THE MAGICIANS: Episode 1 – 10

(Earth, Water, Fire, Air)

?Episode 9

Written By: Author Kelvin??

Alex’s pov:
“Oh my God!!!” i exclaimed as i glared around discovering the we are in the centre of the school field.

“Wow, i’m i actually dreaming?” Sylvester muttered in happiness as i picked the Tristain on the floor.

“Oh, i can’t wait to see my family” Taylor said and jumped up happily.

I Looked around as i discovered that Raymond was not in our midst.

“Guys, where’s Raymond” i asked already looking For him.

“I Haven’t set my eyes on him since we appeared here, where’s he?” Taylor asked as he walked to and fro, looking for Raymond.

“Are you sure, Raymond came here with us or is still in the the forest?” Sylvester asked in a confused.

Alex looked at the Tristain and saw that Raymond’s side of the elements was blank.

“Noo!!!” I cried out and fell on the floor as Tears began to flow from my eyes.

“What?? What happened?? Why are you suddenly crying” Taylor asked with Keen interest.

“Raymond is still in the Redwood Forest” i muttered in between tears.


Raymond’s pov:
The lightening struck as i looked around And discovered that i was still in the forest making me flinched in fear.

The most shocking part is that None of my friends are here.

“Where could they have been?” i asked no one in particular as i searched the environment.

“Alex” i called but no reply..

“Sylvester” i called but no reply..

“Taylor” i called but i didn’t heard any sound, only the Chirpping of the bird could be heard.

“Is it possible, they they’ve gone to the city without me?” i thought in my head as i walked lonely on the bush path.

“No, No, they can’t leave without me” i rasped in my head.

“Or was it because i loosed concentration while the incanation was going on?? Did the Tristain reject me?” i whimpered as hot tears rolled down my cheecks.

“Oh God, how do i survive here lonely, without anyone to talk to and no food or water” i thought in my head as i cleaned the tears on my face.

I Worked for a short time thinking about how i’m gonna cope here.

At that moment, i thought my life was a waste and there’s nothing i could be able to achive.

It was barely thirty minutes i’ve sitting down here, and my eyes are already going dizzy and sleeply when i heard a sound of a running horse from afar as i quickly jerked up my feet, waiting patiently for the horse to pass.

“Who knows whether someone might be riding the horse” i rasped in my mind as i folded my folded my arms.

Shortly, an horse ran slowly passin me as i discovered that someone like a hero was riding the horse.

“H©lly!!! Molly!!!” i exclaimed as i ran hastily towards the horse.

Alex’s pov:
“Anyways, Destiny can never be denied, it must surely come to pass” i muttered as i stood up from the ground.

“Wait?? Ain’t you guys the one who gost lost in the Redwood Forest?” A Girl said as he approached us with two of her other friends.

“Yeah, we’re the one” Sylvester replied them.

“What?? Ghost!!! Ghost!!!” the girl yelled and run off.

“Common guys, it’s almost late already, let’s go” i muttered as i placed the Tristan inside my pocket and we walked out of the school compound.

As we walked inside the compound, girls and boys started running helter skelter shouting “ghosts” making me chuckled.

After what seems like eternity, We finally came out of the school compound.

“Guys, see you in school tommorow” Sylester muttered and took the other road leading to his house.

“Bye guys” Taylor baded

“Yeah, see you guys in school tommorow.

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