TO LIVE FOREVER-By Tamara Blair: Episode 41-The End

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 49?

Written by: Tamara Blair

Few hours later.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
After i and Adrian showed and took breakfast,he called up my…i mean Bethel, apparently she kept her business card in the book she gave me.

It was already time to go,Adrian was downstairs waiting for me,i took one last look at myself.

“YOUR ANGER WILL ONLY LEAVE YOU IF YOU TALK TO HER” Adrian’s mom voice echoed in my head,i sighed.

“God, please give me the strength to keep my anger at bay” i prayed sliently.

“Babe, the driver is here” Adrian’s shouted from downstairs, Bethel insisted she sent her driver to pick us up.

I went downstairs,Adrian looked up at me and he looked speechless.

“Woah, you look gorgeous” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on,i didn’t even wear makeup so don’t exaggerate”

“That’s just it, you don’t need make up to look gorgeous and do you know when you look even more gorgeous?”


“When you are n*ked” I giggled,his mom walked up to us.

“You two have fun and be careful” She kssed i and Adrian’s forehead.

“Mom,what are you going to be doing while we are gone?”

“Am going over to Robert’s house to watch a movie” Adrian scrunched his nose while i swatted his arm

“Mom,wear that simple floral gown we got last week,it really brings out your eyes I said to her excitedly,She hugged us both.

“Glad that’s finally over” Adrian and i walked holding hands to the car,our jaws dropped at the sight of the car.

“Woah, It’s the latest Maserati,this is so awesome” Adrian and i took our time to admire it before the driver took us to Bethel’s house.

The drive was a little long but we finally got there,She lives in an estate,a beautiful one.

“Woah” Adrian and i said at the same time,The house was huge and beautiful, the gate opened automatically.

“Adrian,Claribel” Bethel said as we got into the house, scratch that,i mean paradise.

She tried to kss my cheek but i declined.

“One step at a time” I said and she nodded,We were led to the big dinning room.

Trevor was already seated,he looked at me but quickly looked away.

Adrian held my hand amd squeezed it slightly as we sat down.

“Thanks for coming,i know how hard this is but thanks” Christian came downstairs, my dad’s best friend,the person I used to refer to as my uncle.

He sat down and smiled at me,no matter what i couldn’t bring myself to not hate him but that’s the reason for this dinner,for me to stop hating them.

“Clary,You have grown so big and beautiful,how are you?” I looked at him wondering how he feels snatching his best friend’s wife,he must feel good about himself.


“When Bethel told me you were coming,i had to stop everything at work to come”

Of course,you did” I said sarcastically,Adrian nudged me with his elbow.

A chef arrived with different varieties of food and we started eating.

I couldn’t help but look at the way Bethel showered Trevor with love,She kssed his hair every now and then,i never got that,My dad even refused to give me food.

“So Clary,How is high school going?”

“First of,Call me Claribel and.. High school is okay”

“ guessing you will be graduating very soon?” Bethel asked nervously.

“Yes, Bethel”

“Sis,you don’t call your mom by her name, it’s disrespectful” I looked over at my supposed step brother.

“Did you just call me Sis?” He nodded slowly.

“Don’t call me that ever again and i can call your mom whatever i want to call her”

“Claribel,Stop it, he’s just a child” Adrian whispered in my ears.

“Now that we are done with dinner, let’s have some desert”

The plates were carried away and plates of ice cream were brought to us.

“Claribel,i personally asked them to prepare banana spilt ice cream since it’s your favorite” I scoffed at what She said.

“Banana split is not my favorite,am allergic to banana, Chocolate ice cream is my favorite and you would have know that if you weren’t…

Adrian held my hands and i stopped talking.

? Adrian’s P.o.v?

Claribel is finding it hard to talk to her without saying harsh words, It’s going to be very hard for her to get her daughter back.

After eating, Claribel’s mom offered to show us around the house,it was a huge beautiful house.

“We got that when we traveled to Dubai” She said as she showed us some paintings,Claribel looked less interested,she was busy on her phone.

“Babe,look this paintings are amazing” She glanced at it, then went back to her phone.

“Yeah” I gave Bethel an apologetic look because of the behavior of her daughter.

“Am going to be right back,you guys can make yourself feel at home” Bethel walked away.

“I thought we were here to sort things out with your mom”

“Yeah, that’s what we are doing”

“No,you are just dropping nasty comments about her and why didn’t you talk to Trevor when he asked you a question?”

“I didn’t feel like it, the kid is so clingy”

“He’s clingy because he likes you, He’s your brother”

“Step brother”

I was about to say something when Bethel walked back with a little box in her hand.

“Um..Claribel,i was thinking you could come stay with us for some time”

“No,am not coming here”

“Okay, I understand, i got you something” She opened the box in her hands andit was a diamond bracelet.

“It’s a 16 carat diamond bracelet and i got it just for you”

“I don’t want it, thanks but no”

“Claribel, please am trying real hard for you to forgive me”

“Showing me around your fancy house and buying a ridiculous bracelet is not going to make me forgive you”

“Then what will?”

“Nothing” She walked away from the both of us.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
I walked back to the kitchen and started looking through all the drawers.

“What are you looking for?” Christian’s stupid voice sounded.

“For a bottle of vodka,i know you guys have it”

“It’s in the drawer behind the dishwasher” i brought it and opened it,i opened it and took a big gulp.

“Aren’t you underaged to be taking vodka?”

“And who are you to tell me what to do?”

“Claribel,i know you are hurt by everything but you just need to sit down and listen”

“I don’t want to,i don’t want to hear the story of how you snatched your best friend’s wife and fcked her”

“Claribel, you need to listen” Bethel said as she walked in with Adrian.

Adrian tried to collect the bottle from me but i held it tightly.

“No,Bethel,i don’t want to listen,i thought i could somehow forgive you but when I got here,i realized you didn’t suffer as i did.

While i was suffering,you were busy going all around the world with your lame a*s husband and your perfect son”


“Speaking of your son, I want to ask you a question, Christian.

How sure are you that Trevor is your son?”

“Am so sure”

“Am not so sure,If Bethel could in her husband with you, don’t you think she’s doing the same thing”

“Claribel, Stop it”

“Adrian,let me talk,this is my family issue not yours”

“So as i was saying, Bethel is surely a loose woman and a horrible mother,my dad was right,she is a wh0re” I felt a hand on my cheek, Bethel slapped me.

“You will respect me,am your mother” i turned the other cheek.

“Slap me again and give me more reasons to hate you, Come on, Slap me.

You left me for 12 years and now you are back and you just think that i will forgive you.

You got me a diamond bracelet and showed me around your stupid house and you think everything you did will be forgotten,no,it won’t.

You left me,Dad didn’t take care of me”

“I was going to come back for you” She said and i took a plate from the sink and smashed it on the floor, everyone flinched back in fear.

“When? After you already settled down with the lowlife that framed my dad up and got him fired.

I had to beg from door to door for money just to eat because dad didn’t care about me,i would pick used up bottles to sell just to get money to eat.

When i was 10,i started working in an ice cream shop,i would sweep people’s houses just for money and what were you doing during those times,you were cruising around the world” I continued to smash so many plates and cups,the kitchen was in a mess,Bethel started crying.

I took another big gulp of the vodka.

“And one time,while i was in the 5th grade,i was in class when my classmates laughed at me and yiu know why, because my skirt was stained with blood.

I was scared and confused,i didn’t know girls experience these kind of things because my supposed fcking mother was busy doing sh*t outside.

The boys made fun of me all week,Dad would come home drunk and beat me up”

I raised the sleeve of my clothes to show them the marks i got.

“He would beat me till i was numb..i almost committed suicide” Adrian looked at me with a shock expression,i didn’t tell him about that part of my life.

“I was going to esn’t myself in my room, Shannon,my best friend came and stopped me,if not,i would have been dead.

I hate you, Bethel,i do,i really do and i don’t know what to do with all this anger” I kept on smashing more plates.

“Babe,Stop it,stop” Adrian tried to hold me from breaking any more plate.

“Let me go,let me go” i angrily threw a cup at him,he dodged it a little but wheb it fell ,some of the broken pieces pierced his arm making it bleed a little.

“I told you to leave me alone”

“I don’t want to”

“Then,am leaving and nobody follow me” i took the bottle of vodka and walked out the door.

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