Written by ? Angel Louis ?

? Chapter 53 ?


“Good morning sleeping Beauty”
I felt a light peck on my head as I slowly opened my eyes to it’s surroundings.

The light ray’s dimly penetrating into the room .. I dabbed my eyes a little to get a better view before me.

“How are you feeling this morning?” He asked.

I stared straight at David who stood before the bed with a small tray on his hand

“Is that what I think it is?” I gawked in e¢stasy.

“Breakfast in bed? Yes it is my dear” he drawled, placing it on the side of the bed.

“Aww that’s so sweet of you” I smiled sweetly at him.

“Thanks Baby. But not as sweet as what we shared last night” he commented.

Almost making me cover my face. I was beginning to feel so shy.

Can we not talk about this now please??
I mumbled within me.

Last night was the best night ever. But I don’t want him to raise it up. If he wants me to remain in a normal state.

“How are you feeling this morning?” He asked. Cutting me off my thoughts
As he stared down at my thigh.

“A bit okay. I still feel pains” I admitted truthfully.

“Sorry love. Guess I was a little rough on you last night. Especially in the bathroom” he gave out a playful smirk…

Staring into my face. But I was quick to look away feeling my cheeks heat up already.

When we went to take a shower late last night, we ended up getting intimate in the bathroom.

He was a bit rough with me but still, I enjoyed every moment.

“There’s no need to feel the way you’re feeling now . You’ll get used to it” he kssed my cheeks and smiled at me.

“Just have breakfast. Okay.. I’ll prepare warm water in the tub for bathe to relieve you of some pains…

I might go to the chemist later to get painkillers and…

“Painkillers?” I shot my eyes.
“No need for painkillers. The warm bathe will do the job.” I smiled in an assuring way.


She look so beautiful this morning.. especially with the white duvet covering her naked body.

The thought of her being nked, gets me hard.. as the event of last night kept flashing into my head.

I love her so much. I love her even more than yesterday. I love her every day.

To think I was the first man to make her a woman makes me fall deeper for her.

When she fell tiredly into sleep last night, I made sure to change the bedspread which was stained with few drops of blood.

I cleaned up everything and made sure to make breakfast for her this morning.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine with just the hot bathe? Or still we could go to the hospital for check up Incase of any internal bruise”

I added feeling so concerned.

The way she screamed last night, even the walls could attest that she was in pain.

“Hey. Relax okay! Internal bruise? Check up? I don’t think I need any of those.

I don’t have internal bruise. You didn’t force yourself on me.

So quit bothering yourself about it. I’ll be fine. I promise”

I nodded a little with a small smile.

“I hope so” I exhaled sharply.

“I’ll be going to pay Alicia a visit today..”
I announced to Ana that afternoon as she played with junior.

It’s Saturday and I didn’t find it needful to go to work.

” oh that’ll be nice. Just Try to be easy and talk things out..” she added.

And I gave her a slight nod.

For the first time about Alicia, I’ve come to have a rethink of what I did to her.

The action I took against her. I was a bit rash by reporting to the boss.

But you can’t blame me okay. There would have still been no way I’d have agreed to work normal with her considering the gravity of what she did.

Let’s just say I was angry… And my anger made me do what I did .

“Isn’t it time you bring the kids back home? I’m beginning to miss them.

Even Junior miss them too .. cause he feels all alone most of the time. I guess that’s why he cries Alot”

Ana voiced out.

I chuckled a little at what she just said.

Bring them back? Huh??
No way Babe. Now we had our first night together.

I’m gonna need more time to have more of you. I want privacy without the kids. Just you and me.

“I’ll get them back very soon. Don’t worry” I assured her with a smirk.



I wiped my sweaty Palm with the back of my palm… I’m so tired.. It’s Saturday and I’m trying to make the house tidy.

This is what I do now. Since I have nothing to keep myself busy with. I can’t sit idle either.

By next week, I’ll go for jobhunt. If I’m lucky, I’ll get something to keep myself busy with.

Something better than Duvel I hope.

Besides Nora is not at home. I haven’t set my eyes on her since yesterday.

She actually texted me saying she’ll be spending the night at Oscar’s place and she won’t come back. That’s why I wasn’t bothered.

Her relationship with Oscar has been going smoothly. It’s good.

I guess they are meant for each other after all. Or maybe it’s just my foolishness that brought them together.

You know what, … I think it’s best I get rid of that thought. I don’t want to muddle myself up in the past.

I already made bad decisions. David ruined my life…

And I hate him now. I hate him more than he hates me.

I can’t believe he’d do such to me. My love for him ruined my life and right now, all I feel is hate. Hate and nothing more.

I will—-….

The door bell suddenly rang.. cutting me off my thoughts.

“Go away.” I shrugged out. Tiredly.

Whoever the visitor is, he or she isn’t here for me. Nora isn’t around.

It’s best I just ignore. Whoever it is, he /she will surely go away.

I thought wrong cause the knock came again repeatedly.

I grunted hard as I walked to answer it

I opened the door and gasped at the image before me.

The surprised look on my face suddenly turned into a hard frown.

Without much thought, I slammed the door shut on his face.

Alicia is angry ?…
Why do you think her countenance changed??


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