THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 31-40

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 35?



We got to Sheila room. I sat down on his bed while Sheila sat on the couch. She helped me bandage my hand. When she was done, I decided to put a call through to Lian and asked him to talk to his friends at the police department so they could let Kyle bail them.

He promised to do that for me and I sigh.

“Sheila, do you think I went too far?” I asked

She smiled

“I don’t think so. I think you’re only trying to protect what’s yours” she said

I rolled my eyes

“Kyle’s not mine” i replied

She smiled

“Of course he is. You just didn’t notice” she said

I sigh

“Can we stop talking about this please” I said

She nodded

I stared into space, wondering what’s going on right now in Kyle’s mind.

Is he happy to know that I love him?

“What if he still loves Gabrielle?” I thought

There’s no way he’s going to leave his girlfriend and follow me!!!


I watched Nara for a while and I could tell she’s worried and deep in thought .

“Nara” I called, jolting her back to reality

“I think you should stop thinking and get some rest” i said and helped her lay on my bed.

When I was sure she’s asleep, I left her and went in search of Kyle. He was in his room, pacing around.

“How’s she?” He asked

“She’s fine” I replied

He sigh

“She called Lian. You’re free to go bail them out” I said

“Thanks Sheil, thank you so much” he replied

“Anything for a friend” I said

“I should leave” I added

He smiled. I smiled back and left the room.


After Sheila left, Lian called me to let me know i could bail them. After I ended the call, I went to take a quick shower and changed into a black pant and blue t-shirt. Alvin offered to go with me, so we left.

We got there and for the first time, I was allowed to see them. I went to check on Gabrielle first.

“You’re just coming? Huh?” She yelled

I rolled my eyes

She still have the guts to yell at me, after spending two days in jail?

“You should be happy I came” I answered

“Really? You’re done fl1rting with Liyah right? Or you think I don’t know” she said

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I answered

“You don’t have to pretend Kyle. Your secret is out” she yelled

“You will be out in few minutes. I’ll advice you go back to New York” I said, ignoring her babbling

“You’re trying to change the topic right?” She asked yelling

I ignore her and went to Audrey’s cell

“You came” she cooed

“Yes I did” I replied

I kinda pity her. Unlike Gabrielle, she was calm and remorseful.

“I came to bail you. I’m so sorry you’ve been in here for long” I said

She smiled

“Thanks” she cooed

“I’ll go sign the necessary documents” I said and turned to leave

“Kyle” she called

I turned

“I’m so sorry I tried se.ducing you” she said

I nodded

“I did all that because of Gabrielle” she said

“Really? Why? I thought you guys are friends?” I asked

“So I thought too but Gabrielle betrayed me” she said

I moved closer to her

“What did she do?” I asked

“I don’t think you need to know. Thanks once more” she said

I tried persuading her but she was adamant, so I had to leave her alone. I went to sign the necessary documents and waited for their release.


I knew Nara would be responsible for calling the cops and also prevent us from been bailed. I really did underestimate that girl!!. I can’t believe I had to sleep in prison for two good days.

I knew there’s no way I was going to win. I know, no matter how much I try, I can’t supersede Nara. That girl’s the badest master planner, I have ever came across.

I decided that, since I can’t get Kyle to like me, i will let Nara be with Kyle and face my major problem, which is Gabrielle.

She was the reason I came to China to make Kyle mine. She was the reason I got slapped by Nara. She was the reason I had to disgrace myself in public. She was the reason I am here in prison.

Although I feel so bad, trying to seduce Kyle, that won’t stop me from taking my revenge on Gabrielle. There’s no way I’m accepting defeat.

When I saw Kyle, I knew I could start the revenge, indirectly from him. I’ll just let him know how Gabrielle betray me. I won’t give him the full detail but make sure he’s so curious that he will demand answers and if I can’t give it to him, he will find out himself.

If he finds out, he will definitely hate Gabrielle and in the process, she loses him. That was exactly what I did and right now, I know he’s as curious as a cat and will demand answers.

After Kyle left, I laughed. I still have a lot in stock for you, Gabrielle!!. So get ready for your doom!!!.


We were finally bailed but Kyle refused to talk to me. I tried making him talk but he ignore me. When we got to the hotel, we went upstairs. I was closed to my door, and Kyle closer to his. He made to open his door.

“Kyle” I cooed

He turned to look at me

“Thanks” I cooed

He ignore me and went inside. I rolled my eyes and went in too. I entered into my bathroom to take a long and nice shower. I spent longer time, washing my body, cause I felt so dirty and f1lthy. Even though I had my bath morning and night In jail, i still felt like a dump.

When I was done, I got dressed in a crop top and bumshort. I ordered for food to eat, before laying down on my bed. I so much miss the comfort of my bed.

I was drifting into the dream land when my phone rang. I checked the caller and it was mom. I groaned and ignore the call but the phone kept ringing, so I had to pick up

?What did you do!!!

?Hey, you’re yelling

?I’m your mother. Don’t you dare talk to me that way!!

I rolled my eyes

?What do you want?

?Why did you get involve in a fight? Because of a guy? It’s all over the media. How could you be shameless and careless at the same time!!

I groaned

?Is that the reason you called me? Huh? Did you ever thought how careless you are to have a shameless daughter?

?Gabrielle, I won’t take this insolent attitude of yours. I want you back in New York tomorrow or……

?(cutting her short) Or else what?

?I’ll freeze your account

I rolled my eyes

“Whatever” I murmured

?Not only that. I’ll block all your social media accounts

I groaned

?You can’t do that!!

?Dare me. You either get back to New York tomorrow or you let me do my worst.


I cut the call and groaned

I checked the media, and like she said, it was all over social media but the shocking thing is that Audrey face was not visble.

I threw my phone across the room!!

Could Liyah be responsible for this? Or Audrey?

I groaned and stood up, pacing around. I had a knock and went to open the door. It was Kyle.

“Did you see yourself all over the media?” He yelled

“Are you happy now?. You’re so shameless!!” He yelled

I stared at him and couldn’t utter a word.

“You know what, our relationship is over!!” He yelled and my eyes widen in shock

“You can’t do that” I cried

“There’s no way I’m going to have anything to do with a shameless girl like you” he said and slammed the door.

“Kyle” I called but he was long gone!!. I sat on the floor and cried. He’s right. I’m so shameless!!. If I had ignore Audrey, things wouldn’t be this bad!.

I stood up to get my things ready. I think it’s time to go back home!!!.


After posting the fight video, I was satisfied with myself. You might be wondering how I got the video.

Everyone thought I got lost In the crowd at the exhibition. Well I didn’t. Before we left the hotel, I had already strategize a way of starting a fight with Nara but you know that girl is a master planner. She must have suspected I had plan and decided to support me. I changed my mind and decided to use Gabrielle as the scapegoat.

When we got to the exhibition ground, I went in search of the guy I talked to a day before. The fight was suppose to happen at the hotel but when I find out they’ll be going for an exhibition, I see it as a greater chance. I made him mobilize the people that will be present at the fight scene. When I was sure everything was set.

I sent the guy in search of Gabrielle and tell him to make sure she follows that direction, which she did. I never knew the cops will come. I know that’s the handwork of Nara.

After spending two days at prison, the guy sent the video to me, making sure my face was blur. I uploaded the video and I’m so happy with the result.

I know when Kyle sees this, he’s going to break up with her and I also know when her mom see it too, she’s going to ask her to come back to New York so I will go get ready to go back too.

We shall continue our fight over there!!!

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