THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 46?



We landed at the airport, around 12pm. The sun was radiating, as the scorching of the sun, hit my skin. I wore my jacket and sunglasses, dragging my bag with me.

“We are going to lodge in a hotel first and then we think of the next plan” Audrey said and I groaned

“I’m not deaf, neither am I dumb. You’ve said this so many times, you don’t have to repeat yourself again!!” I yelled at her and she chuckled

“Remember, I’m the one helping you, to get back Kyle, so you have to repect me as well as adore me”

I groaned. “Adore you? ” I murmured


“Stop bothering me ok?. Let’s just get to the hotel and make plans”

She rolled her eyes but said nothing. The drive to the hotel was quiet and daring, as we kept staring danger at each other, which was always conceal with a fake smile, anytime we make eyes contacts. You could tell we both had our plans and was not ready to back down for other.

There is no way I’ll let Audrey control me, even though she threatened to put me back into jail, if I don’t comply with her terms. I’m only trying to make her think ahe’s winning and boom, I’ll show her my through colour.

We stepped out of the car. “Hope you like the hotel? I chose the best, specially for you”

I rolled my eyes. “Tell that to my a$$” I murmured

“You’re talking to me?”

I gave her a fake smile. “I said, thank you for your awesome hospitality” I replied in sarcarsm

She chuckled. “I’m happy you like it” she replied in the same tune as mine

“Can we go in please. I’m so tired” I said, faking a yawn

She groaned but quickly conceal it, as if I care. “Sure” she replied

The hotel guards, helped us in carrying our bag and luckily, we weren’t sharing same room. I got to my room and sat down on the bed. The room was a nice one with great designs. I must confess, Audrey has good taste for things. I checked out the bathroom, and I liked what I saw. From the jacuzzi, to the gold floor. The brush stand, to the arrangement of the towels. Everything was neat and well arranged.

I sigh and took off my clothes. I will be spending great deal of time here. I only did not need a nice bath, I also need to take a selfie, and post it on my Instagram. I chuckled. “That’s going to be a great idea. I know Kyle is going to love it” I thought. I picked a white towel, and wrap it around myself, expo$ing the upper part of my b©©bs”

After taking series of selfies with different towels, I lay in the jacuzzi, to have a bath.


I was seated on my bed and eating fries and blue wine, when the door opened. It was Audrey. “Don’t you know how to knock. Or have you become so ill-mannered? Huh?”

She chuckled. “Come on chill. I’m your friend and I can come into your room when I like even without a knock”. I rolled my eyes. “Is this fries?” She asked, dipping her hand into it.

I hissed slowly, trying not to let the sound out. She’s just so annoying!!.

“So,” she began but stopped to chew some fries. She sipped from, did I say sip? She actually empty the glass of wine and filled it up again. She drank it all and dropped the glass. I hissed loudly this time and she chuckled. “I’ve got a plan”. I hissed. “Ain’t you going to ask me what the plan is about?” She asked, in her most annoying tune

I groaned. “Have I not gotten myself into trouble?” I thought


“Just quit the pretence and spill out!!” I yelled at her

She smiled, knowing fully well, she’s getting me angry!!.

“I won’t mind your use of language and the tune”. I rolled my eyes. “This is the first part of the plan. You’re going to send a message to Kyle by 2pm, letting him know you’re in North Richland. You tell him the name of your hotel and ask him to come see you just in case he has a doubt. When he comes, we will carry out the plan B”

I groaned. “What sort of a dumb plan is this?” I asked

She chuckled. “Perfect plan ever, my dear”

“I’m not your dear ok?”. She chuckled. “Let me tell you this. Kyle won’t even read the message, not to talk about him coming to see me. You’d better have a change of mind and plan” I said

She laughed. “You’re such a dumb babe. Who told you I wanted Kyle to come. Just do what I ask you and then watch the drama unfold”

I groaned. “I’m not doing that” she stood up from the bed

“It’s not a request but a command. You either do it or face the consequences” she yelled and finally walked out of the room

I groaned loudly, shoving aside the fries. She’s such a stupid daughter of a bch. I’ll make sure I smck her at every chance I get but right now, I have to do what she wants!!


“Evelyn” I called

“Don’t try my patience, Liyah and answer my question” she yelled

I rolled my eyes. “Can you stop yelling at me!!” I yelled back

“Really?. You’re yelling back at me?. Dad must hear this!!”

I groaned, getting pissed off by her insolent attitude. “Come on Evelyn. Don’t be a pain in the a$$. It’s your wedding tomorrow. You shouldn’t work yourself out!!”

“I’m working myself out right?”

“Of course you are. What’s your problem Evelyn? Huh?. Why are you so bothered about my paintings?”

“Let’s see what dad will say to that”

“You can go to h’ll for all I care ok!!!. I don’t give a damn if you tell dad or not. You can do your worst and go to h’ll!!” I yelled

She glare at me and walked out. I sank into the couch, frustrated. What’s her problem?. What does she wants?

I groaned. If she actually tells dad about it, I’m definitely going to be in a deep shit. Dad will not only get angry that I hid it from him, he will be so angry that i’ve been painting behind his back. All thanks to the loose mouth Evelyn.

“Liyah” Kyle called. I raise my head

“Hey” I cooed, trying to hide my anger

He sat down beside me. “Is everything ok?. I saw Evelyn, storming out of this place”

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing. Just to much wedding stress”

“Are you sure?” He asked

“Of course”. I stood up from the couch. “I should get going. Mom will be looking for me”

I made to leave. “I don’t think so” he said and I turned

“What do you mean?” I asked

“I saw my mom and she told me, she will be going to the beach with the queen. So right now, I don’t think she will care about you”

I sigh. “All the way, I’ll still go and confirm. I don’t want any trouble”

“I’ll wait for you then” he sad, relaxing on the couch. I rolled my eyes. “Here”

“No, I don’t think it’s a nice idea” I replied

“Well, I think it is or do you have a thing you’re hiding?” He asked

She rolled her eyes. “No, Evelyn has find out about this place and might tell the king. If she does, I’m going to be in trouble. Not just that, everything here will be gone” I said sadly

“What if I tell Evelyn I set up this place?” He asked

I laughed, trying to conceal my pain. “It doesn’t work that way. No matter what you tell Evelyn, she will still do her worst. She has always been against my paintings. She believes it not proper for a princess”

He chuckled. “But you were never a proper princess” I glared at him and he laughed. “Hey!. What’s up with that look. It’s not like I’m lying. Your ways of dressing and attitude doesn’t prove that you’re a princess” he said

I groaned and say down beside him. “It’s not like I wanted to be a princess though. I love a carefree life. Where I get to do what I want and when I want it”

He smiled and pull me into a side hug. “Your way of life, has made you unique and that’s the reason I love you”

I cleared my throat and quickly released myself from him but he pulled me back. “Hey. You don’t have to pretend. I know you love me and I love you too” he placed a kiss on my cheek and I chuckled

He smiled back too and begin to place ksses on my faces, while I laugh. He held my chin and kssed my l1ps. “I love you Taliyah” he cooed

I chuckled. That’s his first time calling me my full name instead of the normal Liyah. He kssed me again, so pa$$ionately and I held him. The kss lasted for a while until someone rushed in. I quickly released myself, thinking it was Evelyn.

“Liyah” Eva cooed. “Sorry for rushing in like that”. I separated myself from Kyle grip

I rolled my eyes. “What’s going on?”

“Princess Evelyn took all your paintings and canvases out of your room and tear them up”

I stood up quickly. “What did you say?”

“Princess Evelyn had torn all your paintings and is about to burn it”

I dash out of the chamber in anger. She won’t dare, cause if she really did do it, I’ll take revenge, nothing can stop me!!!


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