THE NEW CLEANER: Chapter 1 to 10


??written by authoress princy??



he went into the kitchen to do his wonders. I rushed upstairs, freshened up. I put on a black bum short and spaghetti rubber top.

I walked downstairs, and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV, watching an action movie.

Some minutes later, Bella walked downstairs and sat the opposite direction.

She’s always busy with her phone, I continued watching my movie.


They’ve asked him to prepare another Meal. This time, the aroma I’d capable of pushing me outta the seat.

Mhen ..this is crazy, a guy can cook like this, well I can’t wait to eat.

An hour later, he came out of the kitchen, drying his hands.

He started bringing the food to the dining table as we all moved over.

“hope this one is eatable!”,Julie muttered, and I shot a look at her but she didn’t notice.

He served us and stood by a corner.

I decided to wait first and watch their reactions.

They put it in their mouth, and still frowned

A smirk formed on my face.

”its bad!”,they said and stood up.

”oh am sorry sorry!”,Mason replied.

He gathered their food, and wanted to take them away.

“what are you doing?”,they asked.

“its terrible, and its morning. You can order something, unlike last night”,he replied.

“no, bring that here!”,they ordered.

“why?”,he asked.

”don’t question us, bring that here!”,Julie yelled.

“i can’t let you eat such rubbish”,he persisted.

“its not rubbish, its delicious”,Zara yelled and quickly realised she actually praised the food.

”oh really?”,he said, dropping the plates down.

”uh…that was a slip of tongue. Jus wanted you to out the plate down”,she replied.


She said it! That proud gal said it!

My heart dancing, and I went to the kitchen. I ate my own share.

Few minutes later, I dozed off on the floor.

I slowly opened my eyes, and sat upright, when Zara walked in. She placed a cup and poured some water into it and gulped it in. She looked….tensed a bit.

”is…is anything the matter?”,I managed to ask.

“Uh….na, nothing”,she replied. She looked like she’s lying.

She walked out and I followed slowly.

The three girls sat in the sitting room.

“read it!”,julia said to Zara.

“i can’t…..the writing is clear. I can get the words one after the other but I can’t join them to form the sentence. Its…tactic”,she replied.

I walked over to Bella who had the letter in her hands

“let me have a look!”,I said and collected the paper.

I stared at it. This is the simplest amongst all the complicated writing I have seen cox my dad made me learn them.

“it says. *y’all are invited to a ball and you’re expected to come with a partner. Dress code: black, blue, or red. Time: 9:00pm-13:00am, Venue: new white Texas.*,I read and gave bella the letter back.

“am impressed, but how did you know how to read!?”,Bella asked.

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