???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 1 – 10

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 1 – 10

By Nelly


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Annalise walked down the hallway that was usually crowded, everything looked normal but still abnormal, everyone was staring at her, whispering about her, pointing at her

Some with envy in their eyes, others with admiration, some with ours hatred others with a d.eath glare and one of those people included Charlotte and her friends, Annalise shuddered

?? She’s the one he’s getting married to?

?? What a poor taste he has

?? They’re a terrible match

?? I bet she’s feeling proud with her short legs

Annalise creased her brows while listening to these, what were they talking about?, Layla suddenly came out nowhere dragging Annalise along with her

“Hey!!!” Annalise screamed as he tried to catch up with her short legs, but Layla didn’t stop neither did she slow down

They finally got a secluded place, that was when Layla stopped

“Why were you dragging like that?” Annalise asked with her hands on her waist

“Why….. Why didn’t you tell me?” Layla asked breathlessly, it seemed she had ran a long mile before she got to Annalise

“Tell you what?” Annalise asked again

“That you were getting married to Zane Adler”

“Ohhh well even I was surprised, I didn’t know about it until last night too, wait how did you know?”

“It’s all over the news” Layla replied

“How did?.. something of last night get round the world within few hours?”

“Mrs. Cassandra said it this morning, she even had a picture of you, she said you and Zane were betrothed since you were a baby”

“I really didn’t know, my dad only told me last night at Zane’s house”

“You were at Zane’s house??” Layla’s Jaws dropped open in shock

“Yea, why?”

“Why?, Are you seriously asking me why??”

“Layla let’s go to class, it’ll start soon” Annalise said

“No I need answers” Layla whined

“Race you to class, first to get there gets to buy the looser lunch” Annalise said and ran off before Layla could says anything else

“That girl…” Layla groaned running off too.
???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 1 – 10

Zane got to his office, his friends Gary and Kai were seated on the comfy couch

“Hey our soon to be groom” Gary hailed mockingly

“Don’t call me that” Zane said with gritted teeth, he sat opposite them

“Why?, Your fiancee is cute anyway” Gary said again wiggling his brows at Zane who glared at him

“You didn’t tell me you were betrothed” Kai said in a low voice

“I didn’t know either, my mom only told me last night, she said it so naturally and that girl.. that girl is the worst”

“Seems you have a new duty aside your company” Gary smiled

“Seems so, and this duty is really annoying”

Zane’s phone rang it was his mom, he ignored it and continued talking with Gary and Kai but the phone kept ringing and he had to answer it

“What now Mrs. Cassandra?” Zane groaned

“You’re getting married to Annalise the day after tomorrow”

“What?” Zane asked in shock, he has always been indifferent but only his mom could bring out the different emotions in him

“That’s right so you better go get some clothes for yourself, it’ll be a short and simple wedding not much people” Cassandra said and ended the call

“What did your mom say?” Gary asked, he’s always the curious and loud one

“I’m getting married to that annoying little brat”

“Well that was quick” Kai muttered, he’s the calm and quiet one with big much emotions on his face like Zane, but he’s a lot more indifferent

“I feel like sI.apping her”

“You look hilarious right now man, only your mom can bring out this much emotions from you” Gary laughed and Zane glared at him, forget it just after Annalise, Gary was the most annoying

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 1 – 10

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