By Melody
Still inside the cab, May stared out the window as she suck in thin air and allowed the cool air breeze swoosh on her pale face.
She began to think of so many things and she also thought of Liam.
She began to worry too much about him, wondering if he was doing alright alone. She wondered the sort of feeling he might have gotten after she left.
Perhaps, he was fine without her and she was here worrying too much about him.
Somehow, she felt very sad and gloomy and she started to miss him badly that she wanted to sob.
She sighed and decided to ignore the thought of him for a while and focus on the present situation she got into.
She felt a cold pale hands holding her wrist and she turned around and realised it was Sunny.
” I hope you are alright?” Sunny asked.
May smiled and nodded. This was the twentieth time, if not, that she’s been repeatedly asking of her health.
Sunny was such a falling angel and if it wasn’t for her, she wouldn’t have find a solace place.
Or supposedly, She would have become a wanderer and perhaps longue into hotels just to spend the night.
” Am very fine.” May told her and Sunny fainted a smile at her.
The young girl rested her head on her shoulder and May cuddled her against the cold. And then they remained that way.
Twenty minutes later…
After driving into a popular estate, The cab made a stop at a tall mansion that almost looked like a skyscraper.
It was surrounded with large tall gate and red petals planted on the body of the cascade.
Black cars, Small and mighty were scattered everywhere around the compound and someone would think it was a car sale arena.
May took in a full breath as she peeked her head at the mansion. This was more mightier than Liam’s.
Infact, this wasn’t to be compared to Liam’s mansion cus he’s would stand as a toddler next to this great building.
” We are here, May.” Sunny tapped May and She jumped down to earth instantly.
” Oh. Sorry, I didn’t notice. ” May said and picked up her bag. Butterfiles filled May stomach as she stepped out.
She was going to experience a lot by staying here at this house.
Sunny passed through the securities and they were allowed into the mansion sooner.
The moment, before they could get to the front door, Two chaffeur came running from nowhere and they supported May with her bags.
” Oh. These men are so nice.” May laughed while she told Sunny.
” It’s their job.” Sunny replied.
May remembered the day Liam kicked out all his workers at his mansion and that was the same night he returned from the hospital with a bandaged head.
Those periods, Liam was considered a wholesome devil because he didn’t think before acting.
He did things out of pure anger and he made May’s life miserable, and poor May was able to endure all the pain.
She knew then, that he was still adapting to everything around him and still trying to regain some lost memory.
She realised Liam was much better than those awful times.
Since then, he didn’t receive in any maids or chaffeur or drivers despite his level of wealth.
May got distracted by her thought the moment she stepped into the mansion.
The inside of the house was stunning and breathtaking and May couldn’t do anything but gawp with amusement.
Everything she crossed her gaze with definitely made her speechless. It was all, Luxuriously simple.
” Welcome to Emperor’s home, May.” Sunny told May, and immediately, she felt goosebumps.
She didn’t want to imagine herself living under Emperor’s home, staying very close to him.
She wanted to hide, She wanted to run far far away from here yet, she never wanted to miss staying under this beautiful roof.
” Just wait out here. I’ll go inform Emperor that you are here.” Sunny said and May took her seat on one of the white sofa’s.
May sat down and She found a bird sculpture on the glass centre table.
She took it up and was staring at the amusing little thing with her pure white eyes. Poor bird, it wanted to fly but somehow it was made to be that way.
She dropped back the bird and it turned, falling over. May swift movement was able to save the life of the object.
” Phew!” She gasped. She was being clumsy on her first day in Emperor’s home.
She didn’t want to imagine what could have happened if the bird sculpture had fell.
Everything in the house was expensive enough to buy her body, even the atmosphere was expensive.
Soon, She heard footsteps coming down the elegant stairs. May quickly arranged her hair strands and her short nightdress.
She wasn’t wearing a suiting cloth and her body was not protective at all. That increased her nervousness.
Emperor stepped down the stairs in a relaxed manner and Sunny with Ray followed behind him.
The other two stood far away from them and Emperor walked up to May.
May quickly stood on her feet, blinking her eyes with innocence.
His eye widened the moment their eyes met but after seeing her with her bags, he started to grin inwardly.
” May.” He called her name religiously and May quickly formed a fake smiley face.
” Emperor.” she said, not knowing what to reply to his greeting. He stopped in front of her and stared at her belongings.
” You left?” He asked and May nervously fell her heads.
What else could she tell him. Seeing her here with her belongings, he shouldn’t be asking her such questions.
He felt sad for her because it wasn’t easy for a wife to leave her husband; her second half. He was glad she did because he had been waiting for her to take that step.
But in some way, he felt happy that this was going along with his plan.
It was time to impeach his plans on Liam and make him suffer for hurting May and also take back his revenge on him.
” I understand” He sighed and grabbed her body while cuddling her warmly for a long while.
May sank her face on his robe as she sobbed hardly, releasing the tears she’d been trying to hide for very long.
Could she say this was tears of joy for finally getting freedom of her own, or did she feel guilt and sad for leaving her Liam.
Her emotions were void and all she could do was nothing but cry on his chest while hugging him tight.
He rubbed her brown hair gently and cupped her cheeks, staring into her wet eyes.
” It’s okay, May. I don’t like to see you cry like this. It’s over now, you are here with me, safe and sound. Please stop crying.” He begged and May rubbed her cheeks.
She heaved a sigh and fell her heavy shoulders. The tears was still there but she knew she had to stop it soon to avoid overreacting infront of everyone.
She cleaned out her tears and forced a smile and her face became very adorable
Emperor returned the smile and cupped her cheeks along with some of her hair strands. He loved this girl truly, he wanted the best for her.
He wanted to soil up those places her husband had dug and left broken.
He wanted to be the man to tell her that there was no other woman like her in the world.
She was beautiful, kind and lovable. She deserved more.
He hugged her tightly in his chest as he spoke those heartwarming words in his heart. Now she was with him, she was for him, forever.
He looked up at Ray and grinned and Ray was able to grasp his gestures and he smirked as well.
May had been given her own bedroom.
The room was extra-large and it contained everything extravagant that would keep her comfortable.
She fell flat on the bed and her hair scattered like flowers on the gray duvet.
She stared at her roof feeling very bored. It was ten in the night, perhaps everyone had fallen asleep.
She was still missing Liam and she was cautioning her head to stop thinking about him.
She missed his voice, His eyes, his smile, his body and every other good thing she cherished in him.
That kss he gave her had been affecting her body badly and making her feel the need to meet him and kss him again.
She remembered vividly how he touched her very differently, even travelling to her most private areas on her chest.
She bit her lips hard by the imagination and grabbed hold of the pillow.
She kept rolling on the bed, trying to figure out how to sleep but was soon distracted by the sound of the door.
The door pushed open and Emperor walked in wearing a nice piece of white t-shirt and a colorful night pant.
Unlike the suit he was used to wearing all the time, He wasn’t looking like the powerful and influencing man in those nightwear.
” Hey May Sweet..” He turned on the light and May sat up excitedly like a girl who had been waiting for her lost pet
At least now, he was something to get Liam off her mind and make her less bored.
” You aren’t asleep yet?” He asked as he climbed up her bed and he sat next to her.
” Well, if I did, you’d have come in to wake me up, right?. right?” She asked and Emperor chuckled lightly.
” Ordinarily, I came to check if you were asleep and I’m glad you are not.” He said
” I’m glad you are not asleep too. Let’s stay here together.” She said with a big smiley face.
She crawled towards him and laid her head on his leg, staring at his handsome oval face.
He was very good-looking, to the extreme. But she couldn’t identify who was more handsome between Liam and himself.
At least, Liam did workouts which made a big difference in their body shape.
” What do you do every night before you fall asleep?” He asked and May touched her chin.
She didn’t know why but she was loving Emperor’s company alot and was free to express her thoughts and idea without flinching with fear in the next seconds.
” Um…” She thought and an idea came up above her head like a lighted bulb.
” Oh. I read novels and watch the sky sometimes if I’m bored.” She said and Emperor looked towards the Large French windows in the room.
” Come with me.” He said and pulled her hands, taking her to the window.
May looked up and watched him open the large curtains and the beauty of her room showcased.
This kinds of windows were designed to look anciently like those in Queens courtyard.
it was large and tall, and people could walk pass through it with the glass door.
He opened the French window and they walked out to the another large space out in the balcony.
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