The Hunted House 2!
Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E
Episode 6.
Mary didnt know the time she slept off at that door. But she was woken up by the quiet one Ola, who offered her a cup of water. Mary who was very thirsty quickly grabbed the cup and drank the water like one who hasn’t seen water before. She was thankful to the quiet girl.
”I am Ola” she said breaking the silence between them, what is your name? She asked.
Mary looked at her from head to toe and found out that they would be of the same age.
”My name is Mary” she replied. Please can you explain to me what is going on here? Please. Just then, Tina, Lanna and Faith came in and sat by them.
”How do I get out of here?” Mary asked, looking at Ola as if she was the only one she was ready to believe.
Ola: For now dear, there is no way to leave this cursed house, but I believe some day we will be free.
Lanna laughed sarcastically as if to say ”just keep dreaming” Mary ignored her and faced Ola.
Mary: Is it true you have been in this house for five years? How do you survive? Food? Water? Your family? How did you get here?
Ola: one question at a time please. And I have just one thing to say to you. ”Save your energy and the little strength you have because he will be here soon, and since you are new, he will come for you.
Mary: He? Who? (But Ola said nothing, instead she stood up and walked to a seat and sat down ignoring Mary. Mary soon started crying) girls please, dont keep me in the dark, please talk to me please.
Faith: I tried to talk to you before but you shut me out, now you are asking for our help.
Mary: Please I am sorry, let someone talk to me. Please I really need to get out of here please. And who is Ola talking about? Who is coming for me please I really need to understand.
Faith: its alright, we are all sisters in this house I will explain to you. Like I earlier said. This is Lanna and Tina, and they’ve been here for thirteen years. Lanna and Tina are twins and they were on their way to meet their parents as kids in the farm. When they got to this house, they wanted to use the tap outside because they needed water and that was how they got into this house. What happened to them no one knows. Many believed they were kidnapped out of the village. Their parents cried and searched for them but they were never found. As for me I was on my way from school with my best friend Bunmi, we saw a mango tree behind this house and we decided to get some. The next thing I knew we were inside this house. As for Ola, her cat ran inside this house and she came to get it and that’s how she ended up here.
Mary: But how come you are still here, when someone comes in the door opens right? Why can’t you just run out at that point.
Faith: That is the thing, we never know when they come in, we only wake up to see the new intake, just like you.
Mary:You mentioned Bunmi, your best friend. Where is she?
Faith put her head down for a while and when she raised it up she was crying.
Faith: she is dead. She couldn’t survive it.
Mary: survive what?
Faith: you will understand with time (she starts crying and runs off)
Mary: please what is going on here?
Tina: I dont know why she is beating around the bush. Listen sis, he will come and you will see him. We call him the m0nster of the night. He owns this house and he is the one who has held us captive for years. He comes every fourth night, he takes any one of us and he drinks from us. The strong survives, the weak dies. My sister and I have been in this house for 13years. 7 girls have met us in this house and we met two, they’ve all died. But we are determined to survive because we believe that some day help will come and so we have stayed strong.
Lanna: Bunmi was weak, just one drink and she couldn’t survive it.
Mary: please wait, I dont understand. Drink?/what is he drinking, I dont understand?
Tina: Blood, he drinks blood. See (she opened her back and her thighs showing Mary all the scars on her body. Mary became terrified.
Lanna: Listen sis, he will come tomorrow, and since you are new he will come for you, so be ready. If you want to survive it, you have to be strong. Only the strong survives.
They stood and walked away. Mary couldn’t believe all she was hearing. It sounded like a fairy tale to her and she didnt know if she was dreaming or not. She stared at them and then she stared at Ola as if she has to confirm the story for her to believe it.
Ola shook her head in the affirmative. Mary was silent. She didnt know what to say. ”What have I gotten myself into” she heard her heart speaking to her.
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