THE PASSION FAIRY: Episode 11-20




Lilian, Stephanie and Tina had a nice time on their outing. They entered the car and were heading home when they saw an old lady being harassed on the road.

“Why are they beating the poor old woman?” Tina asked

Lillian ordered the driver to stop and came out of the car.

“Leave her alone” she yelled as she moved closer.

The men stopped, but when they saw it was a girl, they laughed.

“Look girlie, i dun wanna hurt you, so just head back home, if not you will suffer what this woman is suffering. At least, that will make up for the money she owes us” Chucks, their Leader said

“Get away from her” Lilian ordered.

“What are you gonna do? Cry like a baby?” Chucks said as they all laughed

“Continue beating her, make sure you guys do it very well” He commanded.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and clouds came together. The trees started swaying back and forth as Lilian’s anger reached It’s peak.

“What’s happening?”Tina asked Stephanie who came out of the car to have a clear view of what was happening.

“I dunno Tina, but I’m pretty sure that’s her power. I’ve never seen this type of power before, what kind of power is this?” Stephanie asked Tina who clearly didn’t know how to answer.

“Don’t you hear me?” Lilian asked

The men, seeing the ugly change in weather got scared and ran away.

Lilian went and helped the old woman. She helped her up and took her to the car.

She entered, and so did Lilian and Stephanie.

No one said a word in the car, as there was nothing to say.

Stephanie and Tina offered to take the old lady home and afterwards, take her to the Old Ladies Home.


Lilian sat on her bed lost in thoughts.

“What’s going on with me? What happened at the garden that day happened again. I felt so much power. I dunno why all these is happening to me. I hope i can control it before it leads me into trouble” she said as she lay on her bed.

Her necklace twinkled again and that sparkle left her necklace and headed out of the window, into the still night.


“What kind of power does Lilian have? How can she be able to change the weather? I’ve not seen any fairy do that before” She said as she walked to and fro in her room.

Suddenly, a sparkle flew into Stephanie’s room.

“That same sparkle” Stephanie said as she followed it out of her room, through the passage way, and into the library.

The sparkle flew to the highest shelf and brought down a book for Stephanie.

“All you need to know about fairies? What’s this book doing in this library?” She asked and looked up.

But the sparkle was no where to be seen. It seemed to have disappeared.

“I think it wants me to read it” She said to herself as she left for her room with the book.


“I’ll be travelling for some days to do some work.” Mr Dickson told his family.

“Oh! Ok dad, good luck with that” Priya said.

“Its ok. You said you wanted to see me Lilian?” He said as he walked towards his room with Lilian.

“Mum, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Priya said as she smiled.

“I guess i am. When your dad is gone, we will use that chance to throw her out of the house” Mrs Dickson said as she smiled.

“Finally, time to get rid of that fool” she said as she laughed.


Stephanie and Tina just came back from college. Today was the party that Kelvin had invited them.

“You’re still reading that book?” Tina asked as she sat beside her sister.

“Yes Tina, I’m almost done. But i haven’t still found the answers to ma questions” She said as she flipped a page.

“Don’t worry sister, you will find out soon. Let me go prepare our dresses for the party” she said as she left her room.

Stephanie continued reading till she came to the last chapter of the book.

“Rare species, this ought to be interesting”. She said as she continued reading.

“A Passion Fairy, that cant be” She said as she looked up.

“Passion fairies are rare and one of the most powerful species in fairy history, but I’ve never seen one before. The clouds, trees and everything respect her emotions and the weather changes whenever her mood changes. This all makes sense. Why didn’t i think of this?” She said as she got up.

Tina came into the room with two dresses.

“Tina, ive finally found out what kind of fairy Lillian is. She is a passion fairy. The most powerful of all species that have ever been seen in Zodar.

“Wow!” Tina said as she opened her mouth.

“Remember when we overheard Priya’s conversation? She said something about Lillian being found on a doorstep.

“This means Lillian isn’t here sister, nor the Dickson’s daughter, And remember Lilian telling us her birthday date on the day we went out with her?”

“Yes, i do” Tina answered

“She said September 24th, that was the same day the war took place, so this means that there is a possibility that Lilian is Keira”

“If she is Keira, that’s good for us” But she might still be in danger.

“What do you mean Tina?”

“Don’t you remember the conversation we overheard? They might be planning to attack her and she might get hurt” Tina said.

“I won’t let that happen Tina. Get ready, we are going to Lilian’s house” She said as she ran into the bathroom.

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