Mary Ann Adams

Chapter 35


There was no escape. Tears started falling off my eyes willingly as I wallow in regret.

I shouldn’t have been here in the first place. Brenda made me come here.

“She didn’t force you. You followed her yourself” my sub conscious said to me and I cur$e him for not been able to defend when I needed it the most.

“Your tears won’t move me. Just cooperate and trust me, it wouldn’t hurt” he said and he looked really scary right now.

He was starting to remove my dress but I was trying my best not to allow him. Forcefully he dragged the upper part tearing it and revealing my b ra.

He was almost removing my full clothing. That was when my eyes spot the lamp beside the bed.

Without thinking, I took it and h it it on his head. He wasn’t expecting this as he staggered backwards.

I used that as a clue and h it him twice. He fell on the floor and started bIeeding.

I got up from the bed, and as I opened the door to rush out, I bumped into someone.

It was a lady. She noticed my restless face and peeped into the room.

Her eyes widened and she entered fully.

“You klled him!” She screamed and out of fear, I ran.

I ran past the people partying in the living. I think that music stopped but I had no time to think.

I ran past the security and haven’t gone a long distance from the house when the students caught up with me.

“Someone should check up on the guy and call the ambulance” someone said and two guys left the scene.

I started crying.

“He tried to rappe me. I was only trying to protect myself. I didn’t know he would…” tears fell off my eyes.

It was at that moment Brenda and Andy walked to the scene.

“Brenda” I cried.

She looked angry and dizzy at the same time. “What did you do??”

“Please believe me. He tried to rappe me” I said and she laughed.

“Liar!” She screamed.

I looked at Andy. “You believe me tight?”

He didn’t say anything.

“You will explain that to the police” one of them said.

“The….the police?” My lips shook.

“Don’t you think we are taking this too far. Let’s not involve the police please” a girl said.

“This is mu..rder. If we don’t do the right now, Frank’s parents would. You all know how rich they are”
One of the said and the others agreed with him.

Could frank really be dead?
Did I really Kll Someone.

My body shook and my heart Beat rapidly as I tried not to think about it but it was so impossible not to.

A car drove to the scene almost immediately. I didn’t pay attention until someone came out of it.

I couldn’t be more happier when I saw Hayden.

“Hay…den” I whispered.

He looked shocked and confused.

I hurriedly rush to hug him. He is all I need right now, but before I could get to him, I fell on her floor.

Before I lost conscious, I heard his hands on mine and him calling my name. I closed my eyes and darkness took over.



I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed is Hayden seating beside me looking at me.

“Where am I?” I asked tiredly.

“Hospital” he replied.

“Hospital?” I scrunched my brows.

Then I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday. Going to a party, Frank trying to rappe me, everyone accusing me of mu rder and Hayden showing up.

I look at Hayden and he has no expression on his face.

My heart skips knowing he probably hates me now. He is disappointed. I’m so stupid.

“He is Alive” he said.


“Frank. He is still unconscious but he is alive”

“So I didn’t kll him” I said in relief.

“The police will be here to question you later today.” He said standing up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

He said nothing and walked towards the door.

“Hayden” I called as he was about to walk out.

He turned back.
“I don’t want to talk now” he said and walked out.

A tear dropped off my eyes. This is the first time I would see Hayden look at me differently.
I fked up, I know and I want nothing more than to apologize to him but he sadly doesn’t want to talk to me.



“I h it him with the bed lamp when he wants to have his way with me” I said to the police who thankfully is a woman.

“You tried running away, why?”

“I was scared. I thought I klled him. I didn’t know what to do at the moment” I weeped.

“Young lady. I understood what you did there. Self defense but we will have to wait for the young man to wake up and question him too”

“Okay” I nodded.

She left after asking a few more questions and I was left alone in the hospital ward.

Hayden didn’t come at all and it was klling me.

I tried sleeping but sleep wasn’t coming. So I just stared at the ceiling as the hours flew by.

I jumped up when the door opened and I was surprised to see Andy.

He said nothing as he walked towards me, leaving the door opened.

“What do you want?” I asked.


“You didn’t believe me yesterday right?”

“Honestly I did but…”

“But what?”

He said nothing.

“Please Leave. Brenda Called me a liar and I know you also see me as one. You don’t have to come here and act like a saint”

“Aren’t you a liar?” He asked and I looked at him in shock.

“What…do you mean?”

“You are married, and you really did a great job in hiding it and pretending like someone you aren’t”

“What…what…”my lips shook.

I wasn’t expecting him to find out. At least not now.
I messed things up from the beginning by going to that damn party.

“I was the stupid one. I was thinking I would have a chance with you. Not knowing I have been falling for a married woman.

Andy likes me. That isn’t so surprising.

“You made a fool out of me, Brittany”

“I didn’t”

“Well, it’s all over now. I’m klling every feelings I ever had for you and also, I don’t think I want to be friends with you anymore” He said and I looked at him.

“What are you even saying??? I did nothing wrong, I was forced to get married. I didn’t want it. You think if I did, I would hide the fact that I’m married?? I just want a normal life without having to think of me been married. I’m sorry for not telling you….I…”

I stopped when I saw Andy wasn’t paying attention to me but at the door.

Hayden was standing there looking at me, at us.

His lips were glued together as he has an hurt expression on.

“Hayden” I uttered.

He said nothing and turned his back and left immediately.

I look back at Andy and he opened his mouth to say something but he didn’t.

“I need to clear my head” he said and glancing at me one last time, he left.

I did it again. I fked up. Like I always have.


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