
BEAUTIFUL IFEOMA: Episode 11-The End


Written by, Rejoice Jeremiah. C?

Twenty Four Hours??


Immediately the door opened, Prince Eric left my hand and I sprang up from the bed.

Charles walked in.

“It seems I walked in at the wrong time,” he said.
“What are you talking about?” Prince Eric asked him but Charles sat right where I sat earlier.
“What happened to your back and your arm? Why are they bruises on your body?” he asked Prince Eric.

I didn’t feel like I should be there. Yes I haven’t tidied up the room but I just thought I had to leave them and all I was waiting for was the Prince dismissing me.
I can’t leave if he doesn’t tell me to because I haven’t done what I came to do.

He finally glanced at me and I gave him a sign, asking him if I should leave.

“Ifeoma, you can leave,” he said.
“Okay My Prince,” I said.
“But she isn’t done yet. Wasn’t she treating your wound and besides, your room don’t look tidied,” Charles said.

‘Whaaat…my heart is beating right now. I need to leave and take a good breath. I can’t breathe.’

“You would take over then and my room is tidied except the bed. You can leave Ifeoma. I need some privacy,” Prince Eric said.

“Yes My prince,” I said and left in a flash.

I stopped for a moment to take catch my breath and relax myself.

‘How could he make me loose my breath. How dare he make my heart skip with what he said to me earlier’

After catching enough breath, I stood straight to continue my walk but there was Princess Ola standing in front of me.

“My Princess,” I greeted.
She smiled. “Oh poor Ifeoma. You do not know what you are doing to yourself..”

“What do you mean my Princess?” I asked.

She took a step closer. The evil bracelet on her wrist. “You can’t protect the Prince, you can’t protect this kingdom. You can’t save me either. You are seeking for a battle which is going kill you and everyone you love,” she said.

“I reject such. This battle is going to be just between you and I. You won’t hurt the Prince, the King or the Kingdom. If you want to hurt anyone, let it be me, just me, let’s fight this alone,” I said.

She chuckled. “Well I never wished to pick a fight with you. All I wanted..” she took another step closer. “ to kill the Prince, my father and take over the throne. I wasn’t going to kill anyone else or even hurt but you showed up with your little power and you are trying to stop me..very well then, I’m going to add you and everyone you love to the list. I’m sure you know the condition of your friend, Ujunwa… I think your little power saved her life but you can’t do anything about her matter how hard you try and your father?”

“You won’t dare hurt my father!” I snapped at her.

She chuckled.
“Well I hear he’s at the palace looking for you.”

I raised my brows. “What?”

“You disobeyed him again, didn’t you?” she asked.
“It seems you know everything about me,” I said.
She smiled. “Of course I know everything that has to do with you Ifeoma,”
“Well that’s not a problem to me. I’m not afraid of who you are or whatever you can do. You can know everything you need to know about people and you should really be fast about it because you are going to be destroyed in no time,” I said.

She chuckled. “You are digging your grave Ifeoma and the grave of all that you love,” she said.
“No, I’m digging your grave and the grave of all who has hands in the possession of the Princess, get ready for me. Now excuse me,” I said and walked away.

“Very well then, I guess this has to be done faster than I wanted,” I heard her say.

I halted and scoffed.
“Very well then, I’m ready for you,” I said with my back on her.

“No, you aren’t and that is why I’m giving you twenty four hours to prepare yourself for your death,” she said.

I turned and faced her.

“Twenty four hours is long enough for me to complete the digging of your grave and the grave of all that you lead,” I said with a smile.

“Then we shall see who’s going down that grave,” she said.


“Very well then. Twenty four hours. Remember the clock is tickling, tik tok…….tik tok,” she said.

“I’m glad you know that,” I said.


?Prince Eric?

“Do you like that girl?” Charles asked.

He was dressing the bruises.

“Which girl?” I asked him.
“Rose, one of the ten maidens,” he said.
“Rose? I don’t think I did earlier but not anymore,” I said. “Why do you ask?”
“I over heard some annoyed maidens discussing about you smiling in a really different way to her all the time, speaking to her with the sweetest voice you’ve never used on any of them and looking at her with lu$tful eyes each time,” Charles said.
“I’m not denying the fact that I liked her but not anymore. I don’t know why but I don’t just see myself doing that anymore,” I said.

“Come on Eric, it’s been a week with the maidens and you haven’t seen anyone who look good enough for a bride? Okay fine, you found one, Rose but the suddenly you don’t like her anymore. Who does that?”

“Me, I did that. I don’t like her anymore. Imagine she came to my room last night and she tried to seduce me or something like that.. I heard some bad things about Adaora, and I thought she’d be the one to even try such but Rose did instead, the nicest of them all,” I said.

“Well dude, this is life for you. Sometimes what we imagine isn’t what comes our way. I’m done with the bruises. Expect a fast healing,” he said.

“Sure, I hope so.”

“I just remembered now, what about Ujunwa? How’s she?” he asked.

I gave him a suspicious look.

“Hey don’t look at me that way, just answer my question,” he said.

“Uhm she’s awake and fine. You can go see her if you want though I’m not sure she’s still at the clinic,” I said.
“Well as far as she’s awake and fine, no worry,” he said.

“Do you like this girl Charles?” I asked him with my eyes on him.

He chuckled. “Yeah I like her. You don’t expect me to hate her, do you?”

I scoffed and stood up to go to the wardrobe.

“I know what you mean Eric.. You know I can’t like her that way. I have Katherine,” he said.

I smiled. “I’m glad you know that. You have Kate and you both are meant for each other. You get it?”

“I get it but..she broke up with me just because I went against her will and came here,” I said.

I exhaled and turned to him. “You should get it now Charles. You are getting the possible flight to Lagos tomorrow morning and you are flying back to London to make up with your fiancée and be with her,” I said.

He stood up, looking shocked.
“Why?” he asked.

“Charles, you have to. I mean you need to leave. It’s complicated. I don’t know how to explain it all to you but I will after it’s all over, trust me but you can’t be here,” I said.

He walked to me. “What is wrong Eric? You can tell me anything. It can’t be Ujunwa right? She can’t be the reason why you are telling me to leave the palace? If she is the reason then I’m going to repeat myself, I can’t like her in that way. I still love Katherine and I’m gonna get her back,” he said.

“The faster you try in getting her back, the better. I’ve already arranged for your flight to Lagos tomorrow morning and it can’t be canceled. Just know that I have a reason why I’m doing this and that I’m gonna explain it to you later,” I said.

“I want the explanation now Eric, tell me what it is,” he said.
“No Charles, I can’t,” I said.



I met my father at the gate.
I knew why he came. I had to use my power a number of times to save Uju last night and he must have felt it.

But is that the reason why he had to come?

“Good morning Papa, did you miss me that much to come all the way here?” I asked him with a smile but he had no smile on his face.

“Ifeoma,” he called me.
“Yes papa,” I answered.
“Go to wherever your bag is, pack up all your clothes into the bag, bring it here and let’s go home,” he said.

“Ahn ahn Papa, what are you saying? The contest isn’t over yet. We still have six more days left,” I said.

“Go and do what I told you to do ngwa ngwa,” he said.
“Ah ahn what is it Papa? Just tell me. Are you here to ask me about last night? Fine, I will explain everything to you Papa,” I said.
“There’s no need for explanations. Go and pack your things, let’s leave here because your work in this palace is over from today,” he said.

Picked For You:  THE MAN IN MY DREAMS : CHAPTER 51 – 60

“What? What do you mean papa?”

“You are no longer going to work in this palac.. You are going home with me. Hurry up and don’t waste my time,” he said.

I moved closer to him. “Papa, no please you can’t do this. I used my power to save my friend, Ujunwa. She was dying and I had to save her. I couldn’t watch her die papa. I would never use my power for evil. I use my power for good, to save people,” I said.

“It doesn’t matter what you use your power for Ifeoma. I told you never to use it but you disobeyed me and used it over and over again… Are you going in there to pack up your bag and let’s go home or are you going to stay here and if I dare leave without you, I’ll never bother about anything you do and whatever that happens to you,” he said.

“Papa you can’t get yourself out of my life, you are my father and I’m your daughter, your only daughter,” I said.

“And that is why I wish you were a boy instead of a girl,” he said.

I widened my eyes. “Papa, did you just tell me that you regret having me?”

“As a girl,” he said.

“Papa” I muttered as a tear dropped from my eyes.

“I give you twenty four hours to come back home Ifeoma. Twenty four hours and you are home, if you still want to have a father,” he said and turned to leave but I held him.

“Papa you can never leave me. You promised me that and I promised you same too,” I said.

“The come home to me. Come home and everything would be fine. I don’t want you working in this palace ever again. I’m giving twenty four hours. If you love me and still want me as your father, you would come home,”
he said and finally left.

“Papa please..” I begged but he was gone.

‘God..what do I do now… I can’t go home now and I can’t loose my father either. What do I do’

I turned to head to the maid quarters and saw Princess Ola at the upper floor balcony, staring at me with an ev!l smile on her lips.

I heaved a sigh.


?Prince Eric?

I arrived at the place which the ten maidens assembled and stood in front of them.
Mrs Ugo was present as well.

“My prince, you look handsome today like always,” Adaora said.

“My Prince your arm is hurt, what happened?” Veronica asked.

“My Prince… you look like you had no… sleep last night,” Ngozi said.

My Prince…
My Prince…
My Prince came from all seats.

But there was only one girl who didn’t talk, Rose.
She couldn’t even raise her face.

“Alright maidens… I’m sure the seven days which you spent here were good and I’m happy that there was no trouble between any of you. You all stayed in peace and harmony. Thank you all…you all did a great job this past seven days and each person deserve a great reward from me…but I have to announce this..”

“What do you want to announce My Prince?” Zara asked.
“Have you gotten a bride already my Prince?” Juliet asked.

“No, I haven’t..” I answered.

“So what is this announcement My Prince?” Uloma asked.

“The announcement is that you all are gonna go home because the contest is over,” I said thus causing chaos in the room.

“My Prince, what are you talking about?” Mrs Ugo asked me.

“I said the contest is over and there is no chosen bride. Thank you,” I said and walked out.

[Maids quarter]


“Are you okay Ifeoma. You’ve been lying down since,” Uju asked me.
“Yes I’m fine Uju. Don’t worry about me. Just take a rest. You need it. If you need anything, let me know,” I said
“Ifeoma, I’ve taken enough rest biko. I don’t want to take enough rest again… I’m perfectly fine… You are the one who’s looking dejected right now. What’s the matter?” she asked.

I turned well and faced her.

“You know you are worrying too much for me and that is not good for your health,” I said.
“The same way you worry about me is the same way I do. Now tell me,” she said.

Just then the door opened and two co workers, Ozioma and Chinaza barged in, looking like two excited gossipers who just caught a new gist.

“Ifeoma and Uju sorry that we barged in like this o but there is news, a shocking breaking news,” Ozioma said.

“What news?” Uju asked.

“You both haven’t heard it?” Chinaza asked.

“Why would I be asking you what news if I’ve heard it,” Uju snapped at her.

“Hia! This palace is on fire!” Ozioma said.

“Who put the fire kwanu?” Uju asked as she ran to the window to check.

“The crown Prince put the fire ,” Chinaza said.

I raised my head from the pillow and asked. “The crown Prince?”

“What did the Crown Prince do?” Uju asked.

“He has dismissed the ten maidens. As I’m talking to you now, the ten maidens are packing their bags to leave this palace,” Chinaza said.

I sat up. “Whaat??”

“Have he chosen a bride so soon?” Uju asked.
“I just told you the ten maidens are going home. Ten of them, all of them. The King and the Queen, especially the King are furious,” Chinaza said.

‘Whaaat? Why would he do that? Why is he dismissing the ten maidens?

He shouldn’t do that.

This is only going to cause problem.. The people won’t take this lightly.

What do I do… I really need to talk to him but I can’t go to the upper floor right now

Oh God…..this is trouble for him. The people of Amaeze kingdom would speak bad of him and it’s not going to be good for a Prince who’s yet to seat on the throne..’


?Prince Eric?

“Eric! Why did you do this!” My father, the King thundered at me in his room.

“Father, please calm down and listen to what I have to tell you,” I said.

“What is it, go on. What is that you want to tell me that made you cancel an already ongoing contest that is seven days gone?!” he asked.

I exhaled.

“Father, this contest can’t go on because they are gonna be in danger if they stay more days in this palace,” I said.

“What danger?” he asked.

“My sister, Ola is possessed by a dem0n who wants to kill me through my sister, kill you too Father and take over the throne,” I said.

He came closer.

“What nonsense are you speaking out of your mouth?”

“I’m telling you the truth Father. Princess Ola is being controlled by a demon who wants to destroy this kingdom,” I said.

“A demon controlling your sister?” he asked.
“Yes Father. There’s a brac..”

But I was cut short by the opening of the door and Ola walked in.

“Father, there is a maid in this palace and she has evil powers. She had tried to kill me Father and she also tried to kill her fellow maid last night,” Ola said.

‘A maid?’

“A maid?” Father asked her.

“Yes Father… She’s a maid and not just a maid but also having a secret affair with the Prince,” she said.

I turned to her. “What nonsense are you talking about Ola?”

“To continue their secret affair, he made her his personal maid so they can have all the time in the world,” she said.

‘Whaaaat! is she talking about Ifeoma?’

“You ev!l thing.. You liar! What are you trying to do to Ifeoma?”

“You see Father, he’s trying to protect the witch. Father Tell the guards to get her. She’s to be harshly interrogated till she confesses,”

I grabbed her jaw. “Shut your trap! Ifeoma is not a wtch! You are the wtch!!”

“Who’s this Ifeoma?” Father questioned.

I left Ola’s jaw and turned to Father.
“Father she is lying… She’s lying against an innocent girl. Whatever demon that is in her is trying to punish a good girl who saved my life twice and even more,” I said.

“She used her evil powers to save you twice, didn’t see?” Ola questioned.

“She has no ev!l power. You are the one with the ev!l power!” I said.

“The truth can’t be hidden forever Eric. You are having an affair with an ev!l maid. Father do something! Arrest the maid,” she said.

“No Father, you are not going to do that!” I said.


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