TRUTH AND LIES Episodes 59 – 61

I climbed the stage with Alexa and we both took our different seats.
The hall was filled to the brim and the event was being aired live as it had to do with the city.

Whoever wins was going to be the representative of Manilla in the finals.
The finals was actually commencing a day after tomorrow.

God, help me!

Alexa’s face was so Straight and she shut me a glare and took her eyes away.
God please, help me. I need to win this. I want to.

The coordinator of the competition came up and managed to cool down the ovation which was being made by the students.

“Good morning students” he said audibly into the mic and they all chorused a reply.

He made a little welcoming Speech and next, he tutored Alexa and I on the rules of the competition.
We only had 5 seconds to answer a question and anyone that failed her turns was out of the way.

My hands were already sweating and shaking.
You can do this, Alyssa. You’ve come too far already to fail.

I turned and looked at Alexa and she maintained a straight face.
But 5 seconds is too small to answer a question.
I hate being rushed.

The Bell went off and Alexa was the first to go.

She walked up to the front of the stage and stood in front of the standing mic.
She was so bold…and pretty.

“Alexa Liam, what is the maginal physical product of labour?” One of the judges asked.

The output of labour unaided by machinery” she replied before the bell went off.

“That’s correct” the judges replied and the students started clapping.


She smiled and returned to her seat and next, it was my turn.
Oh, God!

I stood up nervously and walked slowly to the stand. My heart was beating so fast.

I turned to where Mico was seated and he smiled at me and gave me the go- ahead nod.

Alexa already passed hers.
Now I can’t fail mine.

“Alyssa Ramos, task which takes a higher proper proportion of pesos received as income rises is the best technical description of what?” One of the judges asked and I quickly thought for an answer.

Just 5 seconds.

“Regressive tax” I replied and the bell went off immediately.

Thank goodness.

Wait; higher proportion…

No, no, no.
I made a mistake!

“Your answer is incorrect” the judge said and a wild gasp ran across the hall.

Oh, no!

“The correct answer is progressive tax” he added and my eyes glistened immediately.

Oh, God!
What have I done?

The judges looked at me as I stood motionless in the stand.
I couldn’t even move.

I turned and looked at Mico and he wasn’t even looking at me.
He just buried his face with in his palm.

The coordinator came up and signalled me to return to my seat and I slowly turned around and went to my seat.
This should be a dream.

I bent my head in acrimony as a tear came rolling down.
I can’t believe I lost the contest.

How could I make such a mistake?

I disappointed everyone!
I disappointed Mico.
Now Alexa was going to be announced as the representative of Manilla.
Why did this have to happen?


Click 3 below to read episode 60