THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 31-40

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 37?



I woke up, at the middle of the night, feeling dehydrated. I decided to take a glass of water. I put on the light and noticed a figure on the couch.

I walked closer to it and it was Liyah. I thought she would not sleep in the room but she did. I bend down and stared at her. She was sleeping peacefully but you could tell she wasn’t comfortable on the couch.

I stood up and lift her up.

“Kyle” she called

I stared at her but her eyes were closed. She must have called my name in her sleep. I dropped her on the bed, covered her and then went to take my water.


I decided to take my bath, before Liyah wakes up and got dressed in a blue swearshirt and ripped off jeans. I decided to help her prepare her bath. When I was done, I went to wake her up.

She stretched and opened her eyes, staring at me.

“I made your bath” I said

She sat up immediately

“You did what?” She asked

“I said I made your bath” I replied and made to leave

“Kyle” she called

I turned

“I’m so sorry for everything” she cooed

I stared at her in surprise. This’s the first time I’m hearing the word sorry from her.

“Are you talking to me?” I asked

She nodded and stood up

“Kyle, I know have not been friendly. I know have not shown care but I’m really so sorry for what I did and I’m ready to change if that will keep our friendship” she said

I sigh

“I just want us to be friends please” she cooed

I rolled my eyes

“Liyah, go take your bath. I’ll order for breakfast” I said and left her in the room.

I really do not know what to say. And i’m not even sure if she meant what she said. I’ll just wait and see!!.

??Taliyah ??

I took my bath and got dressed in a yellow jumpsuit and white snickers. I packed my hair and without make up, I went to the living room.

Kyle was seated with Sheila, chatting

“Nara” Sheila cooed

“I should excuse you guys” Kyle said and stood up

I sigh

He never said anything even after my plea. I don’t know if he’s still angry with me or not.

“Come sit. Kyle ordered you breakfast” Sheila said

I sat beside her, staring at the food.

“He’s not saying anything to me” I said

“I told you he needed time” she answered

I sigh

“He should have said something” I said

She smiled

“Do you know why you’re feeling this way?” She asked


“Because it took you long to tell him your feelings. You didn’t just tell him because you wanted to. You did that because you had no option. You can’t just expect him to accept you. He needs time” she said

“It wasn’t easy for me too, Sheila. I wasn’t sure if I actually love him” I replied

“Are you sure now?” She asked

Truth be told, I still doesn’t know if the love is real or just a fling.

“I don’t know” I replied

She sigh and held my hand

“Nara, I think you need time also. You need to be sure you love him. And when you’re really sure you do, you’ve got to fight for your love ok?” She said

I sigh

“How will I do that?” I asked

She smiled

“True love will find the right way. If you really do love him, you won’t want to lose him. You’ll try everything good, everything evenly possible to keep him and if you did not succeed, your ability to let go and wish for his happiness is also a way of fighting for your love” she said

I sigh

I think there’s a lot of things I need to learn about love. Sheila’s right. I need to work on myself too. I need to know if the love is real and then, I can fight for our love.

That’s what I’ll do!!


Sheila followed us to the airport. She was really sad we had to go.

“I’m going to miss you” she cooed

I smiled sadly

“I’ll miss you too, Sheil. But you’re coming right?” I asked

“Sure. You will see me next tomorrow” she said

I pull her into a hug

“Nara, fight for what’s yours ok” she whispered

I chuckled

“I’ll try my best” I whispered back

“You should go say goodbye to Melvin” I cooed

She chuckled

“Thanks” she cooed and left.

I sigh and went into the plane. Kyle was seated beside the window. I got to his place, and thought If i should sit with him but changed my mind.

“You can sit with me if you want to” he said, not sparing me a glance

I sigh

“No thanks” I said and walked past him

I really wish I could sit close to him but i can’t. Not with this atmosphere between us!!.


I talked to Sheila for a while, and promised to call her. I kissed her goodbye and went into the plane. I decided to sit close to Liyah.

It’s been a while we talked and a lot has happened.

“Hi” I cooed and she smile wearily

I knew that moment a lot is wrong with her and I’ve not been a good friend. I should have look out for her.

“I’m so sorry” I cooed

She sigh

“Liyah, I know have not been there for you lately. I’m really so sorry” I said

She smiled, as she tried to hold back her tears

“You shouldn’t be Mel. I’ve been a bad friend, who never cared about your feelings. I’m sorry. If I had care about you, I will have known you like Sheila” she cooed as tears drip down her face

I pulled her into a hug

“Come on, Liyah. You know I hate to see you cry” I said

“I’m sorry”

“It’s ok. I love you ok”

“I love you too”

I wiped her face and she smiled

“We’ve got a lot to talk about” I whispered

“Sure” she replied, chuckling

I smiled

“I’m happy to see my friend smiling again” I said



We stepped out of the plane, to see the Queen and her friend, waiting for us. Liyah ran into the queen’s embrace and I smiled

“I’ve missed you mom” she cooed

“I’ve missed you too darling” the Queen answered

“Melvin, come give me a hug” the Queen said

I walked closer to her and hug her

“You did a great job” she whispered and I chuckled

We entered into the car and drove to the palace.


We got to the palace and I went to hug dad. I’ve missed him so much and so is Ares.

“My baby’s all grown up” he said

“Dad” I cooed

“I’ve missed you” I said

“I’ve missed you too. Go to your room and take your bath, I have a surprise for you” he said

I chuckled

“Really dad?”

“Yes darling. You deserve a gift. I did not receive any news about you in China” he said

I chuckled

“Dad, Liyah actually…….” Evelyn wanted to say but I stopped her

That girl’s something else. Is she planning to tell dad about Gabrielle and Audrey?

She wouldn’t dare!!

“Dad, you said you have something for me right?” I asked

“Sure. Now go, I need to talk to your sister” dad said

“But dad she’s tired too. Why don’t we go rest and come back later” I said

“That’s true. Evelyn you should go and rest ok?” Dad said and I chuckled

She glare at me and I laughed

There’s no way I’ll let her tell dad. I can’t end up in frost palace or dragan tower!!.


I went to my room, and took my bath. Changed into a bumshort and crop top. Though I was tired, I decided to visit my underground chamber.

I opened the door and check, making sure nobody was outside, I tiptoe out of the palace. And followed through the maid court.

“Princess” Eva called and I chuckled

“Shhhh” I cooed and drag her out

“Follow me” I said

She followed me and we ran to the underground chamber. We stood outside the chamber.

“I’ve missed you” Eva said, hugging me

I chuckled

“It’s not like we’re close like before. You decided to support mom, instead of me” I replied with an eye roll

“But Princess” she said

I glare at her

“What did I tell you about calling me a princess?” I asked

She chuckled

“Come on Liyah” she cooed

I rolled my eyes

“You chose my mom over me. I thought you called me your bff. Well I never considered you as one cause I knew you’ll betray me” I said


“Don’t call me. What kind of friend betrays? Huh?” I asked

“You know I have too. It’s not like I betray you” she said

I groaned

“Eva, you stopped talking to me. You stopped doing crazy things with me. You had a choice, but you decide to chose the Queen over me” i said

She hug me but I drag myself away and entered into the chamber. She followed me.

“Oh mine!!. This place is awesome. Have you been taking care of it?” I asked

“Sure” she answered

“Thanks” I cooed

“Liyah, I’m so sorry” she cooed

I rolled my eyes

“I’ve got new friend” I said

“Really, tell me about her? Is she crazy like you?” She asked

“She isn’t crazy but at least she got my back unlike you. Who chooses royalty over her friend” I said

“Come on Liyah. You know I love you right?” She said, holding my hands

“I forgive you” I said

“Thanks” she replied


“But what?”

“You have to work for it” I replied

“Work for it. How?” She asked

“Teach me about love” I said

She laughed

“You Liyah, asking to learn about love?” She asked

I groaned

“Are you doing it or not?” I asked

“Sure. Anything for my bff” she said

“Like I said, I’ve got new bff” I said

“But I’m still your friend right?” She asked

“I’ll consider that as time goes on” I replied

“I love you!!” She cooed

“I don’t love you” I replied

“Come on, that’s too harsh!” She cooed

I rolled my eyes

“Let’s get to work” I said

She chuckled


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