THE PRINCE AND I SEASON 2: Episode 11-The End

?(He saved me…now I have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?



Khalid’s POV?
Ten Minutes later
‘Did you really think that you could hurt my wife dear uncle??’..i asked with a smile on my face as the guards tied Uncle Arnold and Kyra to a pole outside the palace…

‘Ohhhh shut up PK,you and I know that you have no evidence against me and now come to think of it my own goons would be here soon’..he said making me laugh..

‘Ohhh they’ll be here but instead their heads would be hanged with my fathers bedsheets!!!,did you really think I Left because i was scared?!! I am Khalid Jeremy Nepthar!!!..i fear no one,you think I don’t have evidence against you?!!,well think again!!!’…


Just after i left the palace i went straight to the hospital and talked to the doctor who performed the autopsy on my father’s body…

‘So what type of poison Doctor and where can I get it??’..i asked and he tapped away on his laptop..

‘Hmmm well it’s the Noila Cactus juice your highness,the deadliest poison in Egypt and be as it may it isn’t the same bottle i gave your uncle and you can get that poison from Cairo your highness,Ajim street to be precise,there’s a woman on the third floor of the blue apartment she’ll help you’..he replied…

After the incriminating discovery I decided to do further digging into the case and that’s when Reeshad called me…

He told me all what Madison was going through and how Kyra told her to l!ck her shoe…

I was angry but I decided to keep calm and find evidence against my uncle…

I got to Cairo and luckily a haggard looking man who happens to be someone that Kyra tried to kill…

Nita’s long lost brother who everyone taught was dead..

He helped me find the woman who sold Arnold the drug and she told me everything that happened between her and my uncle which was recorded of course…

Well this is just a preview..



‘You can’t do anything Khalid,you and I both know that!!!’..Kyra screamed..

I laughed softly and walked over to her,crouched down and then spat on her face….

Yeah that’s for making the love of my life l!ck your shoe…

‘You know something Kyra,we could have been a great couple’..I said..

‘Hey I’m here?!!!’..Madison replied with a frown on her face and I smiled..

‘Go inside baby,you don’t really have to see the way I punish these abominable animals’..I muttered kssing her softly on the lips..

She went back into our room and I made a sign to Reeshad for him to lock the door…

I’m so ready to spill blood today..

I’m ready to spill blood for the sake of my father,brother,mother and wife who suffered in the hands of these two things I call my uncle and ex girlfriend..

‘You know you can’t do anything to me right,you can’t punish me without permission from the grand council Khalid or have you forgotten that I’m still the king?!!’..Uncle Arnold said and i smiled…

‘Guards please take my uncle and his mistress to the dungeons and prepare them for the grand council in the next hour!!!’..

Madison’s POV?
I don’t know what Khalid is planning on doing but I’m so sure that it isn’t good..

Seeing the fire in his eyes and him using a smile to cover it up just makes things worse..

I know him more than anyone and I know that look when he’s thirsty for revenge..

‘Reeshad open the door!!’..I screamed aloud as I tried coming out but couldn’t cause the door was locked..

‘I’m sorry but I can’t Lady Madison,PK clearly asked me to lock you inside the room’..he replied from outside..


Asking him to lock the room??..

What is happening?!!..

‘Please Reeshad just tell me what’s going on??’..I begged..

‘Ohh I myself don’t know your highness but I know there’s going to be a very big fight and that’s why he asked me to lock you and protect you’..he replied..

Lock me in??..

That means there’s danger and he’s outside..

Oh God…

I can’t let anything happen to him now?!!..

‘Reeshad just let me go and let me see what’s wrong,I’ll talk to Khalid myself!!’..i cried out but all pleas fell on deaf ears…

‘I’m sorry my lady but you have to stay here until he’s back I’m sorry once again’.m

Khalid’s POV?
‘Order!!!’..The grand caliphate screamed as the court room bubbled with excitement…

Uncle Arnold and Kyra were released and they stood on the judgement podium together with their other accomplices…

‘This is preposterous!!!’..he screamed..

‘Oh shut up Arnold!!’..The caliphate said and everyone laughed aloud…

‘So Prince Khalid would you please explain the evidence you’ve brought upon us??’…he asked and i smiled..

I motioned for Reeshad to bring in the woman that sold the dangerous poison to Kyra…

‘Good day grand council,be as it may I’m just a regular woman who sells unusual substances which are herbal with a license of course,two weeks before King Nepthar died Princess Kyra came into my shop asking for the Noila Cactus juice,I was against it of course but she threatened to kill my son if i did otherwise’..she said and everyone gasped..

‘She’s lying i never came to her and besides Lord Arnold didn’t use the original poison!!!’..Kyra objected and then regretted her actions later…

The idi0t basically ratted herself out…

‘Well based on the evidence given with the eye witnesses i have no other choice but to….’..the grand caliphate tried to say but was cut short when the lights went out…

After a while it came back on and Lord Arnold was gone…

‘Find him!!!!!’..i screamed at the top of my voice…

Madison’s POV?
‘Don’t worry baby,daddy’s going to be okay’..i whispered as I rubbed my belly…

After a while i heard ruckus from outside my door and before I could do or say anything Khalid bursted through the door with his eyes blazing red in anger…

‘PK what is going on?!!’..i asked feeling frightened..

He came closer and kssed me for a while..

‘Don’t worry my love I’ve got everything under control’..he replied..

‘Khalid tell me what’s going on or else I’ll kill myself’..I threatened bringing out the dagger he gave to me before he left..

‘Ohh Madison okay fine Lord Arnold has escaped and from the looks of it there’s going to be a war between two sides,that’s why I want you to stay here with the maximum protection you could have,I don’t want any harm coming unto you or our unborn child okay??’…


‘No buts I love you’..he cut in and kssed me quickly before running out on me again…

‘Khalid please!!!’..i cried out but it was too late already…

He was gone…

Ten minutes later
I paced around the room in fright and anxiety while I waited for a news from someone…

My nails were bitten to the last cause I’m so afraid..

Someone tapped on my door and I opened it against Khalid’s orders to check who it was -Kyra?!!…

‘What are you doing here?!!’..i screamed..

‘Why do you think I’m here?!,I’m here to kill you Madison’..She replied bringing out a sword from her jacket…

Oh God Khalid?!!..

‘K..Kyra what are you doing??’..I stuttered as i walked back a little..

‘Oh shut up Madison,you took everything from me,Khalid,The King’s Loyalty,even the maids respect you more than me!!!!’..She screamed..

‘Well that’s because a little kindness can go a long way for you,Khalid loves me Kyra and i love him back so why are you so jealous you’re clearly Lord Arnold’s Puppet!!!!’..i fired back…

She cackled and the took the dagger Khalid gave me..

Jeez I totally forgot about it!!…

‘Kyra you and I know fully well that you’ll gain absolutely nothing by killing me,you and I know that!!’..i said fearfully…

The least I could do is at least stall her before Khalid gets here..

‘There’s nothing you could say to not make me murder you!!!’..she cried..

I stepped back again and luckily there was a frying pan next to my mirror..

Hmmm how did this get here?!!..

I picked it up and held it with so much vigour that she laughed..

‘You really are stupid Madison a frying pan?? Really??’ ..

‘Ohh Kyra this frying pan is more powerful than you could ever imagine’…

Khalid’s POV?
‘So you really thought you could run huh?!’..i said as my Uncle and i faced each other…

‘You can’t do anything Khalid,you’re as weak as your dead father!!! You’re weak!! This kingdom needs me more that you can ever imagine and you know that very well!!!,you know that!!!’…he screamed..

‘Ohh shut up!!!’..i said feeling bored already and shot his left leg ..

‘Khalid!!!!’..he groaned in pain and i shot the other leg….

He’s gonna die a slow and painful death just like my father…

‘Now you know what pain feels like Uncle Arnold’..i said and shot his shoulder…

‘Khalid please don’t do this’..He begged and I smiled.

‘Vengeance doesn’t have pity my dear Uncle,greet the dev!l for me while you’re in h*ell okay’..

Finally i shot him in the head and he died..

I’ve carried out my last duty for my late father..

Rest in pieces Arnold Nepthar…

An Hour Later
I walked into the palace with a smile on my face and with blood on my left cheek..

Before I could enter my room Madison came out and jumped on my body..

‘Oh you b@stard must you always scare me to death?!!’..she cried out and I laughed..

‘You’re one super woman why is Kyra on the floor??’…i asked as we both entered the room.

‘Uhhh she’s dead’…

‘Dead?How??’..i asked.

‘Well I killed her with a frying pan’..she said and I laughed and kssed her sharply on the mouth…

‘G0sh I love you!!!’…

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