THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20

THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20


Eric could guess that she was curious about his conversation with Pete,
“Yeah. We were sitting next to each other on the plane. I even said I was
going to invite him and Kathleen over for dinner only if it was okay with you,”
he said, turning to look at Kimberly.

Dinner? “Wasn’t it awkward, since you know about us? What exactly did you both talk about? And why did you think of such a dinner invitation?” Kimberly
asked as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably, making Eric smile at her
fondly as he stopped in front of his gate and honked the car horn.

“You don’t have to be uncomfortable talking about this with me. He
apologized for taking advantage of you and said he owed you an apology
too. I think he is a nice guy, and I wanted us to invite them over because of
your friendship with Kathleen. She is a nice person and I like her.”

“Yes, she is. I like her too, but I don’t know if I can be comfortable around
him,” Kimberly confessed with a slight frown.
“Well, you won’t know if you don’t give it a try, right? You need to forget
whatever you both did in the past. So try and face it, okay? To be honest with
you, I was kind of upset when I ran into him. Or maybe I was just jealous that
he touched my wife before I got the chance. But after he apologized, and I
noticed how genuine he was, I just let go of the grievance. If you’re going to
be friends with Kathleen, I have to make an effort and be friends with him
too,” Eric explained and drove in when the security man opened his gate and
greeted them.

“So you were jealous?” She asked, still looking at him.
“Of course! Who would have a stunning and wonderful wife like you and not
be jealous? I’m even jealous of the nurses that gave you your first bath,” Eric
said, making Kimberly laugh out loud as he knew she would.
“You’re not serious.”
“Of course I am,” He said with a chuckle as he got out of the car while she got
down too.

Once again Kimberly was stunned by how large the compound was, and the
model of the cars parked in the compound. This was really Eric’s house?

Eric’s cars? Her husband? It seemed like she was yet to digest the fact that
her own Eric was really Tunde Obasan. She wasn’t sure she could ever get
used to the idea even if she lived here with him for long.
“Is something wrong?” Eric asked when he got to where she was standing
and noticed how she was looking at the building and cars.
Kimberly shook her head, “I was just thinking that I can’t get used to the fact
that you’re this wealthy.”
“There is no hurry. We have all the time you need to get used to it. Let’s go in,”
he said, intertwining their hands as he led her inside.

Once they walked inside the house they saw Chuka running down the stairs
like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. His steps faltered when he saw
Kimberly, and he fashed her a sheepish smile, “Hi!”
“Hello Tunde,” she said dryly, making both Chuka and Eric wince.

“My name is Chuka. Chuka Jesse Ossai,” he corrected awkwardly and moved
back when Kimberly took deliberate steps towards him.
“Oh! So you’re not Tunde Obasan anymore?” Kimberly asked with a straight
face, and Chuka sent Eric a ‘Save My Soul’ look.
“Babe…” Eric called in a pleading tone.
“It’s nice to meet you Chuka,” Kimberly finally said, extending her hand for a

Chuka glanced at Eric anxiously before moving forward to take her hand, but
once he was close enough Kimberly punched his upper arm, “This is for
going ahead with his stupid plan!” Kimberly said with a satisfed smirk when
he groaned.

“You want to hit me again, or are we good now?” Chuka asked with a wince
as he massaged his arm.
“We are good now,” Kimberly assured him before turning to look at Eric who
was grinning now.
“Thank you. I will get out of your hair now. I need to go somewhere. See you
another time, friend-in-law,” Chuka said with a wave as he headed for the

“Where are you rushing off to?” Eric asked curiously.
“Well, I’m going for a friend’s birthday slash engagement party. She says I
have to be there since I played a role in their relationship. Wait, you know her,
right? I mean Kathleen?” He asked Kimberly who exchanged a look with Eric.
“I told you she was the one,” Eric told Kimberly with a big smile.
“I’m off,” Chuka said with a wave as he hurried out of the house.
“It looks like your friend has a role to play in everyone’s relationship,”
Kimberly said dryly making Eric chuckle.

“It looks like you still haven’t forgiven him,” Eric said as he moved closer to
her and wrapped his arms around her waist before kssing her slowly. He
pulled back once she started leaning into him, and fashed her a smile.
“You can take a look around and see if there’s anything you will like to
change in the house, while I get what I came for,” Eric said before hurrying up
the stairs.

THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20

Once he left Kimberly sighed. She was going to have to call to wish Kathleen
a happy birthday and also congratulate her on her engagement. She was
going to leave that for later since she knew Kathleen was probably in the
middle of her party and might not be able to receive a call.
She walked around the living room taking in everything, and thinking of
possible changes she could make. She turned around when the door opened.
“Good afternoon,” Aunty Martha greeted with a wide smile as she stepped
inside the house dressed in a fowing Ankara gown and matching headgear,
with her handbag and a massive Bible in one hand.
“Good afternoon ma,” Kimberly greeted, bending her knee slightly.
“It’s good to see you again. Have you seen my boss? What can I get for you
while you wait?” Aunty Martha asked, making Kimberly wonder if it was
the woman’s default setting to want to serve every visitor in the house.

“Good afternoon, Aunty Martha,” Eric greeted as he hurried down the stairs
and joined them, “You’ve met Kimberly before, she is my wife. Babe this is
aunty Martha, she is my second mother and has been the one taking care of
me and my house,” Eric said as he joined them.

“Your wife? When did you get married? I thought she was…” Aunty Martha let
her words trail off, but that was enough for Kimberly to realize that she didn’t
know about the game Eric and Chuka had played.

“Don’t worry, we will tell you about it when we get back. We are heading to
Abuja now to see my parents,” Eric explained before taking Kimberly’s hand.

Aunty Martha smiled, “Okay. You’re welcome Madam,” she said giving
Kimberly a polite bow.
“Kimberly is fine ma. Thank you for taking good care of him,” Kimberly said
making the woman smile happily.
“Thank you for thanking me,” She said with a smile. She greatly approved of
“Let’s go then,” he said to Kimberly as he led her to the door.
“Have a safe trip,” Aunty Martha called after them as she watched them

Every nerve in Kimberly’s body was tense as the plane landed at Abuja. Her
heartbeat quickened and her palms suddenly became wet. Although Eric had
tried his best to assure her that his parents loved her and accepted her
already, Kim couldn’t seem to bring herself to relax.
“What if I say something wrong?” She asked Eric as he led her to the parking
lot where he knew the driver and Wumi was waiting for them. He had asked
Wumi to come along with the driver so that she could help him distract and
calm Kimberly until they got to the house. He feared she might have a panic
attack if she continued to worry at the rate she was going.

Eric stopped and turned to her, “They are not expecting you to say everything
right. You are going to do just alright, trust me, okay?” He pleaded and placed
a peck on her forehead.

“Sister-in-law!!!” Wumi screeched happily as she ran towards them and
embraced Kimberly who was too surprised to say anything.
“You’re no longer angry with me, right?” Wumi asked after she pulled away
from Kimberly.
“It’s okay. I think I understand better now,” Kimberly said with a shaky smile.

“Thank God! Let’s hurry then. Bro, I’ve missed you,” Wumi said as she
wrapped her arms around Eric and hugged him tightly.
“Why didn’t you take permission from my wife before hugging me that way?”
Eric asked jocularly making Kimberly laugh while Wumi glared at him.

“Really? Kim, did you hear him?” Wumi asked with a pout, looking at Kimberly
and jerking her head in Eric’s direction.

“Quit acting, and don’t pester my wife,” Eric said, trying to pull Wumi back to
himself playfully but she scoffed and moved to Kimberly’s side instead.

“Leave me alone. Talk to me, Kim. How have you been? Mom was over the
moon with joy when Eric announced you were both visiting. They both can’t
wait to meet you,” Wumi said, making Kimberly tense again.
“I can’t wait to meet them too,” Kimberly said with a stiff smile and stopped
when they stopped in front of a Rolls Royce Phantom. This was the car they
were leaving in? Kimberly blinked in surprise. For a family that loved exotic
cars, how did they manage to slip below the radar of mass media?

“I know you’re feeling nervous, but don’t worry. It isn’t a big deal. We are not
going straight home,” Wumi announced, surprising Eric, and catching
Kimberly’s attention.
“We are not? Where are we going to?” Eric asked before Kimberly could ask.

“Dad and mom decided to see a movie and asked that we join them at
Cinema. So we will stop over there and have lunch at a restaurant before
going home,” Wumi explained as the driver unlocked the doors, and Wumi got
into the front seat leaving both Eric and Kimberly to take the back seat.

Eric could tell all of that was for Kimberly’s sake. It was obvious his parents
were trying to break the ice so that Kimberly could be more comfortable with
them, “That is nice. Let’s just hope we fnish in time and leave before it gets
very dark,” Eric said, making Wumi giggle as she shut her door.

“I know, right? That was the exact thing I told dad too,” Wumi said making
Eric chuckle, while Kimberly looked from one to the other wondering what
the joke was about.

“Mom loves partying. Once it gets dark and we are out, she starts wanting to
convince us to all go clubbing,” Wumi explained, making Kimberly’s eyes
widen in surprise.
“Your mother?” Kimberly asked in disbelief, making both Eric and Kimberly
laugh out loud.

“She loves to have fun just like you. She still manages to convince her
husband to take her clubbing a times,” Eric explained before shutting the
door, “Good afternoon Mr. Bassey,” he greeted the middle-aged driver.

“Good afternoon sir,” Kimberly greeted too while thinking about what Eric had
just said. Her mother-in-law was a clubber? Wawu!
“Good afternoon Oga Tunde and Madam,” he responded politely as he turned
on the car’s ignition and drove off.

THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20

Fifty minutes later they drove into the mall and the driver found a space in
the parking lot and they all got out of the car, “Eric, do you think my dress is
okay?” Kimberly whispered to Eric making him roll his eyes.
“Even I didn’t fuss this much when I was going to see your father the frst

“That is because you knew who you are!” Kimberly retorted.
“And you don’t know who you are?” Eric asked, cocking his head to the side.
“You know what I mean. I’m just worried,” Kimberly said with a frown.

Eric sighed, “I’m not going to reassure you anymore, so you better get over
whatever fear or insecurity you’re having. You’re a very beautiful and
wonderful woman. You should exude confdence…” He stopped talking when
Wumi approached them.
Wumi who had been on the phone with their mother joined them, “Let’s go in,”
she said as she intertwined her arm with Kimberly’s and walked ahead with
her, leaving Eric to follow them.

“Kimberly!!!” Mrs. Obasan shrieked happily the moment she sighted them
from the entrance where she had been standing waiting for them and hurried
over to where both Wumi and Kimberly who had stopped walking now, were
standing and pulled Kimberly into a warm hug before she could gather her
thoughts or say anything, forcing Wumi to leave Kimberly’s arm.

Seeing how excited she was, a stranger would think she was meeting a long?lost friend or sister, instead of meeting her prospective daughter-in-law for
the frst time. The ladies in her social circle would defnitely be surprised to
see her running around this way because of her daughter-in-law.
“I’ve been so excited to fnally see you that I couldn’t concentrate on the
movie we were seeing, and I had to run out of the movie hall the moment
Wumi told me you were outside. First of all, you look beautiful and I
looooove your jumpsuit,” she said breathlessly, eyeing the off-shoulder
Ankara jumpsuit which Kimberly was wearing.

At least now Kimberly knew where Wumi had gotten her behavior from. She
was exactly like her mother, and looked a lot like the woman who could pass
for a lady in her thirties, “Thank you ma,” Kimberly said, looking slightly

“It’s so good to see you. How was your trip? How are you? I hope Tunde has
been taking good care of you?”
“Seriously mom? Have you even said hi to me?” Eric asked dryly, but his
mother waved him away dismissively.

“Let’s go in my dear. We have a lot of catching up to do,” She said as she
intertwined her arms with Kimberly’s and led her inside, leaving Wumi and
Eric alone.

“Don’t you think she is overdoing it?” Eric asked Wumi who giggled as they
both followed their mother.


“I think she is. But who cares? As long as she gets Kimberly to relax, any
approach is fine I suppose. I noticed how tense she was,” Wumi said with a
grin. It was common knowledge that ladies generally dreaded meeting their
prospective mother-in-law for the first time. She could only pray that her
future mother-in-law would be someone as easy-going and thoughtful as
their mother. She, because Kimberly was blessed with a wonderful man like
her brother, and also very wonderful in-laws who cared about her.

THE MIRACLE I NEED SEASON 2 : Episode 11 – 20



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