THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2!

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 4.

Jadeshola has counted one to 100 for 11 times and now she was beginning to get worried. She checked her time again and it was almost 11.30pm. Mary was supposed to be back by now.

What could be holding her back? I hope she has not been caught by those ritualist? At the thought of this she became scared. She got up and arranged their bags beside the road and covered them up with grasses. She was beginning to regret why she allowed Mary go back all alone. This was all her fault. If only she had listened to her daughter she wouldn’t have sat down in that place and her purse would not have fallen from her without her knowing.

She got up and started walking inside the bush part. She was so scared, because it was so dark, she kept praying to see Mary along the road, but the more she prayed the more it seems that Mary didnt even pass through the path.

Finally she got to the spot where they had initially rested. She looked around and Mary wasn’t there, she looked around for her purse and she didnt see it there. Then she looked at the house, it was so dark inside and it didnt seem like anyone was home.

”We must have missed our way” she thought to herself, ”I am very sure that Mary has gone back to the road. If I had known I would have just waited for her”

She turned and began to walk back to the road. Her leg hurt her so much. Each step she took, she prayed that her only child was safe. Eventually she got to the road, and Mary wasn’t there, she tried to check to know if anyone came there and she discovered the place was just as she left it and no one had come there.

Fear gripped her as she began panting and running back inside the village. When she got back to that spot, she kept quiet and tried to listen if she would hear any sound. But the place was as quiet as a grave yard. So quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Confused not knowing what to do she began to shout her daughter’s name.
”Mary…. ,Mary…….,Mary she kept screaming and crying. Mary where are you? she cried out, Mary she kept screaming as she ran past the house going deeper and deeper inside the village, hoping to find someone , anyone who could tell her the whereabout of her child. She didnt mind if those ritualist caught her now. All she wanted was to be with her child.

Jadeshola kept walking inside the thick bush, crying and calling out to Mary. Finally she arrived at the village. She saw different houses, some had lights on while others were dark. Jadeshola didnt know how she found this place because earlier when she walked with Mary they didnt see this place. She suddenly became hopeful as she ran to the first house she saw that had lights on. She started hitting on the door.

”Hello, hello, is anyone in? Hello, please help me, please am begging. ” When no one answered her she moved to the next door knocking from one to the other. She didnt care weather they opened or not she would not be discouraged. She kept on running and crying from one door to the other until finally someone opened their door for her. It was a very old man.

Old man: who are you? And what are you doing outside at this time of the night hitting on my door.

Jadeshola: Thank God, thank you sir for opening your door for me.

Old man: Do you know its very late? This is almost 2am in the morning. Who are you? And what do you want? Why are you outside at this time of the night?

Jadeshola: Sir please help me sir, my daughter is missing, please sir. Her name is Mary she is 16 years old. Please sir. Help me. (Jadeshola cried)

Old man: Come inside, come inside. Jadeshola was reluctant to go in with the man.
Listen, this is almost 2am in the night, you are even lucky I opened my door for you, if not nobody will open their door for you this time. Besides if your daughter is missing, there is nothing you can do this night until its morning. So its better you come in and rest until morning when it is bright and clear, then we can go and find out what has happened to your daughter.

Jadeshola was still not convinced and stood outside staring at the man.

Old man: well, its alright if you dont want to come in. I can’t keep my door opened at this time of this night and I can’t stay outside either. So if you wanna remain outside and search for your daughter in the dark, you can go ahead. I am going inside. (He went inside and shut the door, Jadeshola looked around and noticed it was really a dark night and a scary one too. She quickly rushed at the door)

Jadeshola: please sir, I will come in, I will come in, dont lock me out please.

The old man opened the door for her and she went in. She prayed silently for Mary asking God to keep her safe wherever she is.

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