THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 52?



I couldn’t stop staring at Liyah in the church. She was wearing a red off shoulder flowing gown and she parked her hair in a messy bun. Her lips was painted in red. David hit me playfully and I rolled my eyes. “Can you stop staring at her?”

I chuckled. “Isn’t she beautiful?” I asked

“Of course, she is” he cooed, smiling

We were seated in the second row, in the front with Ares. He stared at us. “Can you both stop whispering and giggling?” Ares said

We chuckled. “Maybe we will do that after you stop poking your nose into our business” David answered with an eye roll.

“Are you for real?” Ares asked

“Of course”

“Shh. It’s time for the vow. Can you both quit arguing?”. They exchanged glances and finally kept shut.

I watch them say their vows and I wondered when I’ll say mine to Liyah. If I propose today and she says yes. When will the wedding be?. “I know the Queen and my mom will want it quick. Like this month or maybe next month. What if Liyah doesn’t want to get marry now?” I thought. It isn’t like I want to get marry married this month either.

“What if she says no to your proposal?” My subconscious mind said

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t even think of that. “She won’t do that” I thought. But what if she does?. I should understand her reasons right?

“Hey” David yelled, jolting me out of my thought

I raise my head and glared at him. “Why did you yell?”

He chuckled. “Get up, you’re the only one seated” he whispered. I looked around and realized he was saying the truth. I chuckled and stood up sluggish

“Why didn’t you call me?” I whispered

“I did. But you were to busy smiling to yourself” he whispered back

“Shhhh” Ares cooed and we chuckled

The choirs began to sing, as the newly wedded couples, walked out of the church. I waved at Liyah and she waved back. “We should head for the beach or what do you think?” David asked

“You can go with Ares. I’ll meet you guys. I’ve got somethings to do” I answered, straightening my suit

He rolled his eyes. “Can’t I go with you?”

“No, Dave. You have to go with Ares. I’ll be right back” I answered. I dash out before he could form his sentence. I’ll need to check out somethings, before going to the beach.


I ended the last call and then dropped my phone on the table. “Yeah!!!” I coo happily. I smiled at myself for a job well done. Everything seems perfect and ready. I’ve made three calls today and everything is going and moving as planned.

The next plan now is to get dressed and attend the wedding. I chuckled and stand up from my bed. I will visit Gabrielle first before coming back to get ready. I left my room and went to hers. I knocked but there was no answer. I tried to open the door but it was locked. “Gabrielle?” I called, hitting the door slightly but there was no answer. I groaned

Where could she be by this time of the day when she knows we are going for a wedding party. I stood by the door. “Maybe I should just go and come back” I thought. I turned to leave when the door opened and Gabrielle popped her head out. “Hey, are you the one knocking my door that way?” She asked

I ignore her and stared at her from head to toe. She tied a white towel around her and another on her head. “Are you just coming out of the bathroom?” I asked

She rolled her eye and hissed. “Isn’t it obvious?” She asked. I stared at her suspiciously. There’s something strange about her attitude. She’s been acting so strange since yesterday. Like she’s got a plan. Like someone who is just doing my will, not because she fears but because it’s going to lead her to her own plans.

“Quit staring at me and state your reason of visit or you get lost!!” She yelled

I rolled my eyes, trying not to flare up. “Well, I came to check if you’re ready. But it seems you’re not”

She groaned. “It isn’t like you are either. So why are you concerned about me?”

“We are best friends and as a friend, we need to look out for each other”

“Thanks for your concern miss Audrey but I must tell you. We ain’t best friends”

I giggled. “We will see to that”

“I can see you have nothing else to say. Since you don’t, you can as well excuse me”.

“Re…………” She closed the door before I could form a word.

I laughed. Is she for real?. She can do all she wants now. It’s her time. When I do my, she will crawl to me begging!!. I turned and went back to my room. Let’s see who gets tired first.


When I was done making myself up, I wore my cloth. I checked myself out in the mirror and smiled. My red floral gown, hugged beautifully to my body, showing my curves. I chuckled. I packed my hair into a messy bun and sat down to wear my black open toe heels. I stood up to carry my purse and looked at the mirror for the last time. I opened the door to see Gabrielle standing. “Hey” I cooed

“Are you ready?” She asked impatiently

I rolled my eyes. “Why are you so much in a haste?” I asked

“Don’t ask me stupid questions, ok”

I laughed. “Someone seems to wake up in the wrong side of her bed” I said

She hissed. “I’m not here to exchange words with you. Can we go now?” She asked

I chuckled. “Sure”

“You can meet me downstairs then” she said and turned immediately

“Sure”. I smiled. It’s time to carry out my plans. Gabrielle get ready for me. Liyah, I have no grudges against you. All I want is Kyle and I’ll get him. Both Liyah and Gabrielle will watch me take Kyle from them forever!!.


“I’m so happy for you, sis” I cooed. We were seated in the car, waiting for the couples to be called to the stage

“Thanks sis” she replied

“What about me?. Are you not happy for me?” Lian asked

I laughed. “Are you for real?. Of course I am and you know that” I said

“Well, maybe I know”

I giggled. “Did you see Kyle?” Evelyn asked

I rolled my eyes. “No”

“You didn’t see him in church?” She asked

I groaned. “Of course I saw him”

She chuckled. “What do you think?” She asked

“About what?” I asked

“Him. I mean Kyle”

I rolled my eyes. “I still don’t get you”

She chuckled. “I mean what’s the next step for you both”

I sigh. “I love him. That’s all I know”

“I know you love him but have you ever thought of spending the rest of your life with him?” She asked

I laughed. “Are you kidding?. I’ve never thought of that. Though mom wants us to get married soon but I’ve never thought of how living with him will be”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course. Why should I?. It not like I want to get married soon”

“What?. What if he propose?” She asked

My eye switched. “He can’t do that” I replied

She chuckled. “It’s just a question that needs a truthful answer”

“Well I know he won’t. Kyle doesn’t look like someone who will want to do that but just in case he does, I will……….”. A knock on the car door made me stop talking. I rolled down the glass.” It’s time for the couples to come on stage” Melvin said

I nodded. “Sis, brother-in-law, it’s time”


I was so thirty, and decided to go get wine. “Sis can you excuse me please” I said

She nodded. I stood up and went to get a glass of wine. “Hey bff” Melvin cooed

I chuckled. “Hey!!”

“Don’t you miss me?” He asked

I laughed. “Did I?” I asked

He rolled his eyes. “I don’t think so”

I laughed, hitting him playfully on his chest. “Of course I do. But you know I’ve got work to do”

He whined. “Are you kidding me?”

“You know I’m not”

He smiled. “What are you doing here, when you’re suppose to be with Evelyn?”

“Needed a drink”

“Hmmm. I see” he said

I held the glass of wine and sipped from it. “Where is Dave?” I asked

“Flirting with ladies as usual” he answered, pointing to some set of ladies

I chuckled. “Can he ever change?”

He laughed. “I don’t think so”

I handed over the glass cup to him. “I’ve got to go”

He sigh. “See ya”

I turned to leave but stopped. “Have you seen Sheila?” I asked

He chuckled. “Are you for real?”. I giggled. “You both are seated in the same place, why then are you asking of her?”

I laughed. “My mistake”

He laughed. “Are you sure it isn’t Kyle you want to ask of?”


“Is someone missing me already?” Kyle asked and I groaned.

“Don’t think it ok”

“I’m already thinking it” he held my waist and kssed my cheeks and I chuckled.

“The Queen is watching” Melvin said

I raised my head up slowly to see my mom and Kyle’s mom staring at us and smiling. I groaned. “Do you see the happiness in the Queen’s eyes?” Kyle asked. I rolled my eyes. “Don’t you think we should get married already?”

I chuckled. “Don’t even think that” I said. He laughed.

“Don’t you think we look perfect together, Melvin?” He asked

Melvin smiled. “You guys are perfect!!”

I rolled my eyes. “I can propose then?” Kyle asked

“Of course” Melvin answered

“Melvin!!. You’re joking right?” I asked

He giggled. “Well. I………”

“Master Kyle, can you come up stage for your speech now”

“You’ve got a speech to say?” I asked

He nodded. “See you later, baby”

I watched him climb up the stage and took the Microphone. I stared at him, wondering what he have to say.

“What if he wants to propose like he said?” My subconscious mind said

I chuckled. “I don’t think so” I thought

He won’t propose. Kyle doesn’t want to get married now so I know he won’t propose. “What if he does. What will be your answer?” My subconscious mind asked

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll say………..”

The gasps from people, jolted me back to reality. All eyes were on me and I wondered why. Kyle was not on the stage anymore.

“Liyah” he called. I looked down to see him on his knees. My eyes dilated. Is he for real!!!?


I walked in with Gabrielle just exactly the time Kyle went on his knees. My eye dilated in shock. “Gabrielle, did you see…….” I turned to see her smiling. “Did you know about that?” I asked

“No. I’m just as surprise as you are” she replied

I rolled my eyes. “That’s a lie!!” I yelled

“You’re drawing attentions, you know” she said. I groaned. “I think you should calm down and listen to what he have to say” she said

I sigh. “Liyah” he began. “When I first met you, I fell in love with your personality. I fell in love with you but I just won’t accept the fact that I’m in love with you. That night, when I saw you, I knew I’d met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. Liyah, I can’t imagine my life without you. I can’t imagine growing old without you. I know, you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to wake up every morning seeing your face. I want your face to be the last I see before I sleep. Please make my dream come true”

He brought out a ring and my eyes switched. It’s a diamond ring. “Please marry me” he cooed

I watched eagerly to see if she would say yes. “Say yes, Liyah!!” Gabrielle said and my eye switched.

“Gabrielle!!” I yelled. She ignore me. “Say yes!!”. Liyah finally said yes to my dismay and I felt like strangling her. “You lose Audrey. You lose” Gabrielle said, smiling.

I laughed. “Wait until I show Kyle your pictures of how you slept……”

“I know already Audrey. You don’t have to bother” Kyle said, holding Liyah

I laughed. “I can’t lose. I don’t lose”

“You already did, Audrey”. I turned to see my dad

“Dad?. What are you doing here?” I asked

“To take you home”

“No dad”

“Yes Audrey. I should have done this a long time ago. I should have cautioned you but I didn’t. I’m sorry you turned out like this. I’m here to make a change and I won’t want to make a scene. Apologize and Let’s go home Audrey”

“I won’t do that dad”

“You will or you get your account frozen”

“Dad!!”. He ignore me. I sigh. “I’m so sorry for everything. I promise I won’t bother any of you again”

Dad smiled. “I apologize on her behalf. Please forgive her. I can promise she will be a good girl”. I groaned. “Take her” dad ordered

As I was escorted to the car, I knew I’ve lost and lost forever!!.


I smiled. “Thanks Gabrielle”

She smiled back. “You shouldn’t thank me. I only did what was right” she turned to face Liyah. “Liyah, I’m so sorry for everything. I’m sorry for trying to take Kyle from you. I hope you can forgive me”

Liyah smiled. “I forgive you”

“Kyle, I have to go. My flight is in one hour”

I smiled. “I wish you safe trip Gabrielle” I said hugging her

“Bye Liyah” they hugged each other happily


The King announced our wedding date, to my dismay and Liyah’s. He said it will take place in two months time. He said he wanted Evelyn and her husband to be theree and he also wanted us to have time to prepare. Soon, It was time to give out our gifts. We did that in turns and everybody was happy. When the party came to an end, we accompanied Evelyn and her husband to the car. After saying our goodbyes, they entered into their car and drove off.

I turned to face Liyah. “Can I kss you?” I asked

She smiled and placed her lips on mine. We kssed so pa$$ionately. I’m so happy everything is back to normal. I hope our wedding will be as colourfull as Evelyn’s. I smiled. Get ready for our royal wedding!!

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