Jailbird Episode 71 HIGH COURT Effe drops to her knees, distraught, and takes Junior’s hands. EFFE Please, Junior! I’ll never do that to you. Never ever! Why didn’t you tell me you heard Steve saying that? But, like I said this morning, that’s over! Junior looks at her, and she sees the torment in his … Read more


Jailbird Episode 61 THE BAWA RESIDENCE – LATE EVENING The family is in the living-room having a family discussion. Reverend Brand Bawa, Mrs. Lois Bawa, Diana, Stan and Ruben Essel are present. They are thinking about their next meeting with Chris, a move Stan is strongly opposing. The huge television is on, but the sound … Read more


Jailbird Episode 51 Crankson cannot believe what he has just seen. No, it can’t be possible. No man can do what Chris has just done to Bobo. Bobo Black is an expert, a power freak who also doubles as Mike’s sparring partner. He is strong, he is fast, and he is an expert in many … Read more


Episode 41 She notices that Chris has gotten down from the motorbike and kicked it up on its stand, and has gotten down but he has made no attempt to climb to the veranda to Baaba. Baaba has descended the steps and is standing in front of Chris. Eyram leans on the balustrade of the … Read more

‘How The Judge Who Presided Over My Niece’s Divorce Case Married Her Ex Husband’

– Saturday 5th Feb, 2019 was my niece’s traditional and church wedding. The wedding was a huge success. – After listening to her daughter lame excuses to file for divorce she admonished her daughter to endure. – The judge who presided over the case was a 40yrs old single mom of two. Read the story … Read more


Jailbird Episode 31 EYRAM’S RESIDENCE It is a Sunday. Eyram is dressed for church, and she has a smile on her face as she approaches the Boys Quarters. Eyram climbs the steps and knocks on his door, but there is no answer. A slight frown puckers her brow. She knows he is inside because the … Read more