THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 49?



After sending Kyle the message, I waited for his reply or call but none came. All through the day, I stayed closer to my phone, to see if he’s going to send a message or even call back, but he never did. It was past 6pm. The room was quiet and lonely. I was really bored. So I decided to go for a stroll. I took my coat and left the hotel and boarded an Uber, to a nearby cafe. So I could get a tea and then stroll a bit, before coming back to the hotel.

As the driver kick-start the car, I plugged my headphone and tuned to one of my favorite music, and the same time, enjoying the country’s view. I looked around and got sight of Kyle, standing close to a coffee shop with a lady. At first, I thought it was my imagination, until the car stopped to pick up a passenger. I was able to see his face clearly.

I paid the Uber man and dropped quickly. I walked closer to them, keeping a little distance between us. She clutched her hands around Kyle, as he kept saying something to her. “Is she flirting with Kyle?” I thought. Since, i couldn’t hear them, or see her face clearly, I moved a bit closer. And I was able to see the lady’s face. She was an older fashion of Liyah.

I groaned. “No wonder. I think Flirting with someone’s boyfriend is deep in their blood”. Kyle said something, which I could only hear in whispers and she replied, sniffing. “Is she crying?. Is she crying because Kyle doesn’t want her?” I thought

I rolled my eyes. I wished I could hear them more clearly. I can’t even move closer than this or I’ll get caught. After exchanging some words again, she stopped an Uber and they hopped in.

“Maybe they are going to a hotel?” I thought. No!!!. There’s no way, I’m allowing that!!. I stopped a taxi too and hopped in. “Follow that car over there. And be fast about it!!”


The car stopped in front of a flower house, and I wondered why they were here. I waited for them to come down and enter into the gate. The gate was made of flowers too, giving it a flora and fauna taste. I couldn’t help but admire the place too. “Can you stop admiring the house and follow them” my subconscious mind said. I rolled my eyes, and paid the taxi man, before stepping out of the car. I opened the gate and entered, tiptoeing. Thank gracious, there was no guard.

I kept admiring the flowers, as I walked past them, until we got to a place. They stopped walking and the girl spoke up. I heard to listen to their long conversion. I got tired, since there wasn’t any reasonable talk, I decided to leave but stopped, when I had about the secret. I changed my mind and decided to follow them and know what the truth is.


We entered into the flower house. I looked around. It was just the same way we left it, just neater. I looked around, and most of the paintings, I did when I was younger were still hung. Some were strange to me.

I wondered why she brought me here? To bring back some memories I had buried?. Why is she even silent now?. As if reading my mind, she spoke up. “Did you remember this?” She asked, pointing at one of the paintings

I walked closer to her. “Yes I did” I answered with an eye roll

“You drew this when you were six years. This was the first painting you started with, after falling from the horse back”. I sigh. “What about this?” She asked

I rolled my eyes. “I painted it for your birthday, when you were nine” she nodded

“This was painted when we visited Aunty Mara in London. You were such a cute little girl. Dad was so proud of you when you won the best kid artist”

I rolled my eyes. I don’t like the way she brings up old memories. She showed me few more pictures, until she got to one. “The day you painted this, you were preparing for the American kids got talent. You were so nervous and cried all day” she chuckled

I rolled my eyes. Where exactly is she heading to?. I sigh. “You were eight years and just few months away from your ninth birthday. You told me you wouldn’t do well, since you couldn’t overcome your stage fright and might not win. I cried too not because I believed you would fail but because I hate to see you cry”

I rolled my eyes. “Liyah. That morning, before you got up to that stage, you asked me to stay close to the stage were you could see me and promised me, that for as long as you see my face, you will do extremely well”

She sniffed and I wondered why she’s crying. I remembered all this, though I aometimes feel a piece was missing but I’ve put them past me. Why is she bringing them back now!!. “You climbed the stage, Liyah and you did so well. When the first three rounds were over, you stepped down happily. You were so happy and confident that you will win”

My heart sadden for no reason. “Evelyn I don’t know why your bringing this up now. You d…….”

“Let me talk please”

I sigh. “During the last round, I left and you lost concentration. I couldn’t make it back, and the round ended. You lost to a boy. You’ve always hated to lose but you did and it was all my fault ”

I groaned. “I did not lose. I still have the award in my room”

She sniffed. “You did, Liyah. You were so devasted, you withdrew from everyone and wouldn’t stopped crying. I tried all I could to make you happy but I failed. That day, you vow never to paint again. You burnt down all your painting but I was able to safe these ones”

“That’s a lie. I never did such!!” I yelled

She sniffed again. “You did Liyah. You continued that way for over a month and I was really sad. I wished there was something I could do but nothing worked. You fell sick in the process. We were afraid you might go into depression”

I rolled my eyes. She sigh. “Luck shined on me, when the boy who won the award, came to North Richland. He had visited with his dad and mom. Their visit to the palace was what changed everything”

“What are you talking about?” I asked

“The boy wandered around and entered into your room. He recognised you as the girl from the talent show. He cried when he saw how sick you were. And when his dad told him you were sick because of the award, he handed it over to you and asked you to get well soon”

“All these did not happen to me right?” I cried

“It did. Liyah, you asked him what he wants in return and he said your good health but you told him no. You asked him to ask for something or you’d refuse it.”

She smiled sadly. “He asked you to marry him. You told him you will, when you grow up. You got well Liyah and even played with him”

She pointed at a painting. “You drew this together”

I moved closer to it and saw my name written on it. Taliyah Nara Colten. Beside it was a name that shocked me!! Kyle!. Evelyn jolted me back to reality. “The boy left with his father and we returned back to our old selves. Happy and cheerful. You did not last long Liyah. I shouldn’t have said it. If I hadn’t, a lot wouldn’t have happened”

“What did you say?”

She sigh. “Anytime you look at the award, you get really sad. And I was afraid you might fall back into depression. A deep and serious one. So I told dad to tell the doctor to wipe off that part of the memory that could make you remember you weren’t the real owner of it. And he did,”

“You did what?!!” I asked as tears streamed down.

“I’m sorry Liyah, I thought that was the best option”

I sniffed. “What happened next?”

She sniffed too. “The boy came back and you couldn’t remember him. He was so devastated. He……he…..he asked if you were still going to marry him, now that you did not remember him, but you said no. He ran out of the palace and got knocked down by a car. He was rushed to the hospital but you never showed up. I visited him at the hospital with dad” she sniffed

“His heart was failing and he was close to death. His dad couldn’t watch him die, so he sacrificed his life for him by giving him, his heart. He told the doctor to wipe away every memory that involves you, but he made dad promise, using his wife as witness, to marry you off to him on his 24th birthday. He said that will be the only way you could pay back his son”. I sniffed. “When you heard the news of his father’s death, you mourned. You became depressed again and we tried all we could to bring you out but you didn’t. I hated myself for letting them take your memory. That was when you drew this” she pointed at a picture

I sniffed. “The more you drew, the more devastated you became. Afraid I might lose you, I asked dad to wipe your memory again. He did but you just wouldnt stop painting. Dad stopped you from drawing. I was afraid you might regain your memory, and hate me, for that, so I told dad and he ban you from painting. You hated me for telling on you even after you begged me not too. You stopped caring, you withdrew yourself and you became a bully, both at school and at home. As years goes by, you became worst. More troublesome.”

“How could you do all this? How could you!!!”

“I’m sorry Liyah!!!”

I sniffed. “I have just one question to ask you. Who is the boy? I………is… it Kyle?” I asked

She nodded and I screamed. “Lilyah calm down please”

I dashed out and saw Kyle standing by the door. His eyes were red and I could tell he heard everything. “Kyle” I cooed. I made to touch him but he stepped back

“Kyle, please, you know I love you right. I’m sorry I couldn’t remember y…….”

He pulled me, closer to him and kssed me!!.

??Gabrielle ??

Tears dripped down my face, as I saw Liyah and Kyle kssed passionately. Now I know the truth. Not just the truth about how Liyah became troublesome, I also find out Kyle is deeply in love with her and she’s also with him.

They’ve been betrothed from childhood. She’s the rightful owner. I’ve lost. I’ve been defeated!!. I turned, and ran out of the garden. I stopped a taxi and went back to the hotel. I need to tell Audrey, that I’m no more interested in having Kyle again!!.

I went upstairs and to her room. I was about opening the door, when I had something shocking.

“Gabrielle is a fool. She thinks, I’m only here to have fun and visit beautiful places, and then help her get Kyle back. She think I’ve got plans, helping her get Kyle” she chuckled

There was silent, before she spoke up. “How will I do that, when she slept with my boyfriend and beat me to stupor?. I’m here for revenge”

“yeah, I’ve got better plans. Just get the pictures ready. Someone is getting it hot!. She won’t know what hits her”

“I guess the idiot has cried herself to sleep or even crying herself to sleep now”

“Yeah bye”

I clutched my fist tightly. Audrey is using me just to get revenge?. She made me come all the way here believing she had plans to help me get Kyle back but no!!!

I turned and walked back to my room. “There’s no way, I’m staying back”. I bought a ticket back to New York for tomorrow. I’d rather go back home than let Audrey do something stupid to me”

I sigh. Enough of the truths, been unfolded this night. I will sleep now and tomorrow,I will returned back home to start a new and better life.


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