TO LIVE FOREVER-By Tamara Blair: Episode 41-The End

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 51?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
The anger and hatred i have had all my life has reduced the minute i hugged my mom,i still love her, She’s still my mom and i know that nothing might justify everything she did but i can’t keep getting angry,I miss her.

“I promise,Claribel,i will make up for lost time,I promise”

“I know”

“Let’s get back to the car” We held hands as we walked back into the car, Adrian and Christian came out.

“I guess you two have settled”

“Yes and i am willing to make up for everything” Christian and my mom went back to the car leaving Adrian and I alone.

“Am sorry i hit you with that cup,i understand if you want to break up with me,i….” He claimed my l!ps before i could finish talking.

“I can never leave you,I love you and forget about the cup saga”

“I love you” I kssed him again.
“So will you be living here with us?” My mom asked as we got back to her house.

“No,i can’t,i would love to but it’s so far from my school,but i can come here on the weekends”

“Fine by me” Trevor walked in,He looked at me then looked away shyly.

“Little Bro,i have always wanted to have a sibling,am lucky i got a handsome one” He chuckled and hugged me,i hugged him back.

We had to stay at the house for the night, then we went back the next day.
Few weeks later.

“I still can’t believe your mom took us to Dubai for the weekend,it was so amazing” Shannon said as we sat in the school garden.

I have been spending lots of time with my mom, it’s been really fun and my dad agreed to go to rehab.

My mom suggested i and my friends went the weekend in Dubai which was really nice.

*Come to the Janitor’s closet* The text from Adrian said.

“Um.. Shannon,i will be right back” i walked out of the garden and went over to Janitor’s closet.

I was about to call Adrian when a pair of hands dragged me into the closet.

“G0sh, Adrian, you scared me,why did you ask me to come here?”

“Did you bring your birth control pills?”

“Yeah,why?” He pushed me gently towards the wall.

“Because i want you right now”

“Seriously?Now?In the Janitor’s closet, What if someone comes here?”

“No one comes here,It will be fun” He pressed his body against me and I could feel his h@rdness.

“I really want to bend you over that table” He kssed me hungrily and carried me to the table behind me.

My hands were unbuckling his belt, his, unclasped my br@ and brought out one of t!ts and sucked it which made me m0an in ple@sure.

He turned me over and entered me through the back.

“Oh god” He started in a slow pace making me go cr@zy in pleasure,then he increased the pace.
“I can’t believe we missed an entire class because of this” We were putting on our clothes.

“I would have been faster if you weren’t so tight” I swatted his arm making him chuckle.

He pulled me closer to himself making our foreheads meet.

“You are always amazing, always” We kssed,he grabbed my a*s, then i pulled away.

“Don’t you ever get tired?”

“When it comes to you,Nope”

“So am going out first, then you come out afterwards”

“Wait, let’s just come out together”

“No,we can’t,then people will know that we did something in here and that’s so embrassing” He held my hands and reached for the door knob with his other hand.

“We are going out together” We walked out and thankfully,no one was in the hall.

“See,you were worried for nothing” I spotted Shannon running towards me.

“I have been looking for you two, it’s lunch time and you missed history class”

“We were praying”Adrian said and i and Shannon gave a confused face.


“Yeah,so hard,Claribel over here kept m0aning…i mean screaming and yelling while we prayed” Shannon got what he was saying and start laughing.

“Shut up, Adrian”

“Babe,i need to tell her the position we stayed while we prayed” Shannon kept laughing while i shoved Adrian away.

? Adrian’s P.o.v?
I was at home going through a novel while Claribel was preparing to go visit her mom.

“Does this look good?” She asked and she twirled around me,She was in a crop top and jeans.

“Yeah, the jeans hug your big a*s perfectly” She rolls her eyes while i chuckle

“P*ervert..Okay,the driver is here,i have to go,i love you so much” We shared a kss,i smacked her a*s as she walked out making her give me playful glare.

I watched the driver zoom off through my window,i sat back down to focus on the novel.

I started coughing a few times,i looked over at my palms and saw..blood.

“Why did i cough out blood?” I asked myself.

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