Accidental baby mama

By Author @Ayo

Episode 14


Dan looked at the ceiling, in his mind he didn’t need a soothsayer to tell him that Sophia will be searching for his head.

He laughed bitterly, he didn’t know when he got to the stage of allowing himself to be beaten up when he could drop her off like a hot beancake.

Was this love? Or was this that insatiable lust driving him crazy, to the edge. It was like a drug, it spurred him on.

He winced as he rolled to his laptop, the news was there Dugbsy boy revealed baby mama, with a picture of Chris, Sophia and himself. Sophia’s picture haunted him, she was a terrific mother and she had made sure Chris was well trained, he was proud to beat his chest anywhere that Sophia knew how to be a mother.

He looked at the little Chris, it was one of his baby pictures. He looked so small and innocent with his eyes, those eyes got people talking, despite the scandal people were admiring him. The comments were blasting him, tearing at Sophia, but Chris was the perfect star, no harm was said to him.

He pushed himself up and sighed, “I love you Sophia, and I’m ready to do anything for you.” he said before he went asleep.


“Aww, seriously Ness you are spoiling Chris, this chocolates are too much.” Sophia complained while Ness poured a bag full of chocolates for Chris on the table.

Chris didn’t hesitate in saying thank you, giving a big hug and then pouncing on the sweet snacks.

“Leave my boy alone, let me spoil him. So how are you holding up against the media?” she asked, as she adjusted her red floral halter dress.

“Wo, leave that one oh, those bloggers, when they are on top your matter like this, they and gossip be like 5 and 6.” Sophia said, as she sat beside her.

“Really, just sue the lot of them and they will all shut up especially that entertainingblog that keeps spewing rubbish.” Ness said,as she dropped the new bag and some clothes. She had gone to Las Vegas to enjoy herself with Mitch, an expatriate lawyer from the States.

Sophia shook her heard, if anyone was a man killer it was Ness always jumping like a butterfly, but even herself wasn’t any different, one only had mouth when one has tasted the soup of marriage.

“So how’s Mitch?” she asked, as she looked at the expensive Louis Vutton bag.

“Mitch? I dumped him in Vegas, remember whatever happens in Vegas stays there, I came across Ron, a South African and trust me we hit off great, I’m headed for Capetown next week.” she said as the bangles on her hand jingled.

She had cut off all her hair, dyed it brown, added more piercings and a henna tattoo.

Her clothes were as tasteful as ever but Sophia didn’t envy her lifestyle.

A knock interrupted Sophia as she wanted to talk.

Dan came in, looked around before catching Chris’ attention, “Daddy, what happened to your face? Who beat you?” he asked, as he licked his sweet.

“Same here, Sophia told me all about it on phone, what really happened?” Ness said,as she stood and went to him,pulled him to sit beside them, Chris settled on his lap.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Sophia did you see the news?” he asked softly.

Sophia turned her face, and hissed. Dan was disappointed.

“Sophia why now?”Ness asked, as she threw her hands in the air.

“Why now what? When your wife slapped me? Did I complain?” she threw back. Ness looked shocked and turned to Dan for an explanation.

Dan himself was surprised, and they both turned to Sophia. ”Yes Teresa Ani, she has four children for you.” she said.

Dan burst into a bitter laugh although his cheeks still hurt.

“When did I get married Sophia? Did she show you the marriage certificate? You should know a scam when you see one, what are the names of the children?.” he said, after he finished laughing.

Sophia’s face burned in humiliation, her father had been right but she’d prove stubborn.

“Sophia, I asked about the news your screwed up ex put online, not some trash from a desperate lady seeking attention.” he said, angrily.

“I called up some people and tried to get it off.” she murmured.

“Never mind, I just wanted to know how you are coping.” he said as he shrugged.

“Daddy, did you know that all my classmates know you, they are calling me Dugbsy junior.” Chris said in the most adorable way, that made all of them smile.

“No, thanks for telling me, Sophia we have to see. I’m serious. As a matter of fact now.” he said, as Sophia held Ness who was already packing her things to leave.

“Sophia, solve your problems yourself, Ndo? Call me later sha.” Ness pulled herself free from her grip, kissed Chris’ cheek and left.

“Sophia, I want to marry you.” he said,
“Wait is it because of all these, that you think marriage is the solution.” Sophia said, as she stood up.

“Listen to me Sophia.” he shouted.

“You can’t shout me down Dan, get out of my office.”she said.

Dan had deemed it wise to let Sophia to stew in her juice, instead of chasing her but not for long. He just had to taste her, even it, it was just later. He decided to give her a break, maybe all this things were causing her to have a mental breakdown.


Sophia did not understand Dan, when she meant he should leave, she didn’t mean he should just leave everything he does or wasn’t that what she had always wanted.

That her world comprised of herself and Chris and that she was forcing herself to go out with Dan. Anyway the secret was out, the world had already read meaning to their relationship.

Now he was withdrawing and for like three months she had not seen him, he had only visited Chris in school and at her parents’ place when she was never around.

Worse still, Aunty Nike, the owner of their couture and the CEO, had just declared that some male musicians were looking forward to work with her for the collective Africa SOS video.

She was in charge of designing their outfits, the background, the clothes of the models who would feature in the video and then another group of little children who would be the backup.

Her head was running like a train, she had been up and doing, she had travelled twice to seven different countries, made hotel accommodations, booked flights because Cynthia, the couture’s agent was overbooked.

Boma was also caught up, he had been to Clarence Peters studio a number of times and also trying to take measurements from around Africa.

She was seated, thinking deeply, when Aunty Nike came in to dash her hopes of rest. Dan Ani was coming to help, she almost hissed and said, ”Abi he’s coming to distract me.”

But all she did was to smile and say she would welcome the help while wondering how she’d deal with hundreds of clothes.

Why does Africa have too many male musicians?


Good afternoon sir.” Sophia said as she adjusted her files on the table, she dared not look up, as her boss Aunty Nike was raving about her good her suit designs were.

She took in his tall height, la!d back dressing and his hair…that hair that her son inherited. She shifted uncomfortably as she motioned him to sit on the sofa, that was how they wanted it here at Nikkin Coutures. Comfort and quality.

“Thank you so much, so I’ll leave you with Sophia. She’s absolutely the best.” the woman said proudly and winked at her.

“So we meet again Miss Benjamin.” he said as the woman closed the door leaving poor Sophia to her doom.

“Good afternoon Mr Ani.” Sophia was shivering as awareness passed through her spines. She straightened her back and gave him a full eye contact.

“I heard your greeting, the first time. You still look as beautiful as ever don’t you.” he said, as he put his hands in his trouser pockets and sauntered like he owned the office.

He sat on the arm of the chair where she was and placed his palm on her lap.

“Dan.” she squealed as the warm contact, got her shivering.

“Maka why?” his voice was dangerously low and he played with the hem of her skirt.

“Why what?” her brain had ceased functioning when she felt his hands inched towards her thighs.

“There is still one question on my mind, possibly everyone, who knows us tried in their best way to answer. Why did you keep my son from me?” this jolted her, and she tried to stand but he held back her shoulders in a firm grip.

“Please Dan. Look I’m sorry about it, but there was no way that time that I could contact you and I didn’t want a scandal.” she said as she struggled to even her breathing, her clothes were suddenly too tight and her body was flushed.

“I want you. Here. Now.” he whispered, as he continued his onslaught on her. He tugged at her buttons as he tried to kiss her.

Sophia felt her stomach drop, as she tried to push him. Her legs were becoming weak. Her heart was beating erratically. She felt him nudge at her neck.

“Sophia just stop fighting me, stop fighting this, you want me.” he said, as he cupped her bra through her shirt and bit her ear.

Sophia felt her brain sizzling, she m0aned and pushed him forcefully.

“Dan stop this nonsense, for crying out loud anyone can walk into us. Please stop.” she said, weakly as he held her. That got to him, and he stood, Sophia felt weak for a moment as she tried to stand up.

No one told her, that if she hadn’t said that, probably Dan would have had her in the office and she would consent.

“I’m sorry, its just that I want you so bad, I don’t mind taking you here.” he said shrugging.

“Really? Dan why are you acting like a s-x starved teen boy?” she said as they were interrupted by Aunty Nike, who came in to announce the arrival of other artists.

Click 15 below to read episode 15