THE LOST IDENTITY: Episode 1 – 10

By NneNne Izuanagbara


We came home from church. I speedily removed the clothes. I was angry as i did. I don’t want to be this person you want me to be.

That night, at about 9:30pm, i walked into the sitting room. Dad was reading his bible.

-Dad, i called. He looked up.
-junior, you’re still awake? He asked
-yes dad.

At that point, i developed tongue tie. I didn’t know how to tell my dad, i wanted to discuss with him.

Discussing with dad isn’t my problem. My problem is how to introduce the topic of discussing.

-Junior, he called, are you alright?
-yes dad. I am. I replied

Dad closed his bible , took off his glasses and looked up to me.

-you want to discuss something with me?

Wow, my dad? He can know everything.

-ye, ye, yes sir, i stammered.
-Alright, sit down. I’m listening

I sat down. I was sweating in my palms. I was surprised at myself. Where is the “i need to talk to my dad spirit” i couldn’t even say a word. Then my dad broke the silence with words that sprouted the fire i needed.

-cornell, the sunday school you took was really nice. I listened to you every line. Your teaching was great.

-thanks dad, i replied.

-get ready, next sunday, you will……..

Dad didn’t finish his statement when i flared up.

-dad, I’m sorry, i won’t. I can’t do that anymore.

My dad smiled.

-and why? If i may ask?

I stood up.

-Dad, you are forcing your pastorship on me. You are trying to make me live your own life. I am a young man and i want to be myself. I can no longer walk your path. I am 23years old. I am old enough to choose what i want. I love swag, I’m a niggar, I’m a dude, a real dude. I am radical for Jesus.

Really, i didn’t know where the boldness to talk to my no nonsense dad came from. I continued.

-dad, i said. I want the kind of America’s Christianity. They look good, wear dreads, draw tattos, pierce their nose and ears, dad, they wear crazy jeans, big boots. They even tint their hairand yet when the sing, power comes down. Holy ghost works through them.

My dad who was quiet all the while said to me.

-hmmm, that’s alright. Your point exactly?

-i don’t want to be a preacher, or a teacher . Don’t get me long sleeve pastor shirt, don’t give me pastor tie, i don’t want those shoes, i don’t want to be you, i want to be me. A christain with the holy ghost swag.

My dad took a deep breath and said to me….

-cornell Chieweta Adindu, sit down.

I sat down.

Cornell my son. I want to tell you a story about my life only your mother knows.
My father was a dreaded native doctor. He was feared in the 7 towns and villages in my community.

He was powerful, influential, he had powers. And i his only son was to take over after he has gone.

I too had powers. Infact, in school, i sat on the long chair alone because everyone was afraid of me. I was my father’s son.

One day, a new boy came to our school. He was very tall. The only place he could sit is at the back and the only space at the back is my chair.

Francis walked up to my seat and sat down. Students were murmuring. At first, i was shocked. Maybe he hasn’t heard about MKPOKITI. That was my native name. I tapped him and asked him in igbo language.

-ima onyem bu?(do you know me)

His answer shocked me. He said……

-ehee nu. Mkpokiti, nwa akugbara
(yes na, Mpokiti, the son of akugbara)

-And you have the heart to seat close to me? You are not afraid? Haven’t you heard about what i do to people? You want to die?

That boy got me more angry when bursted into laughter. He said to me..

-bia mkpokiti, if others are afraid of you, i am not. You know why? Your father is just an herbalist. My own father is the servant of the most high God. I am a child of God. If you try me eheee, if you try me, you will see pepper.

The whole classroom was quiet, i have never been this challenged before.His boldness alone weakened my powers. It wasn’t ordinary. I got home, very disturbed. I went to my father.

-Papa, i called.onwere ike ka ike gi?(is there any power greater than yours ?)

My father started laughing.

-n’ebe kwan?(where?) my power is ultimate. Onwero ike ka ikem. (No power is greater than mine) ndi ozo n’egbu ndu, mua n’egbu ndu, gbuo onwu.(others kill life, i kill life and kill death) you are protected my son. But why the question?

-papa, i replied, for the first time in my life, in that school, i was challenged.

-what ?by who? My father asked. Obviously, he doesn’t know you.

-papa, he does. He called me MKPOKITI son of AKUGBARA.

-hahahahaha, my father son, show him don’t waste time, deal with him?

I decided to use him as scapegoat in class. That day, i sent him boil on his scrotum. He was writing and groaning in pains. Then he suddenly got up and shouted


He placed his hands on his scrotum and said.

-you pain, in the name of Jesus christ, go back to your sender 100 folds.

I laughed hard as he was still groaning in pains.

My dear son, that night, i woke up, my whole body was covered with boil. I was almost dying. My father could not save me.

I don’t know why he came to see me that day, i mean francis. He said to me……

-only Jesus can save you now.

I had no other choice. I accepted. Jesus healed me. The same Jesus saved me from my own father. And i vowed, i and the children God will give to me, MUST SERVE JESUS in spirit and in truth.

My son, i walked out of my father’s ways because it is evil. Is mine evil? You want to be a niggar? When i am showing you Nazareth.

Ok, all these you mentioned, can you tell me what it will help you achieve in life? Being radical for Jesus is not when you turn yourself into a mad man.

When you set yourself apart for Jesus and say no to the devil, you are radical.

I wasn’t even satisfied with my dad’s story. I have made my point.

He continued.

Listen to me son, by spiritual qualifications , you are not supposed to handle SUNDAY SCHOOL. I just wanted you closer to the bible.

I got angry.

Dad, i want to be me.

My dad said to me,

NOT IN MY HOUSE CORNELL. Not in my house.

I replied

Fine, keep your house to yourself.

I walked out.

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