What’s going on?
My eyes were trying to close, but I forcefully tried to keep them open.
Then, Jeremy also got on the bed and Holy christ!
He got on top of me.
“Jeremy?” I called weakly and tried holding his hands which were going for the tip of my shirt.
“Don’t be scared, Alydsa. I’m not going to eat you up.” He said into my ears and my fears increased.
God, please.
This should not happen.
How can Jeremy think of doing this to me?
So, the food was actually poisoned?
He reached for my shirt again and I held his hand.
But he pushed mine away and brought the shirt to my shoulder level.
I graoned and reached for a flower vest close to the bed and luckily, I was able to get hold of it and hit him on the head with it.
He groaned and lost his balance on me and I pushed him away and staggered on my feet.
The dizziness was coming, but I had to control it.
I managed to get to the door, but when I tried opening it, it wouldn’t.
I tried and tried but it couldn’t open up.
Oh, God!
It was definitely locked from outside.
I turned and looked at Jeremy who was already on his feet.
He was staring at me while using his palm to clean off a little blood stain on his lips.
Oh, God!
Why does this have to happen?
How can Jeremy do this to me?
To be continued