
(No lower class needed)


(I’m confused)

Episode 15:

Avril’s POV:

I stared at the dress on the bed for awhile and let out a loud sigh.

Who knows where we’re going to tonight?

I stripped out of my clothes and tied the towel around me then walked inside the bathroom.

In there, I turned on the faucet and let the water began to fill up the shower basin.

When it was filled up, I pour in my soap and fragrance before stepping inside the bathtub.

I stayed in there for more than thirty minutes just washing my body with sponge.

When I came out, I tyed the towel around me and opened the bathroom door then get in.

I walk took Ace’s body lotion and rub it then took a pair of pants from the dress he bought and wore it.

He even bought me a pants.

I was soon through with with my dress when the door was suddenly pushed open and Ace walk in. He was dressed in a blue s*xy suit.

Did I just say s*xy?
Yes he is s*xy and h0t, but I have a boyfriend.

‘You are going on a date with someone and you claim to have a boyfriend?’ My subconscious self asked me.

I pursed my lip into a thin line, my eyes staring straight into his.

“You look stunning.” He complimented and I soon found myself blushing hard.

“Thanks.” I mumbled. He nodded and walked toward the vanity table and picked up his my perfume.

He sprayed it on his body and I blushed again.

“Are you ready?” He asked and i nids then pick up my wallet.

He intertwine my hand in his and walk us out of the room.

*what have you gotten yourself into Avril*

I cant help but wonder.

He Pressed the elevator and we got in.
“Where are we going?” I couldn’t help but ask him.

“You’ll See.”

The elevator stopped downstairs and he pulled me towards the restaurant.

“Excuse me Mr fairweather, I’ll lead you to your table.” A waiter said to Ace and behave him a curt nods.

The waiter led us to the table and we both sat down then he gave us the menu.

“Please serve us green tea before we order for food.” Ace requested.

“Right away sir.” The waiter said to him before rushing out of our sight. My eyes can’t help but wander around the restaurant.

“You like it?” He asked and I nods.

“It is beautiful.” I compliments.

The waiter soon brought our tea and Ace ordered for Mushrooms and chicken soup.

“What will you eat love?” He asked me.

“Same as yours.”

“Serve us two set.”

Fifteen minutes later, we have finished our food and already drinking white wine.

“What is your favorite thing to do?” I asked him.

“Watching you.” He replied without no hesitation. I kept quiet as well stare at each other.

“Since you know me before, what is my favorite thing to do?” I asked.

“Cooking food, not like you can cook though.” He said and I laughed.

He sure is right, when I was in UK,I loved cooking but they ended up either burnt or salty.

“Now you believe that I know you?” He asked and I nod.

“You believe that you loved me?” He asked yet again.
I was silent for awhile then shook my head.

He sighed and rubbed his temple with his finger.

“I do.” I replied, my eyes fixed on his. “I still feel drawn to you, I guess I really did has feelings for you years back.”

He smiles and nodded.

He placed his l!ps on mine, kssing me slowly and pa$$ionately.

My eyes flew shut as he sh0ved me on the wall.

Our l!ps moved together lyrically and my hand sneaking around his, pu.lling him to myself.

He broke the kss when the air was already out of my m0uth.

“Do you want me?” He asked and I nods. Nothing else matters at this point. The fact is that i crave for him, i want him which left me confused.

If I want Ace then what about Ishmael?

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