THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 31-40

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 39?



I was in my room, playing games when my mom showed up.

“Mom, what’s it again?” I asked

“Kyle, that isn’t the right way to talk to your mother” she said

“Mom, please, I need to sleep so spare me all thet and go straight to the point” I replied

“Well” she began, smiling suspiciously



“That smile? What’s it all about?” I asked

“Kyle, don’t you think I’m getting old?” She asked

I rolled my eyes. Hope it isn’t what I’m thinking!!.
I’m just 24!!!.

“Mom, I don’t understand” I said

“You don’t have to pretend Kyle” she replied

“I’m not trying to pretend here. I just don’t get where you’re heading to” I answered

“Ok, I think you should get married to Liyah. After all you both are mature” she said

I groaned

“How sure are you she’s mature for marriage? How old is she?” I asked

“She’s 23” she replied. I blinked my eyes. Is she for real?

“You called a 23 years old girl who doesn’t know anything about love or wifely duties, mature?” I asked

“Kyle, she’s mature. After all you’re just a year older than her” she said

I rolled my eyes

“That’s what I’m saying!!. 23 and 24 and you believe we are both mature for marriage? Hell no!!”

“Kyle when I was at your age, you were already two years old”

“That was then not now. There’s no way i’m getting married to that girl”

“Kyle, that’s your father’s dream”

I stood up and wore my flip-flop

“To be married at 24 or to be married to her?” I asked

“Both Kyle. She’s been betrothed to you since birth”

“Well, well, well, I free her. She’s no more betrothed to me and I’m not getting married to her” I replied and made to leave

“You don’t love her?” She asked. I turned to face her

“It’s not all about love, mom” I replied

“You love her then?” She asked

I groaned but said nothing

“Answer me. I know you do but I just want you to say it yourself. You do love her right?” She asked

“Mom, stop pestering me ok?. Loving her doesn’t change anything” I answered and left the room.

I hate to remember the fact that i’ve fallen so deeply in love with her over a short period of time. But that doesn’t mean I want to get married to her.

She isn’t my kind of girl in any way!!

“Gabrielle, wasn’t either but you dated her” my subconscious mind said. I groaned and ignore it.

I was taking a stroll through the palace when I saw Alvin and the princess. She looked so calm. And for the first time, I could tell she’s afraid. I wondered what must have happened this time!.

I watched them go into the throne room. Curious to know what she had done, i decided to go in too. The king was not on his throne yet but Prince Ares was seated beside the throne, furious and so is the Queen and Everlyn.

I stood beside one of the guards, so I could asked him what happened.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked in a whisper

“The princess is in trouble” he replied back in a whisper

Well, I know she’s troublesome but i’ve never seen her get into trouble before. I wanted to know what she did so I asked, “What as she done?”

“She left the palace with Princess Everlyn’s horse” he answered

I rolled my eyes. I still don’t understand what she did that could warrant been punished. Taking a horse out is normal, so?

“I don’t see anything wrong with that” i said

“You won’t understand master Kyle. Princess Liyah has always caused great trouble in the palace” he replied and i felt like slapping him!!.

I made to say something but was interrupted by the King’s presence. I watch him sit down, glaring at Liyah.

“Liyah!!” He called and she shivered

I chuckled. Finally the Almighty Liyah is about to be put in place!!.


We entered into the throne room and I saw them all glaring at me. It’s not like have done something bad? Right?. I noticed Kyle was here too and I wished the ground could open and let me abide in it even if it’s for a while. I saw him talking to one of the guards.

I wished I could hear what he’s talking about but I was far from him. I tried reading his lips but the glaring from mom, made me change my mind. Dad entered and sat down. So, I knelt down.

“Alvin, escort her to the frost palace” dad said and my eyes switched

What? He won’t even ask me to talk? I shivered. That’s so unfair!!. I’ll have prefer the dragon tower

“Dad, I just……”

“Alvin do as I have said” he said, interrupting me

I groaned

“She’s to stay there until I order for her release” he said

I looked at mom but she looked away. Ares wasn’t ready to beg for me either. I wasn’t expecting Everlyn to stand for me, so I did not look at her.

They all knew if I end up going to the frost palace, I’ll definitely miss the wedding because by the time I’ll be out of there, I will end up at the hospital. I did not bother looking at Kyle cause I know he’ll be so disappointed.

He has always called me a psych©path. Maybe I’m one but isn’t ready to accept that. I sigh and made to leave with Alvin, when Kyle spoke up.

“Wait!!” He yelled and I had to stop


When the king asked her to be taken to the frost palace, i noticed she was afraid. I turned and asked the guard another question.

“What’s the frost palace about?” I asked

“It’s the palace made of ice. It’s located far from the palace and at the coldest region of the country. It was used as the punishment ground for slaves before but now Princess Liyah has been the only victim going there” he replied sadly

I rolled my eyes.

“Why will the king want to take her there, just because she took her sister’s horse out of the palace?” I thought

“She’ll end up missing the wedding because of her stubbornness” the guard said, jolting me back to reality

“It’s not like she’s going to die right?” I asked

“A day there, is like a hundred days in pluto” he replied

I rolled my eyes

If a day there like he said equals hundred days in pluto, and the king said she’s to stay there until he order for her release, then she might die.

There’s no way I’m letting her go!!

“Why are you so bothered about her?” My subconscious mind said. I ignore it

“Wait!!” I yelled

Everyone stared at me in shock.

“I don’t think she deserves to go to some frost palace” I said and they kept staring at me in shock

“I think there are lesser punishment. Sending her to frost palace is like sending her to her grave” I said

“Kyle, stay out of this. It’s none of your business” she yelled

“To you it’s none of my business but to me, it’s every of my business” I yelled

She hissed

“Stay out of this ok?” She said

I groaned. I’m trying to save her but she seems not to want it.

“I think you should stay out of this. Like she said, it’s none of your business” my subconscious mind said

I rolled my eyes

There’s no way I’m doing that!!

“My king, I might not have known the full story but I still think you should temper justice with mercy” I said, bowing slightly

“It’s none of your f*cking business!!” She yelled

“Liyah what did I say about foul languages?” The Queen asked

“Sorry mom” she cooed

“Kyle, I think you should save your breath. Liyah isn’t remorseful” Everlyn said

“Take her away!!” The king ordered

I stood on the way, preventing them from passing through.

“Leave the way Kyle” she yelled

I’m not leaving until she’s ready to ask the king for mercy!!.


I couldn’t understand why Kyle was bent on stopping me from going to frost palace. Even when I yelled at him. I never wanted to go too but I’m just surprise he’s standing for me. He’s looking out for me even when it looks like the King won’t change his mind.

“Kyle, stay out of this” I said

“I won’t. Not until you’re ready to ask for forgiveness” he replied

I groaned. Can’t he see? Huh?. Can’t he see no one wants me here? They all want me to go to the frost palace. Why is he wasting his time?

“Kyle, I’m going to frost palace and there’s nothing you can do about it” I yelled, trying to make him change his mind

“You can’t change my mind Liyah. If you don’t care about your life, you should consider others who care so much about you!!” He yelled

“Why are you so bothered about my life!!” I yelled back

“You want to know? It’s becaue i love you!!. There’s no way I’m letting you go there, ok?” He said and i felt tears drip down my face!!.

Did he just tell me he love me? Did he?

“Kyle” I cooed but he ignore me

“My king, if it’s important that she goes to the frost palace, then I’ll go with her” he said

“You can’t Kyle” I said crying but he ignore me

“Is that your final decision, Kyle” dad asked


“No, dad. He can’t go with me” I replied, amidst tears

“That’s my final decision, your highness” he said

“Kyle, please don’t go with me. Please. You’ll fall sick if you do” I said but he ignore me

I ran to dad and knelt down.

“Dad pleas, don’t let him go. I’ll do anything you want me to do but just don’t let him go” I cried

“Why should I listen to you?” Dad asked

“Dad please. I know have not been a good girl but please don’t let him go with me” I replied

“And when do princess Liyah start caring about others?” Everlyn asked but I ignore

“Dad please!!” I begged

For the first time, I had to cry, showing how remorseful I was

“Liyah, tell me why you want me to free him when he actually accept to go with you” dad asked

I sigh. How will I tell dad I’m in love with Kyle? I’m not even sure if I do.

“Be….be….because…..” I stuttered vigorously

“Alvin take him to the Frost…….”

“Because I love him!!” I yelled and mom chuckled

Guess they wanted us both to accept our feelings for each other!!

“I can’t let him suffer for what I did. I’m ready to face the consequences” I cooed

Dad sigh

“Liyah, go to your room. You’re not allow to come out until I say so” dad said and i nodded

“Kyle, thanks for standing up for her. I hope she appreciate that in the future” dad said and dismissed us.

I couldn’t stare at anyone’s face as I felt so ashamed of myself. Without listening to the call from Kyle, I ran out of the throne room and into my room. I locked the door, preventing anyone from coming in.

Right now, I feel so sad and ashamed of myself!!

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