicle to go to the village but let’s just try if we don’t see, we can always go to the nearest town and get a hotel to lay our head. By tomorrow we will continue our journey.

Mary: Yes mom.

And then they sat by the road side, waving at any car that was faced their directions. After about 25minutes one car finally stopped. They both ran to it, dragging their bags behind them.

Driver: Where una day go?

Jadeshola: Rumola sir, but if you won’t get to Rumola you can just drop us at the nearest park or hotel along the way.

Driver: Na Rumola I dey go.

Mary: Oh thank God!

Jadeshola: driver how much will it cost?

Driver: small money, una two na just 2,000 naira.

Jadeshola :okay sir. A minute let me give you the money.

Mary took a look at the time inside the vehicle it was some few minutes to 9pm.

Driver: Madam try do fast na, this one na night abeg.

Jadeshola: Please dont be offended, I am coming sir.

She scattered her body and her bag up and down, but she couldn’t find her purse.

”Mary please is my purse with you?” She asked. ”No mom, you held it all through” Mary answered.

Driver: Madam e be like say you never ready, abeg I dey go. (Before Jade could say anything, the driver started the car and drove off)

Mary: Mom where did you keep the purse?

Jadeshola: I dont know , I held it in my hand all through, I can remember clearly, the only time I dropped it was……..(she thought for a while and then carried her two hands on her head) ewooooooooooo!

Mary: Mom what is it? Where did you drop your purse?

Jadeshola: Mary, the only time I dropped it was at that place where we sat to rest. In front of that house that you refused us from entering.

Mary: oh oh God! Mummy, I told you, I told you that we shouldn’t wait , I told you we should continue but you said you wanted to rest, now you’ve forgotten your purse there, your phone and everything is in it. How do we leave this place now.

They both sat down lamenting until Jadeshola stood up walking back into the bush.

Mary: Mom where are you going to?

Jadeshola: we can’t just remain here, the time should be almost 10pm already and we dont know how safe this place is. We need to get that purse now that cars are still passing. If we are lucky we can still get a vehicle this night. So I am going to get our purse.

Mary: Mom you can’t do that? How can you go back there alone? And with that leg that you are already dragging. You can’t go back.

”Dont worry baby, I will just get it and back before you know it, so dont worry” Jadeshola replied.

Mary: No mom, I won’t let you do that, not with the leg you are dragging. Instead wait here with our bags, while I run back and quickly get the purse and come back.

Jadeshola: no ooooo. How can I let you go back. What if they boy and those people catch you. Please sit down and I’d go get it.

Mary: Mom can you please just listen to me, I am younger, and smarter than you are, besides your leg is paining you, its better for us because if there is anything I can run, but you can’t because of your leg. So please dont argue with me. Just sit with our luggage and before you know it I’d be back okay?

Mary could see the worry look on her moms face. She knew her mom was scared for her and she didnt like that and so she smiled and said.

Mary: mom dont be worried okay, I promise you, I’d be back before you know it okay? Just sit and count one to hundred and before you know it I’d be back I promise.

Jadeshola didnt like this but she also knew that Mary was right and because of her legs she wouldn’t be able to go far. And they needed the purse to move on. And so she held Mary close and said.

Jadeshola: May God go with you my child.

She watched as Mary walked back into the bush. She knew Mary was scared, but she also knew that Mary was a brave girl. She sat and prayed silently for her child to return to her.

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