THE KING AND I SEASON 2: Episode 1-10



Written by: Eunice Nwodu Ifunanya

Simone’s pov?
I sighed and turned to the doctor who had been staring at me keenly.

“Are you alright, your highness?” He asked curiously.
“Yes…I’m alright” I replied perfunctorily.

“But you looked like you just remembered something” He said and I scoffed.

“I felt the baby move…that’s all” I stated batting my lashes.
He shrugged and carried his briefcase.
“If you say so”.

“Um…doctor, when do you think I would be giving birth?” I asked with a grimace.

“Hmm. According to the observations, I think it would be in the next two weeks” He replied and I gasped.

Its coming that soon??
King Lee should come back already so I can give him the goodnews.

He’ll have to be beside me on that day, holding my hand as I push the baby.

“I’ll have to start going now Simone, take good care of yourself and continue to get enough rest” He enthused and left the room.

I sniffed and plonked myself into the heap of pillows. This part of the world is so lonely and boring.

A knock came on the door and right before I could utter a word, Alicia walked in. She was holding onto Xenia though.
What on earth do they want??

“Hey Simone” She called pulling Xenia along with her as she approached the bed.
“Hello Alicia” I mumbled recalling how we fought yesterday because of the All-Kings Conference. She’s problematic.

“I’m sorry about yesterday’s fight. I feel so stupid that after all that argument, King Lee overlooked us and chose that petty princess” She said sitting at the edge of the bed.

“I know…its unfortunate” I muttered overwhelmed with shame.
Xenia walked to me and began playing with my hair like she always does.

“But then….I want us to work together in getting rid of her. I want us to make King Lee dislike her” she professed lowering her voice.

“And…how do we do that?” I asked feebly.
She smiled and drew herself closer.

“When she returns, we’ll set her up with one of the guards and make King Lee catch her kssing the guard” She replied and my jaw dropped.

“What?…Are you crazy? You have no idea what King Lee would do to that guard making him vulnerable to tell him that we hired him to kss the princess”.

She rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed.

“Aren’t you tired of being pushed aside?
The King was never this cold to us when we were just two wives.
But now princess Anna made everything change to the worst.
You should feel anger after he didn’t punish her for poisoning your food” She paused and turned her back on me.

“I’ll let you think about this.
Xenia will keep you company till I get back” She chided and sauntered out of the room.

Alicia is crazy.
There’s no way am agreeing to this foolish plan of hers.
Alicia’s pov?
I was starting to have a slight headache and decided to go to my bedroom to sleep.

I stepped in and locked the door behind me so I won’t be disturbed.
I turned off the lights and proceeded to the bed.
I unzipped my dress,,passed it through my legs and folded it in place.

I suddenly felt the presence of someone else in the room and I looked around like a lost girl.

Who could it be?? I started towards the bathroom where I presumed the person must be hiding.

Suddenly, I felt two strong hands grab me by my waist. I flinched and lifted my face to see the intruder.


“What are you doing here???!” I asked alarmed.
He smiled releasing his grip on me…

“It doesn’t matter” He replied and crashed his l1ps on mine…
I flared and tried to push him off but he was a million times stronger than me.

He carried me into his arms and rushed to the b.ed where he dropped me roughly.

“Tristan, I’ve told you to stop coming here…I don’t wanna do this” I jibed exhaling.

He didn’t say anything as he got on top of me and turned me over with my back facing him.

This has always been his favorite style.

He went on for a long time and just when I felt like giving up, we reached cl1max…

Oh no….
Can’t believe I did this again with him.

Dawn’s pov?
Everything was starting to go well and I was having the best time with King Lee.

I was giving him a massage while he laid comfortably on the bed.

Touching his beautiful skin gave me a weird feeling in deep in my stomach and some part of me liked it..

I’ve been doing this for half an hour and I was beginning to get tired.

He didn’t seem to care at all.
…how do I let him know??

“I’m done, your highness” I said warily.

He stretched himself and sat up on the bed. The look on his face was like he wanted to sleep.

“Alright…pull off your cl©thes, its your turn” He said tapping on the bed.

Say what?

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