



By Melody


Liam couldn’t stop staring at Eddie with a sort of disgust. His eyes thinned towards her direction and he turned to face them fully.

Eddie quickly folded her hands, not getting any scared of her outcome.

Liam twirled his tongue to a side of his mouth and gritted his teeth, letting veins pop around his head.

The fact that she was behind May’s predicament wanted him to hurt her painfully more than he had planned.

” Eddie. I’m not surprised you are behind all this trash. Good thing I came prepared.” He said, turning on the electric laser in his hands.

Eddie rolled her eyes, looking away from him.

” Pst. . . What’s the worst he can do to me.” She mummered to herself.

” Everyone, out!” Liam yelled and Everyone, except Mr Kim and Eddie, left the kitchen before a wink of an eye.

Mr Kim sighed and held Liam’s shoulder.

” Liam. I know she did too much but please don’t go klling some other people’s child and. ..”

” Dad” Liam shut his eyes.

” I don’t want to talk about anything, Dad. Leave or you might get on my nerves too.” He said and Mr Kim turned to Eddie with a faint smile.

” My condolences to your parent. Farewell then.” He said and walked out of the kitchen.

Eddie smirked, sighing hard.

” Why the fk is Everyone scared of you. You can’t hurt me. I’m a billionaire’s daughter, or unless you want to rot in jail ” She said.

Liam brows creased the more as he stared at her like a piece of trash.

” I don’t mind rotting in jail, Senorita. I just want to see the taste of your bI.ood in my hands.” He said and Eddie stared at his terrifying face.

” Stop pretending to be tough, Liam.” She chuckled.

” I’m not tough. I’m deadly and very dangerous. Have a look.” He said and grabbed hold of her arms firmly.

He pvshed her towards the dinning room and made her take over May’s seat, facing her meal.

” Take a bite!.” Liam snapped, glaring at her.

” I am never taking a bite from this meal!” She said and Liam h!t her cheeks with a hard sI.ap.

She looked down at her dress and saw something drip out of her lips.

It was bI.ood. It was flowing out like a squirting tap. One of her canine had also lost it position in her gum.

That sI.ap was worse than the one given to Ivory in the room. Just a sI.ap from Liam made her loose a pair of her teeth. God!

Liam climbed the table and sat on it, watching her carefully.

” Forget about the teeth and Start finishing up this meal” He said and Eddie pouted her lips.

” The food is poisoned !. Why do you want to punish me this way. I swear, I can’t eat it!” She said and Liam brought up the electric laser and pushed it against her neck.

She shake her body vigorously and landed straight on the marbled floor.

She twirled her body in pain, feeling like her legs were now flying above her head instead.

” Oh please. Don’t use that on me, Please..” She begged, tears forcing it way out of her eyes.

She saw a plate recklessly drop next to her face on the ground.

” I don’t wanna see a single leftover crap on this plate so Finish the meal, quick!” Liam yelled and Eddie began to sob loudly again.

After succeeding in attempting to sit down, She took a full spoon in a her mouth and began to chew it nervously.

She didn’t believe she would end up eating her own po!son. She never knew who Liam was and she realised he didn’t take anything for granted.

She felt sorry for her life now.

” Finish it up!” Liam snapped and she began to ch.oke with a cough.

He quickly thru$ted the la$er into her st.omach and she s¢reamed loudly.

” Finish it up quickly and stop wasting my precious time!” He yelled and she chewed faster.

Picked For You:  INTO THE DEPTHS OF LOVE : CHAPTER 151 – 160

Her head was smothering with lots of hot sweat and her heart raced anything the la.ser was brought close to her.

When she was done, Liam dr.agged her up by her hair from the tiles.

” Ouch!” Eddie cried as his fist gra.bbed her scalp like he was holding a ball.

” Let’s see how pa.inful it is to eat po!son.” He grinned and Eddie suddenly held her stomach.

She was feeling it. The hot fierce pressure building up in her nerve.

The po!son was taking it effectively and it was very fast.

” Ahhh!..” She screamed.

” Shut your mouth!” Liam yelled, electrifying her skin again and the skin t.ore, bI.eeding profusely.

She bit her lips trying hard not to yell but her stomach hurt like h’ll.

“Mm..Haa!..mmm!” She sobbed and yelled and screamed at the same time.

The pain was making her bIood vessels all go berserk inside her system.

” Tell me an apology!” Liam said.

” I’m sorry. I’m sorry please!” She screamed.

” I thought you said you were the billionaire’s daughter?. Do you still believe that?” He smirked.

” No. I’m never one!. I’m your servant. Take me as your slave!. I promise not to cause trouble again.” She begged, squeezing her tummy.

” Say this, I will keep my troubles away from May and Liam and the rest of this family.” He said.

” I will.” She said.

” I will start respecting his wife and even greet her in the morning and become her regular maid.”

” I swear, I will!”

“Say I am an id!ot for trying to hurt May. I won’t ever try to mess with her in in my entire life. ” He said.

” Mmm.. Ahh!” She held her stomach in pain.

” Say it!” He snapped.

” I am an idiot!.” She said and he thrusted the laser into her stomach again, giving her twice the pain.




Emperor and Mitchell were still lost in eachother’s lip.

They were still kssing when they heard a noisy knock on the door.

Emperor stopped and stared at her eyes.

” Stay. I’ll go.” He said and Mitchell climbed off his body. Emperor wore back his shirt before climbing down the bed towards the door.

After he opened the door, he saw Cassandra and Ivory at the door in a panicking state

” Please Emperor. we need your help!” Cassandra yelled, palming his hands.

Emperor paused and stared at the two woman’s faces. They were just sweating heavily.

” My help for what?” He asked.

” Liam is trying to kll Eddie. Please come help me stop him quickly!” She yelled.

” Liam? Why?” He asked.

” She po!soned May!” Ivory said.

” May!!” He almost yelled and pushed them aside, leaving his room quickly.

He got to the kitchen and couldn’t hear any voices cus the door was soundproof.

He started to hit the door hardly.

” Liam. Liam open the door. Don’t cross your limit please!” He yelled and Mitchell pushed him aside.

” Just break it open.” She said and brought up an heavy axe surprising Emperor.

” Where did you get that?” He asked.

” I bought it from an online store in order to use it on Ivory in case she crossed her boundary as well” She said and Emperor gasped.

She broke the door hard and the handle quickly opened.

Liam suddenly came out to stand at the entrance, staring at the four of them.

” If you don’t give her immediate treatment, you all might loose her soon” He said and walked out of their midst.

Cassandra and Ivory quickly rushed towards Eddie and picked up the dying girl.

” Eddie!. Eddie!!.” Ivory yelled.

” Let’s take her to the nearby clinic. She’s bIeeding!” Cassie yelled.

” Fk you, Liam!. We are not done with you and your ships yet!” Ivory spat before picking Eddie up on her feet, leaving the kitchen.


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