ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20

?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??

Author Fehimuan??

??An American Romance-Suspense Novel

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan

Episode 12

ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20.

Ellen’s POV
“Now Ellen, tomorrow’s your wedding”. Rita said and chuckled loudly as I was tied to a chair..

“What can you do?.. I thought you were that proud bch”. She mocked.

“You’re a devil, it’s not like I love Myles, I’m forced to marry him”. I told her
“Well, that isn’t my concern, you’re this idiot that deserves to die”. She said.
“I don’t give up easily”. I said

“You took my man away from me, you took everything away from me… You’re even trying to take I and Myles company, you’re selfish”. She said.
“It’s not fault”.

“You’re daft, dumb and stupid but I’m wise, strong and talented”. She said and I chuckled.
“You’ve got no brains”. I said and she slapped me.

“I own you, I could kill you”. She said and I laughed.
“Watch her, don’t let her escape”. She replied and drove away with her car.
Next Day

“It’s almost time for the wedding”. Skyler said. “People are entering the church and waiting”. He added worried.
“I told you she was kidnapped”. Cindy said.

“No she wasn’t, she said she wouldn’t show up on our wedding day and that’s what happening”. I reminded them.
“What if she was kidnapped?”. Cindy asked.

“She wasn’t, she wants to make me embarrassed”. I said.
“Do you think we should cancel the wedding?”. Skyler asked.

“No, I have a feeling she would come, she knows that we’re going to suffer each other when we’re married”. I replied.
End of Myles’s POV
Ellen’s POV
2 hours to go!. I looked at the time confused, I’ve got to marry him to make him suffer, I must get married to Myles.

Since I could manipulate people and I was the goddess of lies, I could easily escape her unhurt. I can play a trick on these two guards. They looked daft and dumb.

“Ok guys, I’ve finally agreed, I won’t get married to Myles again”. I said and they smiled.
“Well Rita told us not to let you go”. One or them said.
“Do you have her number, let me call her”. I said.

Fortunately they didn’t.
“We don’t have her number”. They replied

“I know her number, let me tell her I’ve changed my mind”. I said.

I called the number out for them and they dialed the number on the phone. (Cindy’s Number)
It was Cindy number I gave them and they didn’t know, it rang and finally Cindy picked.
“Hello”. She said.
“Hello Rita”. I replied.
She hissed.

“I just want to say I’m sorry, I was foolish, please I won’t get married to Myles again”. I said and Cindy got the clue.
“Ohhh, give the guards the phone”. She said.

After some seconds, they cut the line and began to untie the ropes around my waist and legs.

I smiled as they drove me to the city… It was good to have a crafty and naughty friends like Cindy, she was the best gift I ever had.

The only reason I’m getting married to Myles is to ruin his life and take his wealth, I didn’t love him, he should know our marriage was arranged, it can never work.
The guards drove me and stopped in front of the hotel, I quickly came down and ran into the hotel… Cindy hugged me as soon as she saw me.

“You’re such a good friend” I said and we air-kissed walking to her hotel room.

“Myles is getting prepared already”. She said
“Don’t tell him I was kidnapped, he has to be scared of me”. I said.
“No problem”.
“Rita is a devil, thank God for my lies, I would have died”. I said and we chuckled.

“Oh my God”. I said as I saw the white shinning gown on the bed. “This is lovely, who got this?”. I asked.
“It was Myles”. She said and I hissed.

I quickly went to the bathroom and freshened up… I went back to the room and wore my wedding gown.

The make-up artist came and did my make-up, she dabbed some powder to my face applied a pink lip-gloss to make my lip look fabulous… She packed my hair to the back and applied Lavender oil on my hair…

I was getting tired of the make-up.
“It’s okay”. I screamed as she ran outside.

I heaved a sigh and came out of the hotel to the road as the car waited for me.
“Bride”. Cindy joked and I smiled.
“Forced Bride”. I reminded.
She laughed.


“Ellen, I could promise to hold you and to cherish you. I could promise to be in sickness and in health. I could say, til death do us part.

But I won’t. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope. And I do not stand here, on my wedding day, optimistic or full of hope.

I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful, I am sure. I am steady. And I know that I am a heart man. I take them apart and I put them back together and I hold them in my hands.

I am a heart man. So this I am sure, you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend, my heart, my heart beats for you.

And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this: I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you… me”.
He said and I blushed in my mind.

“From this moment, I take you s my best friend for life. I pledge to honour, encourage, and support you through our walk together.

When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone.

I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you.” I said and they clapped.

“This wedding must not hold”. I heard a familiar voice and I and Myles turned back and saw Rita behind us.

The congregation gasped and Rita smiled and rubbed her stomach with her hands.

“This marriage cannot hold cause I’m pregnant for Myles and here’s the proof”. She said and threw a document to the floor.

I fainted.

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