TO LIVE FOREVER-By Tamara Blair: Episode 41-The End

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 45?

Written by: Tamara Blair


? Claribel’s P.o.v?
“Are you almost done yet,am hungryyy” Adrian whined like a little baby.

I forced him to follow me to the mall to get some things.

“Am almost done,Stop whining like a baby” I dragged him with me to another spot.

“Why are we here? Do you want to buy pregnancy test kit.are..are you..

“No,am not pregnant,we always use protection, remember”

“Yeah, but it would be nice not to use them”

“And stand a risk of me getting pregn@nt,nope”

“So why are we here?”

“Am here to get… tampons” O whispered the last part.

“To get what?”

“Tampons,there i said it” Adrian started to laugh,i rolled my eyes at him.

“Don’t be shy to get yourself some plugs”


“Yeah, that’s what we Englands call Tampons”


“So are bleeding now?”

“No,am getting it for next month and don’t make fun of me”

“I won’t,unless you give me a “bloody” attitude” i swatted his arm.

“Stop it”

“Come on,babe, go with the ‘flow’ ” I walked over to get what i needed leaving Adrian behind.

I was still getting some stuffs wheni heard two girls saying something and giggling.

“He is so handsome” I looked over at the direction they were looking at and i found out it was Adrian.

One of the girls pulled her already short dress down to show her cle@vage.

“Am going to talk to him” I watched as she approached Adrian,She tried touching him but he flipped her hands off.

” I don’t care if you have a girlfriend,i still want you” i heard the girl say as i walked over to them.

“Oh,so you don’t care,you little fluzzy”


“Walk away or i swear i will force all these tampons on the shelf down your throat” I heard Adrian chuckle,the girl walked away.

“Okay,babe, let’s go”
? Adrian’s P.o.v?
I was home sketching on my art book amd waiting for Clary to come home,She went out with Shannon and she isn’t back yet.

I literally enjoy having her here with me,i see her before going to bed and when i wake up, she’s beside me and not to mention we shower together.

These two and a half years of my life has been so amazing.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the sound of Claribel’s boot on the floor.

“Hey” She kssed my cheeks

“You seem extremely happy”

“Yes,i am and it’s because i have a surprise for you”

“What is it?”

“Wait and going to take a shower” I sm@cked her a*s as she walked into the bathroom.
? Claribel’s P.o.v?
After i was done showering,i wore a really short nightie and came out of the bathroom.

Adrian looked up from his phone and his eyes went around my body,he dropped his phone and walked closer to me.

“Is this the surprise?” He pulled me closer to himself anf grabbed my behind.

“Half of it”

“You look so sexy” He claimed my lips, his hands going around my body.

“Wait” i said as i pulled away.


I brought out some pills from my purse.

“What’s that?”

“Morning after pills, meaning we don’t have to use protection,i just have to take this pills after we are done”

“Fck,i love you” He crashed his lips into mine,i unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room.
“That was amazing” We were laying on the bed.

“Yeah, definitely” i sat upright and took the pills with a glass of water.

“What if you forget to take those pills?”

“Then i could get pregn@nt and you and i are not ready for that”

“True,we can’t possibly be in high school and be pregn@nt”

“Exactly..that reminds me,i have to go over to my house to get my textbooks”

“You can’t go there”

“I have to,you can go with me,i need those textbooks”


? Adrian’s P.o.v?
“We will take the text books and we are out of there” Adrian said for the umpteenth time as we arrived at my house.

“Yes,i get it”

“How are we so sure that he isn’t in there?”

“He’s not,now let’s go” We got of the car and started walking to the door.

A black range rover also stopped right in front of the house,a woman came out,she looked alot like Claribel except she was older.

“Clary” She called out with a shocked expression,i looked over at Claribel,she was also shocked.


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