By Melody
It was eight at night. The city was bubbling like a disco party.
Mitchell walked into hotel 5 and dropped her handbag on the bed.
She pulled out her heels and slumped her backs on the bed as well.
Just then, Ray stepped into the room closing back the door.
” Tired already?” He asked, opening up the large curtains and the city appeared out like a fine picture painting.
” I wish this was my home. I’m so stressed out that i wanna fall asleep.” She said and Ray came to sit next to her.
” You better don’t, Not after all my preparation.” He said and Mitchell sat up.
” What sort of preparation?” She asked and Ray brought up his ¢igarette.
” So…the password. How come you couldn’t get it?” He asked and she fell back on the bed tiredly.
” I thought i already explained it to you on the phone.” She said and Ray ran his fingers into his hair.
” Mitchell. We need a plan.” He said and Mitchell snapped her fingers like she suddenly saw an idea floating around.
” What if, i disguse myself as two persons?” She asked and Ray raised his brows.
” What do you mean?”
” What If . . i disguse myself as a poor housemaid searching for a job and i…”
” You work for Liam as an assistant. There’s no way you can do two of them at the same time. It can never work that way.” He said and Mitchell sighed.
” Fine. I give up. If i keep trying and Liam gets to know the truth, I’m seriously fried.” She said and Ray pulled her up by her wrist.
He sat closer to her and looked at her dearly.
” Look baby. We need to do this. You can’t give up now that we can get it right on our fingertips. Remember you promised to help” He said and tugged her hair behind her ear.
” What then happens if he finds out and catch me red handed?” She asked, bending her brows sadly.
” Leave that to our boss.” He said and May palmed her cheeks.
” Ugh!. Fine. I’ll keep trying.” She said and he chuckled.
” Try getting him drunk.” He said.
” Why?”
” When he’s drunk, there’s every chance that he is dumb and helpless. You can possibly make him talk” He said and Mitchell raised her brows in awe.
” That’s a good plan.” She said giggling happily. At that point, she had totally accepted the new plan and had prepared her mind entirely for it.
She was busy with her thought when she found Ray leaning slowly towards her.
” Hey!. Stop. What are you doing!” she yelled as his face brought itself closer.
He suddenly placed his hot lips on her and Mitchell fell her hands helplessly.
Her heart was running faster as she kssed him. They started to kss gently and very passionately.
Suddenly, the kss reached at it peak and Ray loosed up his shirt buttons.
Liam rode into his mansion and he stormed into the house.
May stood up from the sofa, smiling widely like a beautiful angel.
” Good evening Liam.” She greeeted and Liam dropped his bag on the sofa, not taking his gaze off her.
” You see. I came home early today. Don’t i need to be pampered?.” She asked and Liam glared at her, svcking her soul out.
” Who dropped you off?” He asked and May stepped back quickly.
” Huh?” She blinked.
” I asked a question. Who dropped you off!!.” He yelled.
” It was my boss.” She replied, shaking pathetically.
” Your boss?. Liar!. You are seeing someone else.” He said.
Liam had earlier stopped his car at the side of the road while solving some technical issues on his phone.
He had seen a range rover car stop next to the mansion and tho, he couldn’t recognise the owner but his attention was drawed at his wife who was stepping out.
He couldn’t keep his cool. He was so mad that he needed to be hit on the head before he would behave like a human.
” Tell me who’s this person that’s taking your attention!” He yelled and she fell back on the sofa, her heart htting erratically.
” I’m sorry. I..i.. didn’t want to use a cab. I was was scared of returning home late so i agreed the man would take me home.” She said and Liam smirked.
His face, filled with detestable thought.
” May. That’s the last time i will see you leave this house. Work…Cancelled!. You are a complete full house wife and i mean it!.” He said and May held his arm.
” No. I..i..can’t stay inside this house. I’m lonely. I also want to feel the outside breeze too!. I can’t stay indoors please…I beg you!”
” Shut up!” A sIapped landed on her round cheeks. She palmed it quickly.
She felt shocked and overwhelmed. Her world stopped moving.
He looked at her for a while and something inside him cautioned his instict.
It made him regret what he did. And even tho he felt guilty for sIapping her, he didn’t want to show it.
” Next time, you oblige to whatever i say.” He said and leaned away from her.
She looked down for a while and then tears welled down her cheeks.
” Liam. I’m tired…” she sniffed, controlling her tears.
” Tired of what?” He asked, turning to look at her.
Her voice went loud.
” I’m tired!. I want a divorce!” She yelled.
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