TRUTH AND LIES (Episode 32,33,34&35)

(Preparing for prom)
Episode 34
I waited for Jeremy to meet me in the bookstore and soon, he arrived.
“Hey,” he called and tried holding me but I retreated and he scoffed.
“Have you accepted my proposal?” He asked and I moved back and he followed me and pinned me to the wall.
“Huh?” He asked.
“I’m going to be your date to prom” I said.
“But on one condition. I need you to do something for me.”
“Anything for you, my lady” he replied and kissed my neck and I smiled.
Mico’s Pov:
I stood by the gate after knocking and not long after, Alyssa upended up.
“Nigel! You’re finally here!” She called and dragged me in immediately.
If only she knew I was angry with her.
“Hi” I managed to say, inserting my hands in my jeans pockets as I followed her into the house.
“I’ve been trying to reach you since yearsterday, Nigel; what happened to your phone? I’ve been trying to call you but you weren’t picking my calls and you didn’t show up yearsterday either.
I really wanted to talk to you, Nigel.
“Mico asked me to be his date to prom. You won’t believe it. He asked me in front of everyone in school…”
“Alyssa can you get me some water?” I cut her off and she nodded and left.
Gosh; I needed a break.
She talks without breathing.
Soon, she returned with the water and gave it to me and I just took as little as a sip from it since I wasn’t thirsty.
“I was so nervous Nigel” she continued. “Alexa had tried to set me up, but luckily, Mico showed up and saved me and asked me to be his date to prom.
He actually gave me his jacket.
I’m still finding it hard to believe.
I was so confused and shocked and I ran away…”
“You ran away?” I interrupted her.
“isn’t that stupid?” I asked and she gawped at me.
“Did you just call me stupid?” She asked and the next thing I received was a slap on my head.
Oww God!
“You better watch that tongue of yours Nigel. It wasn’t my fault after all. I was just being traumatic at that moment. And that’s why I’ve been trying to reach you because I needed someone to tell to” she said.
“So what do you need me for?” I asked, trying to make sure I don’t get another slap.
“What do you think I should do? Should I accept him?” She asked with a perturbed look.
“Seriously? It’s your choice, Alyssa. If you want him to be your date to prom, then chose him. But if you have someone else in mind…”
“Of course there’s no one else.” She cut me off and sighed.
“I really like Mico, Nigel. And I’d want to be his date to prom. I was just nervous when he had asked me yearsterday.
“But I think I’ve realised my mistake. I want to be his date!
But…how do I tell him now? How will I be able to see him?
I rarely see him in school. And even if I manage to see him, how will I be able to approach him with all his guards and all the students around?”
I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
You can just say or now.
Perhaps, if not for the fact that I always try to change my voice when speaking as Mico, maybe she’d have noticed the similarity.
yes, I always try to make my voice a little cold and different.
“What do you think Nigel?” She asked again and I looked at her.
“I don’t know. Just have faith. When you get to school tomorrow ,you’ll definitely see him.” I told her and she sighed hopelessly.
“But will I be able to do it, Nigel? I’m so nervous. How can I be Mico’s date to prom? Why did he even chose me?”
Well he also doesn’t know why he chosed you.
To be sincere, I don’t think I know.
I know I said I had done it because I wanted to make Alexa jealous, but, I don’t know, but I feel like I just made that reason up.
I feel like there was another reason begin my actions; like I really wanted Alyssa to be my date to prom.
I still can’t explain it.
The same way I can’t explain why I keep coming to her place for no reason.
Maybe I need an explanation for it.
Alyssa’s Pov:
The next day in school I can swear was all about me.
My name and pictures were all over on the school’s group chat and you can imagine how it’d be in school.
Well, at that moment, my major concern was getting to see Mico.
How will I see him so I can tell him I’m ready to be his date to prom?
I stayed in class and attended the morning classes and when it was lunch time, I decided to go to the cafeteria.
But on my way there, I kept thinking of a way to get to Mico. It was foolish of me to had ran away in the first place.
I really hope he accepts me.
Yes; maybe I should check for him in his class.
But, will I be able to bet to him?
Well, I guess I just need to try.
I turned and headed for his classroom and as usual, there was a guard standing outside.
I gathered up courage and approached the guard who was just standing like a statue.
‘Your pass?” He said immediately I got to him, not allowing me to even greet him.
“Uh…good day, senyour. I…I don’t have a pass, but I want to see Mico” I replied and he looked at me in a funny way.
“You can’t go in without your pass” he said icily.
“I know, Mr; but it’s very urgent. Please” I said with pathetically and he starred at me for a short while.
“You’re Alyssa, right?” He asked.
Hm. So even the guards now know my name as well?
It seems I’ve really become quite popular.
“Y…yes, sir” I replied and he hesitated for a while.
“Okay then. Wait here” he said and walked in and heaved a sigh of relief.
At least, there is hope.
After a while, he returned and I wondered what his reply would be.
“Come with me” he said and I nodded and started following him.
He took me into the class but surprisingly, he took me to another room in the class.
It was a smaller class and there I found Mico sitting with his legs crossed, operating his phone.
Sweet crush.
The guard left immediately and I was a left with Mico in the room.
Now, I became nervous again.
“G…good day, sir” I greeted nervously, bowing my head a little.
“Sit” he said without looking at me and I took the only vacant seat in front of him.
But to be sincere, this guy is such a proud jerk.
A brief silence ran for some time and I coughed before he finally looked at me.
Gosh; I wonder what his face would look like.
This mask of his keeps stopping me from seeing it.
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