By Melody

Chapter 18


May woke up and rolled on the bed like a sleeping beauty.

She recalled last night and even tho it didn’t end well for her, she enjoyed every little moment she had with her husband.

She crawled out of bed and met a letter on her table. It was Liam’s trickish handwriting.

” You can leave for work if you still care for it.” She said and that was enough to put a smile on her gloomy face.

She rested the paper on her chest and sighed.

” Liam. I love you” She whispered before jumping down.

She soaked herself in a shower and finally came out to dress up in a Red shirt and black trouser.

She was going to prepare for work, even tho she was quite late today. She hoped her pvnishment won’t increase.

She took a cab and it dropped her in the company’s parking lots.


Taking an elevator, she came out and was rushing speedily to her office, mistakingly colliding with Emperor.

Emperor held her in place before she could fall.

” Oh. Good morning sir!” She greeted, with a bright smiling face.

” Hey, May.” He returned the smile. ” How was your night?” He asked and they began to move down the Vast corridor.

” Um. It was good as always” she said.

” This is the first time you arrived late at work. Is there any problem?” He asked and she looked away for a while, rethinking what had happened last night.

Of course, she couldn’t tell him the whole story of how Liam tried to send her away.

” Nothing. I just forgot to set my alarm and i woke later than usual.” She said and Emperor shrugged.

” You will be having a new office partner today.”

” Really?” She asked, bulging her eyes. Her office had been really bored for the past few weeks she had been working here.

She knew a new officemate will do the trick.

” Her name is Sunny. Actually, she’s my niece from Korea and she would be your assistant.” He said and May like the idea quickly.

Afterall, she needed a friend to whom she could gist female stuffs with. She hoped sunny was not the likes of Mitchell.

” And your punishment?. I didn’t forget that also” Emperor said, turning to stare at her.

May instantly swallowed her tongue by the way he pointed his gaze at her. Her five senses immediately woke up.

” I will tell you what to do at Lunchtime.” He smiled and finally excused himself, walking away.

May opened the door to her office and met the newcomer, Sunny.

” Hey..” May waved and Sunny waved back. She dropped her bag on her table and they turned to exchange handshakes.

” Nice to meet you” they exchanged formal greetings and they both sat down uniformly.

Sunny was pretty younger than may. It seems she was still in her late teens.

” You are…?”

” May. I know you are Sunny. Emperor just told me.” May said and she palmed her cheeks.

” Woah. You are the only girl i know that could figure out my name since i came. It seems you are special to this my brother for him to have told you.” She said and May laughed.

” Let’s get to work. We don’t have much time.” May said and Sunny smiled.

” You are really beautiful.” She said and May suddenly blushed.

” Oh thanks. You are cute too” She said in return.

” Are you married?” She continued asking. May rolled her eyes… Oh..she’s a talkative.

” Um..Yeah?. Anything?.”

” You look like someone my age. You really have a small structure. ” she said and May didn’t find that funny.

” Who’s your husband. I’m sure he’s super rich.”

” He owns exactly what Emperor owns as well. Bag designs.” She said and she shaked her heads in amusement.

” Okay. Let’s start working now.” May concluded and they both opened their laptops.

” Do you like chips?” Sunny interrupted again and May felt like sIapping her forehead.

She took a little portion of the chips.

” Yeah. I’ll just try a little. Okay, let’s get to work now and i mean it.” She said and they started their work.

” I would love to my dye my hair pink.” Sunny said while working.

” Goodluck.” may Smiled, concentrating on her screen.

” Hey…I brought a Can of dye hair spray. Do you want on your hair too ” She asked and before May could open her lips, a dye landed on a part of her hair strand.

” Arg!. Can i work in peace please!” May yelled, gnashing her teeth.

” Sorry” She giggled.

However, Hours passed and Sunny decided to pay attention to her work.

May stared at her and shaked her heads. She was a h’ll of trouble.


At Lunch time…

May arrived at Emperor’s office as he had told her.

” Oh you’re here already” He smiled and stood up on his feet.

” I have somewhere to take you.” He said and may bit her lips hard. She wondered what this sort of pvnishment would be.

Could it be around the office. Or somewhere far.

Or somewhat places she could never think of. Her mind went numb.

She followed him to the roof top of the company and on getting there, May eye’s got wide in amusement.

Her tongue got stuck to her throat at that moment.

What she saw?.

It was a small lunch setting. A small table meant for two and a red and white cover on top.

There were two drinks on top with a straw and May couldn’t ask for more suprise.

This reminded her of her honeymoon with Liam some years back. What was Emperor trying to do?

” Wait. This is my pvnishment?. To have lunch with you?” She asked, widening her eyes.

” Yeah.” He smiled and pulled out a chair for her to seat. She sat down and began to blush red.

Emperor came to sit as well and she dropped her gaze shyly.

” Are you scared?” He asked.

” A little bit.” She chuckled.

He palmed her face and his smile came broader.

” I wanted to speak my heart to you. I can’t hold it in anymore, May. I think you should know this.” He said and May stared at him blankly, like she was watching something amusing.

” Look. May…” He said, tightening his knuckled and May tightened her eyes lids hard.

She was so curious to hear what he wanted to say that her heart couldn’t stop banging against her chest.

” I feel bad for you whenever you talk about how unfair your husband treat you.” He said and may looked at him indifferently.

She thought he was about to confess his feelings. What was she thinking.

” I don’t know why but I’m pushed to know who he is. It isn’t fair that he’s treating you this way.” He said and May lowered her gaze.

” It’s nothing to worry about. I’m able to endure everything, afterall, he’s my husband.” She said.

” No. It isn’t done that way, May. I’m sure he’s the cause for you to return late to work. Am i right?” He asked ad she pouted up her lips.

So he knew. She didn’t need to argue anymore.

” I like you alot, may. I think you deserve better.” He said and she smiled.

He picked out a drink and gave it to her.

” If no one can treat you the way you want, then I’m ready to sacrifice everything for you. I just want you to be happy ” He said.

” i just wish Liam would be like you.” She said, clearing her eye lids.

” Liam?. Your husband is Liam…Cole? Just asking.” He shrugged and she blinked.

” Yeah, Liam cole. How did you know?” She asked and Emperor was the next to feel suprised.

He just picked any random name and boom…it was him. He didn’t want to believe this rare truth.

Liam?. Cole?.

” He’s One of the ambassador of bag designs.” She said and Emperor world completely stopped moving.

He looked at her like he had seen something entirely shocking.



Liam was working in his office when he Mitchell walked in.

” Good morning.” She said dropping a cup of coffee on his desk.

Liam smirked, staring into the cup.

” Why am i receiving special treatment this good morning?” He asked and Mitchell folded her hands.

” Cuz you are my boss” she said and Liam shaked his heads pathetically.

He knew that after yesterday when he caught her calling someone on the phone, he learnt never to trust her.

He stood up, taking his phone.

” I’m sorry. I’ll be back. I need to have a call.” He said and left the office immediately.

Mitchell saw that he had left and had walked far off, she returned to his desk and turned on the computer.

She went through his files while peeking her head continously to see if he was coming.

” Password.!” She grunted. She remembered when Ray told her to check a particular file on his system.

She went straight to the software and clicked it open. The password appeared in full like a billboard system.

She smiled in acheivement and quickly wrote it on her palm to avoid loosing it.

When she saw Liam’s footsteps approaching, she immediately rearranged the system and stepped aside like nothing ever happened.

She bit her lips hardly, feeling very proud of herself and for her swift movement. She knew she deserved a thumbs up from Ray.

Liam walked in and adjusted the Cctv camera in his office. Mitchell’s eye widened immediately she saw him.


Her mind bursted open immediately. What kind of creature is this Liam of a thing.

She wished she could go back in time and make amends immediately. Her armpit began to soak with miserable hot sweat.

” Hey so…about the coffee..” He sat down and tried to turn on his system. His system was also connected to the camera up there.

” Wait. can’t use your computer. It’s malfunctioning.” She said, grabbing hold of it and Liam grinned.

” Malfunctioning?” He asked and throated a chuckle.

” I have to go give it to the programming manager.” She said and Liam stopped her wrist fiercely.

” I know what you are hiding. You don’t want me to watch the recoreded video huh?!” He grinned and her skin went cold.

He laughed again and Mitchell pressed her teeth together in fear.

He played the video on his system and everything that happened the moment he came in to office in the morning, showed up on his screen.

” Oh. See someone who said she isn’t theif.” He said and Mitchell bent her heads worriedly, gulping hard.

He stood up and leaned on the table, close to her face.

” Mitchell. Tell me. Who sent you?” He asked calmly.

” W..what do you mean.” She stammered.

” I caught you calling him on the phone yesterday so you don’t need to prolong it with a lie. ” he grinned and Mitchell felt her heart jump.

She was in serious sht right now. All she could do was to pray for a safe de.ath.


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