ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20

?? Arranged Marriage??

??[Could this be love?]

??[Not meant to be]??


??An American Romance-Suspense Novel

??Brought to you by Author Fehimuan

Episode 19

ARRANGED MARRIAGE: Episode 11 to 20.

Like Before Reading ??

Rita’s POV
“Fools”. I said as they went out back.
“So they think they can catch me”. I asked and laughed.
I picked the phone near me and dialed their number. “Release them”. I replied.?????
It wasn’t over yet… Certainly not
End of Rita’s POV?

Cindy’s POV
“Oh my God, they’re there lifeless”. I said as Skyler parked the car at the garage and we ran towards them
“Ellen”. I said and shook her.??????

“Cindy”. She said faintly, she was too weak to reply..
“Rita”. She muttered and she fainted.

“Ellen… No please don’t die… Please”. I held her crying.
End of Cindy’s POV

Skyler’s POV
“Brother… Brother”. I said and he moved towards Ellen with all strength he could muster…”How’s she?”. He asked faibtly.

“She’s fainted”. Cindy replied and he cried…
“I’m a bad luck right?”. He asked.?????

“No brother”. I replied and hugged him
Mr Horace and his wife… Myles father and mother drove inside the compound alarmed..

“What happened?”. They asked.
“They were kidnapped two hours ago and tortured then they were brought back here”. I explained.
“Who’s doing all this?”. He asked.

“At first we thought it might be Rita, but the doctor and nurses said she didn’t move an inch last night”. Cindy said as they held Ellen.

“Let’s take her to the hospital”. He offered.
“We were just about to tell you the good news before all this”. He said.

“What’s that father?”. I asked.
“We had bought a big mansion so all of us could live there but seeing her condition, I don’t think any of us can go there now”. He said and I nodded.

End of Skyler’s POV

Brody’s POV
How dare Rita?… How could she forget about me in this cell, how could she betray me like this, I thought we were lovers..
“Get me out of this cell”. I shouted and banged the cell door.

“We’ve told you Mr Brody, the only for you to leave this place is to confess”. The detective said.
Should I confess?
My mind kept playing tricks on me

Yes, I would confess..
“Ok, I’ll confess”. I replied.
“Okay, in the next one hour, I’ll take you for interrogation”. He said and I nodded.
Rita’s POV
“What?”. I asked angrily.
“He said he wanted to confess which will surely implicate you”. He said over the phone as I paced the room angrily.
“Kill him”. I said..

“But I can’t, they might suspect something”. He said..
“Well, I don’t care, kill Brody”. I replied and smiled sitting on the bed.

The nurse came inside and locked the door from inside.
“I love how you handled those men today”. I said.

“What were you saying on the phone”. She asked.
“I was speaking to my friend, he missed me”. I lied.
She nodded.
“Don’t tell anyone that I’m not mad”. I said and she nodded.
End of Rita’s POV
Next Day
Cindy’s POV
“I think we have to shift our wedding to another day”. I said and he shrugged.
“Why?”. He asked.
“My friend and your brother is sick”. I said
“But we’ve invited all people”. He replied.
He cut in
“No buts, No iffs”. He said and kssed me.

I began to feel something I have never felt before when he kissed him… I had started to feel this passion, the same urge when Brody touched me and rapped me the first night of our date.
I was drunk and Brody was holding me as he carried me to my room…
“You’re really drunk”. He said and I chuckled.

“Baby, what can …”
He laid me on the bed and started to undress.
“Just get dressed”. I said and he came to lay on the bed with me.

The first kss sent me on errand and I pushed him away but he came back violently tearing my clothes and twice he did it leaving me bleeding.
End of Flashback
Skyler’s POV
I really wanted to show her how much I love her, why is she resisting my kss, no girl on Earth could resist it… Why is hers different?.. why is she making things hard for me.
I kssed her again.

“I know where this is heading to, we’re not married yet so I can’t”. She said.

She was definitely hiding something from me and I’ll find out. I’ll find out Cindy….I promise and anything disturbing you, I’ll kill.

“But when we finally get married, don’t blame me if I’m rough” I said and she laughed.
“You’re so funny and cute”.
“Let’s check on Ellen”. He said and followed me to her room.
She was still unconscious with Myles…. Skyler’s mom refused to take them to the hospital…. She feels they could be harmed there….
End of Cindy’s POV
“Mr Brody, time for your interrogation”. I said and opened the cell… Was he sleeping?

“Wake up or you’ll stay here forever”. I said but he didn’t shift…
I checked his pulse… He was dead.

Author’s POV
What do you think Rita would gain by doing evil???

Myles and Ellen are still unconscious

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